5 niche large-scale European and American movies, you may not have heard of them, but they are all pretty good

2021/10/1301:08:06 movie 1344

We are here again. I was a little tired from watching a movie in the afternoon. I was dragged out to drink by my friends. I didn't dare to drink too much. I would like to give everyone some benefits while I was still sober. Recommend a few more movies that are not very famous. Of course, not very famous is just a hypothesis. If you are a senior movie fan, don't mix it up.

5 niche large-scale European and American movies, you may not have heard of them, but they are all pretty good - DayDayNews

If you don't watch movies often, but you want to watch some good movies, but don't want to waste time, you can come to my place. The movies I recommend are relatively good.

Okay, not much to say, I recommend it directly.

1. "Irrevocable", if you have seen a certain number of movies, you basically know that, although it is not as famous as " The Beautiful Legend of Sicily", it is also Monica Bellucci_ A great work by span15span. At the time when the movie was being made, the male lead Vincent was still married to Globe Flower, and now they are all separated.

5 niche large-scale European and American movies, you may not have heard of them, but they are all pretty good - DayDayNews

However, some time ago I saw someone posting a photo of Vincent and his young model girlfriend on the Internet. The female model's temperament is far from that of Monica Bellucci. So people have different choices and aesthetics in different periods.

2. " Empty Room " is a classic Korean movie. Similarly, this movie is not the kind of movie that is widely publicized and widely known. But this film won the 61st Venice Film Festival Silver Lion Award, Douban score 8.0, can be said to be a very good movie.

5 niche large-scale European and American movies, you may not have heard of them, but they are all pretty good - DayDayNews

The storyline of the movie is also very interesting. It tells a man who uses his position to often enter the house where the owner is not at home for a long time, and in the process meets his favorite woman.

5 niche large-scale European and American movies, you may not have heard of them, but they are all pretty good - DayDayNews

The storyline of the movie is worthy of everybody's guessing. When I first watched it, the most profound experience was that there is no wonder in the world.

3. "Intimacy", 2001 Patrice Xiahou film, this film, there is nothing to say. There is also a movie with the same name in Japan, which is also a very good one. Friends who have time can find out and have a look.

5 niche large-scale European and American movies, you may not have heard of them, but they are all pretty good - DayDayNews

4. "The Antichrist", a couple who have suffered the pain of losing their children, how difficult their mental journey is. Even if the husband is a psychologist, he is helpless in many cases.

5 niche large-scale European and American movies, you may not have heard of them, but they are all pretty good - DayDayNews

On the one hand, he wants to bridge and repair his broken marriage, on the other hand, he also wants to use his professional ability to make his wife out of grief. This movie is not suitable for children. In fact, all movies today seem to be like this.

5 niche large-scale European and American movies, you may not have heard of them, but they are all pretty good - DayDayNews

5. " Black Book ", I just checked the information. This movie was released in mainland China in 2009. I am a little curious. Is there any cut?

5 niche large-scale European and American movies, you may not have heard of them, but they are all pretty good - DayDayNews

This film tells the story of German who survived the Dutch battlefield in World War II. Jewish girl Rachel Stein. She is a female singer who has not forgotten herself after surviving. The mission of joining the resistance organization, and using his beauty to approach the German officers, and then trying to rescue the imprisoned resistance organization members.

5 niche large-scale European and American movies, you may not have heard of them, but they are all pretty good - DayDayNews

But in the end,She did not get the respect she deserves, and instead received a lot of unfair treatment. The ending of the movie is thought-provoking, and I strongly recommend you to watch it.

Okay, if you have watched all of these five movies, I will take it too. Come here today, it's late, and everyone should rest early.

Thanks for reading.


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