The older you get, the more demon you get, and the old guns become more refined! Assists reach a milestone

2021/04/2023:42:08 nba 2636

The older you get, the more demon you get, and the old guns become more refined! Assists reach a milestone - DayDayNews

A 35-year-old veteran who fought in the league for 16 years, coming to the strong sun this season will undoubtedly be another peak of his career. In the first season, he brought the Suns to the second place in the West, enough to reflect the value of the old gun!

The older you get, the more demon you get, and the old guns become more refined! Assists reach a milestone - DayDayNews

For the same upgraded Bucks, Sao Paulo reappeared in the middle at the critical moment. The eyeball Claude will definitely be included in his historical moment!

The older you get, the more demon you get, and the old guns become more refined! Assists reach a milestone - DayDayNews

not only led the young people to achieve valuable victories, 22 points, 7 rebounds and 10,142 assists for the Magic. Johnson's transcendence.

The older you get, the more demon you get, and the old guns become more refined! Assists reach a milestone - DayDayNews

Paul, who is still in the state of reappearance, will be like the Los Angeles Banana Boat brothers. He will stay in good condition and lead him to fight for many records. People reaching the finals are also what Sao Paulo came to Phoenix, and even the most hoped to achieve in his professional later years!

The older you get, the more demon you get, and the old guns become more refined! Assists reach a milestone - DayDayNews

The older you get, the more demon you get, and the old guns become more refined! Assists reach a milestone - DayDayNews

and Paul’s arrival is also a direct liberationThis pair of former Hu playing brothers is very efficient and reasonable to play with the kneading of the old guns! Even Ayton, who has been screamed by fans, has recently ushered in a sweet period. Faced with the impact of the Greek monsters, Paul is not soft at all. The breathless letters of the defense made Paul gratified, and the little pony stood up!

The older you get, the more demon you get, and the old guns become more refined! Assists reach a milestone - DayDayNews

The older you get, the more demon you get, and the old guns become more refined! Assists reach a milestone - DayDayNews

made a strong defensive foul at the critical moment of 11span and Buker, who also succeeded at the critical moment of 11span and Buker. , Free throw lore to kill the Bucks! It's a pity that Middleton's difficult three-point lore, and Holiday's turn against Paul and Booker all went to nothing.

The older you get, the more demon you get, and the old guns become more refined! Assists reach a milestone - DayDayNews

The older you get, the more demon you get, and the old guns become more refined! Assists reach a milestone - DayDayNews

span 11span can only be the upper limit of the score. And gradually being dismissed by the league, it has become easier to defend. How to find a more effective way of scoring will be a difficult problem solved by Alphabet and Boshuai!

The older you get, the more demon you get, and the old guns become more refined! Assists reach a milestone - DayDayNews

The older you get, the more demon you get, and the old guns become more refined! Assists reach a milestone - DayDayNews


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