There are ancients in the past and no one in the future, an unbreakable NBA historical record

2021/10/1221:19:13 nba 1753

Unshakable regular season record :

There are ancients in the past and no one in the future, an unbreakable NBA historical record - DayDayNews

Total playing time

First Abdul-Jabbar (57446 minutes)

strong13 James pstrong _p_strong 2nd pstrong James (250054) pstrong _p_strong Playing more than 35 minutes will have to play more than 211 games to surpass Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, but for older players, it is difficult to support the 35-minute NBA game. Just like Ginobili.

There are ancients in the past and no one in the future, an unbreakable NBA historical record - DayDayNews

Total appearances

First Parrish (1611)

As long as he keeps the record of 4 James in active service (1310) _p3 is expected to be broken by James p3 in this season. Full attendance, the top of this record belongs to James, but the future is still hard to say. Today’s leagues are all on rotations, plus injuries, it’s still hard to say.

Total rebounds

First in history: Chamberlain (23924)

The most active players Howard (14271) _p3 million

For Howard, who has been in the league for 17 seasons, it is simply difficult to reach the sky. It is no longer practical to surpass a monster like Chamberlain. Howard can surpass at best. Duncan (15091) rises to history. Number 6 is still very promising.

Total assists list

First Stockton (15806)

The most active active Paul (10275)

still need 9.4 assists per game according to Paul Only after the season can we surpass Stockton, or play a full 82 games every season, this is an impossible task for Paul, but also surpass the second Kidd (12091) 3 times. The season can be completed, and the most promising future is Westbrook. According to his average of more than 10 assists per game in recent seasons, I believe he can perform miracles under the age of 33.

There are ancients in the past and no one in the future, an unbreakable NBA historical record - DayDayNews

Total steals list

First Stockton (3265)

The most active Paul (2332)

surpass Stockton, but if Paul can not be realistic By the age of 40, it is still very promising to cross the second Kidd (2684). Paul's career has not been absent for a long time. He has played 45 games in at least one season. I believe the older the more demon. Paul can be one step closer on this list.

Total block list

first Olajuwon (3830)

The most active player Howard (2192)

Don’t say surpass Olajuwon,Howard can surpass the 10th Parrish (2361) I think he is very powerful. After all, a superstar can rank in the top 10 in history with multiple statistics. In the long NBA history, it is enough to prove his greatness.

There are ancients in the past and no one in the future, an unbreakable NBA historical record - DayDayNews

Total foul list

First Jabbar (4657)

The most active Howard (3797)

requires almost 6 Howard fouls per game. But after all, this is impossible to achieve on the court, I am afraid that the coaching staff will not give a chance to Howard if he has committed 10 consecutive games.

Total Goals

First-Jabbar (15837)

The most active James (12903)

Let’s not talk about it. As the historical scoring champion, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar averaged around 10 points per game. The number of goals, it takes at least 4 seasons to complete the surpassing of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, can James do it?

Total free throws

First Malone (13188)

The most active James (10337)

James needs to play for 4 consecutive seasons and average more than 10 free throws per game to complete the surpassing of Malone. But this is impossible. Although James is still a superstar touted by the league and fans, careful people have found that James has declined since last season, and this season will also decline even more severely. I personally think that slowly handing over the ball and the game to the young is the best choice at this time, just like Duncan and the Spurs.

Free throws made

first in history Malone (9787)

has the most active James (7582)

Malone is considered the ironest man in his entire career.Compared with him, James is inferior. Unfortunately, there is still no championship, but when it comes to the greatest player without a championship, there must be a place for Malone.

There are ancients in the past and no one in the future, an unbreakable NBA historical record - DayDayNews

Free throws

First Burren (5805)

The most active Howard (4044)

This is also a record that cannot be surpassed in a game. Otherwise, based on Sparks' free throws and shooting percentages in recent years, it would be enough to hit 5,000 shots. I also have to admire Chamberlain, who can miss 5805 free throws alone. It is estimated that many players have not achieved this figure in the total number of free throws in their entire career.


First Burren (964)

The most active Howard (741)

Howard is 35 years old, and he is no longer the peak Warcraft that can average a double-double in that season. It takes 3 seasons to play each double-double. In my opinion, Drummond is most likely to be active. In the small ball era, traditional centers will only gradually become marginalized, and there is no more tactics and systems to speak of.

scored 50+ games

first Chamberlain in history (118)

has the most Harden in active service (23)

This record I can only say that Chamberlain is too good, the current league is estimated to be ten years The combined data of the players does not have so many 50+, and I don’t know how the monsters of that era were so terrifying.

There are ancients in the past and no one in the future, an unbreakable NBA historical record - DayDayNews

Average minutes per game

First Burren (45.8)

Second Russell (42.29)

19 strong_strong_pan0

strong_strong_pan0 fourth Iverson (41.12)

fifth Baylor (40.03)

The highest active James played 38.21 minutes per game,Ranked 14th in history.

Average points per game

First Jordan (30.12)

Second Chamberlain (30.07)

Third Baylor (27.36) _pstrong03 1 (27.36) Fourth West

strong1. fifth Durant (27.02)

Durant is expected to surpass , West and Baylor, but it is basically not a threat to the two monsters Jordan and Chamberlain. Durant is already Very great scorer, but since 5 years 4 scoring queen, Durant no longer serves as the team's leading scorer, but as the team's most stable scoring point at critical moments. I hope that Adu can once again win the scoring champion and win the championship trophy.

There are ancients in the past and no one in the future, an unbreakable NBA historical record - DayDayNews

rebounds per game

first Burren (22.89)

second Russell (22.45)

also averaged 13.7 Drummond in active service It has been in the dust for many years. It seems that these two god-like players have been retired for more than 40 years, but the record is still theirs. With the continuous improvement of basketball rules, if you want to average 20 rebounds per game in your career, it is simply a dream. 20 rebounds in a game can be touted by the media.

Assists per game

Historical first Magic Johnson (11.19)

Second Stockton (10.51)

Third Robertson (9.51) strong _p1

Paul fourth 9.43)

Paul has entered the end of his career,The assists per game have been below his career average for five consecutive seasons. It seems impossible to surpass the top of the list. The seventh-ranked Wall is also plagued by injuries. Can he return to his peak? It's hard to say that the status is still far from the top of the list, averaging more than 2 assists per game.

There are ancients in the past and no one in the future, an unbreakable NBA historical record - DayDayNews

steals per game

first Robertson (2.71)

second Richardson (2.63) 1

strong1_strongp3rd Jordan Blalock (2.33)

fifth Liver (2.22)

The most active player is Paul’s 2.14 assists per game. Paul has also averaged no more than 2 per game for 5 consecutive seasons. In his career Is it possible to have a second spring of his own at the end of the period?

blocks per game

first Eaton (3.50)

second ball (3.34)

third Olajuwon (3.09) _p32.99 David Robinson (fourth) )

fifth Mourning (2.81)

The most active player is Anthony Davis,Averaged 2.35 blocks per game, only ranked 11th in history. Davis is still at the peak of his career. As long as he can stay healthy, thick eyebrows can jump to seventh should not be a big problem, but Want to surpass the top 3.5 blocks, it seems that this data has not been seen for many years.

Which one do you think is most likely to break, and which one do you think is impossible to break? Welcome to leave a message! !

There are ancients in the past and no one in the future, an unbreakable NBA historical record - DayDayNews


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