"Highland Battle": At that moment, we forgot why we fought

Title: Highland Battle

Director: Zhang Xun

Starring: Shen Hejun / Gao Xiu / Jin Yubin

Release time: 2011

The story of the movie "Highland War" took place at the end of Korean War, in 1952, at the last moment before the end of the war, the L highland near the 38th parallel became an important base area for the North and South Koreas to compete, but neither of them The full strength is his own. Each time the fighters of both sides attacked L highlands, they occupied the L highlands for three to five days, but they were defeated and counter-occupied by their opponents. L highlands changed hands repeatedly, and everyone was exhausted.

Then some soldiers realized this state. When their camp was blasted and retreated again, they would be clever to hide their marching supplies and part of their food in certain pits in the L Heights. I think I will be back in the next three or five days. The story has a dramatic development from here. These pits will be discovered by the enemy. When they return to the high ground, they will find that the food inside is missing. What may be left is a poop and a satirical letter. They also set up traps in the pit with revenge.

As soon as they went back and forth, three or five soldiers from both sides established communication through the pits. These secret pits are like transfer stations. Some soldiers will leave family letters, hoping to help convey them through their opponents. In the era of war, the nation on this peninsula was torn apart, many families were separated by the war, and the war was about to end. These soldiers had no intention of fighting for a long time, and only hoped that they could return to their hometown one day.

When filming these soldiers, the film gave a lot of light and even beautiful shots. The soldiers on both sides met each other by coincidence, and even drank and sang together. Of course, it is conceivable that the final outcome will tear all of this apart.

July 27, 1953North Korea and South Korea signed an armistice agreement, but the agreement must take effect after 12 hours. L Heights is still a battleground. Both generals have received the death order and must obtain the initiative of L Heights within 12 hours, because this will determine Does this place belong to North Korea or South Korea?

Last second, they were the "good brothers" who secretly helped each other and even drank together on the opposite side. When they arrived on the battlefield, they immediately met you to death. These people, they may also be greedy for life, fear of death, or they may also like to be clever, but their hearts are not bad, but when they are on the battlefield, they will become violent and cold-blooded, and their ideology is like a bomb that melts into their minds. The horn of war is the introduction. These tiny ant-like soldiers are no longer themselves, but war machines, war chess pieces.

Many times, we too like to use a general vision to examine and know a group of people. This general vision may be a country, region or ethnicity, or it may be camp, belief or religion These big hats make people lose their color, and even make people forget that, in fact, every individual person has his own thoughts, emotions and preferences.

We should have more awe of life for individuals, and even more "awe" for the war itself. In many cases, war is nothing more than a political game used by careerists. Of course, they will always wear a high-sounding hat for the country and the people for any battle, but in essence, war is cruel and treats any "individual." For people, it’s a disaster.

There is an interesting change in the movie "Highland Battle". At the beginning of the war, a People’s Army captain once said to the protagonist "Do you know why you lost? Because you don’t know why you fought", but By the end of the film, both he and the protagonist were lost, "I thought I knew why I went to war... but after a long time... I can't remember so much."

We have watched too many war films cut from a macro perspective. We are filled with indignation, scolding the enemy and singing heroes, and are proud of their brilliance. Of course, those are also worthy of commemoration and writing. But we didn’t guard against it and really switched the angle of view, just like "Highland Wars" to replace ordinary soldiers on the battlefield,We will find that those who are involuntarily involuntarily, dark in the sky, corpses all over the field, life and death, and all thoughts are the normal state of war, the essence of war.
