"Thor 4" officially announced Christian Bell to join, Batman is coming to Marvel

2020/12/1311:06:07 movie 792

"Thor 4" officially announced the joining of Christian Bale, and the role played by it has also been exposed: Bell is playing the villain Gehr the Godslayer. The film is in preparation in Australia and is expected to start early next year. Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tessa Thompson and director Taiga Viditi will return.

In 2005, Bell starred in "Batman: The Mystery of Shadows" and later appeared in the sequels "Batman: The Dark Knight" and "Batman: The Dark Knight Rises". It can be said that in the hearts of many Batman fans, Bell's Batman perfectly restores Gotham City's brother who is jealous and hateful as a rich and enemy country in the comics.

"Thor 4" will be the highlight of Marvel next year. It will continue to play the role of the reunion series and many heroes. After Captain America and Iron Man withdrew from the Marvel universe, Hammer took up the role of the first brother of the Women's Federation. In "Thor 4", there will be a plot of 3 Thors appearing at the same time, and the battle of the gods can be said to be an explosion.

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