"Changjin Lake" became popular, and these four national first-class actors contributed a lot! God restores the character prototype

2021/10/1120:20:03 movie 2046

Needless to say, the leader of recent movies is " Changjin Lake ".

As of 10 month 11 , the box office has exceeded 4.1 billion, ranking seventh in the total box office list of Chinese movies! The number of movie viewers exceeded 82 million.

This data is still constantly being refreshed.

At the same time, "Changjin Lake" also broke 25 film history records including "No. 1 in the box office of Chinese film history historical films", "No. 1 single-day box office of Chinese film history war films" .

High box office and high reputation.

cat eye movie 9.5, Douban score 7.6.

#长津湖票房#, #长津湖 starring group called 七连六葩# and many other topics hit the hot search list.

Netizens spread word of mouth among netizens, expressing their feelings about watching movies: exciting, exciting, tragic...

also praises the protagonists and blasts the praise.

Many people are very impressed by the role of Hu Jun Lei Gong, saying that he has contributed to the performance of the celebrity level.

Especially the sacrifice scene, which made the audience tears.

Lei Gong's sentence "It hurts, don't leave me alone" makes the viewer break the defense instantly.

The screenwriter and director are very advanced here. They are heroes on the battlefield and ordinary people of flesh and blood.

will also know the pain, will feel homesick, this way of handling, suddenly close the distance with the audience.

The screenwriter will write,The director will shoot, the actors will play , and one of the links will drop the chain, and there will be no such a brilliant scene.

In addition to Hu Jun, there are also protagonists such as Wu Jing, Zhu Yawen , Duan Yihong , Yi Yan Qianxi and many other actors. Their performances are remarkable.

In the film, the hidden 4 national first-class actors also contributed to the actor-level god acting skills.

Several old artists are special actors, and they also collaborated in this year's TV series " battle ".

Only, this time, the four old men "meeted" in the Battle of Changjin Lake.

First place: Tang Guoqiang

The 69-year-old teacher Tang Guoqiang once again played a familiar teacher in "Changjin Lake".

is worthy of being an old drama bone, with good acting skills, both form and spirit, and every move is the shadow of Chairman Mao.

"It's past the 38th line, but the Yalu River."

The expression is indifferent, two lines, a mouthful of smoke, this scene is too imposing, not angry.

In addition, the interpretation of the family drama part is just right.

There is a scene where his son Mao Anying wants to go to war with Peng Dehuai to ask Chairman Mao's meaning.

"Hundreds of thousands of ordinary people’s children went to the battlefield with a single order. Why don’t I, Mao Anying, go?"

When Kishi went out, Chairman Mao followed him.The pace that naturally slows down when crossing the threshold.

These details vividly interpret the entanglement, contradiction and perseverance of the current character as an ordinary father.

After making a decision in a few seconds, he shouted to Peng Dehuai: "Old Peng, let him go with you."

His face seemed calm, but his heart was already tumbling. Teacher Tang Guoqiang took this kind of heart. The suffering and calmness of the expression are handled accurately, catching the core of the character.

Tang Guoqiang has not many scenes in it, but his superb acting skills have been recognized by many audiences. Some netizens even called "not recognized" .

As a special actor, from his appearance in the movie " Long March" in 1996, in 25 years, Tang Guoqiang has played the role of Chairman Mao in more than 50 different periods. Every performance has brought the audience Come with different surprises.

Tang Guoqiang has also won Chinese Film Huabiao Award Best Actor, 22nd Feitian Award for Outstanding Actor and many other awards by virtue of his interpretation of special characters.

Tang Guoqiang said that this time in the movie "Changjin Lake", it was his best performance.

The actors perform carefully and the audience recognizes that this is the best performance.

Second place: Liu Jin

The old opera bone Liu Jin, this time the interpretation of "Changjin Lake" is not someone else, it is Premier Zhou Enlai.

Liu Jin performed a three-pointer into the woods, and every gesture was familiar to the prime minister, which fully reflected the prime minister's refined temperament.

Many netizens commented, "As soon as Premier Zhou Enlai appeared, he couldn't help crying, and wanted to say to him, "This prosperous world is as you wish"."

In this year's main theme drama "The Great Battle", he also restored the revolution. Leader Zhou Enlai.

Speaking of Liu Jin and the origin of being a special actor of "Zhou Enlai", it has to be traced back to a 1995 movie.

That year, the filming of "Zunyi Conference" started, and Liu Jin ushered in the most special performance since filming.

He plays the respectable and beloved Zhou Enlai.

Liu Jin lived up to expectations. With a similar appearance and superb acting skills, he was recognized by the performers and audiences.

Since then, he has become a special actor.

Since 1995, Liu Jin has played Zhou Enlai of different periods in more than 70 film and television works.

was rated as by netizens as "the most reminiscent person to play Premier Zhou" and "Liu Jin looks alike without makeup".

Liu Jin has also won numerous awards for his role as "Zhou Enlai":

Beijing "Thirty Years of Glory TV Drama" Classic Screen Image Award, the 5th China Golden Eagle TV Art Festival "Audience Favorite TV Actor" Award and " "Most Popular Actor" Award, etc.

As a special type actor, not only the appearance, but also the gait, etc., can truly interpret the "soul" of the character.

As a "professional householder" who plays Zhou Enlai, Liu Jin strives to get closer and infinitely close to the image of the characters in all aspects. He said:

"I used to be a actor, but now I am the inheritor and advocate of Zhou Enlai’s spirit. This is my responsibility and the audience’s expectations of me. I must be fully committed to this character. Understanding of orientation.

According to relevant statistics, Liu Jin is the actor who plays Premier Zhou Enlai the most times in the industry, and every performance can bring different surprises to the audience.

For Liu Jin, life is endless. More than creation, playing Zhou Enlai takes a lifetime to explore.

For more than 20 years, in order to play Zhou Enlai well, Liu Jin has immersed himself in learning about Premier Zhou and a lot of materials all the time.

In life, he is also deeply influenced by the spirit of Zhou Enlai, and always encourages and encourages himself with the spirit of the prime minister.

Liu Jin also named his daughter: Liu Lai'en. Why choose this What about the name? The implication is quite far-reaching.

He said:

"I think I must be grateful to the Prime Minister, that is, my daughter has also received the Prime Minister's kindness and care, so I am called Liu Laien.

Liu Jin also said that his daughter likes this name very much now.

This is not only the inheritance of the name, but also the spirit of Zhou Enlai from generation to generation.

third: Lu Qi_1span span2span

Lu Qi, an old drama player who is also a national first-level actor and a special-type actor, is still familiar with "Comrade Xiaoping" this time.

Although he is not the protagonist, he only played for a few minutes, but Lu Qi The interpretation of "Changjin Lake" also adds a lot of color.

His appearance has added a bit of historical color. Netizens called "to play Deng Xiaoping, Lu Qi is the best candidate" .

The first time he played "Deng Xiaoping" was in the 1988 film " Baise Uprising ", he stood out from a hundred candidates.

became famous in one fell swoop, and since then, Lu Qi has become a special actor playing Deng Xiaoping.

Lu Qi, who has been in the film for more than 40 years, has played Deng Xiaoping in more than 60 film and television works including "Begonia Still", " Diplomatic Storm ", "Across the Yalu River" and "The Great Battle".

was recognized by the audience and highly praised by Deng Xiaoping's family.

Deng Xiaoping’s daughter once praised Lu Qi in public, saying that "played the best" .

To shape a revolutionary leader, appearance and speech and behavior seem to be far from enough.

Lu Qi believes that to fundamentally grasp the core of Deng Xiaoping's character is "soul" and "god."

In his view, the image but not the god is an unsuccessful shaping.

Although he plays the same task every time, Lu Qi, who is highly self-demanding, looks for a new way every time he performs. Leave any regrets for yourself.

It is precisely because of his spirit of excellence that we can see such highly restored works in film and television works.

This kind of craftsmanship on the road to acting has also won him many awards including popular film Hundred Flowers Award Best Actor, Huabiao Award Best Actor, etc. .

Fourth place: Wang Wufu

The 73-year-old Wang Wufu is the oldest of these four special actors.

also contributed superb acting skills in this year's hit drama "The Final Battle".

If anyone in the world knows Zhu De best, it must be Wang Wufu.

In "Changjin Lake", Wang Wufu got such an evaluation:

"I have never seen an actor like this, especially Zhu De!"

The word "especially", prove again Wang Wufu’s skill.

The layman praised ten thousand words without knowing it, but it can't be worth the audience's sincere sentence.

Every time after playing Zhu De, Wang Wufu feels that he is one step closer to his beloved Mr. Zhu, and emotionally closer.

He said:

"I have done something in my entire life-playing as President Zhu, and my greatest honor is to be able to play as President Zhu."

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3p The first time he played Zhu De was in 1979, when he was 31 years old.

In the "Zhu De" corner of the campaign drama "Pingjin Decisive Battle", after multiple rounds of makeup and play trials, Wang Wufu became the most eye-catching one, and the election was successful.

Behind the success of the campaign is his unremitting efforts: collected information back and forth, figured out the characters' psychology, expressions, and movements, and practiced repeatedly, which took almost a year.

Since then, Wang Wufu's acting career has been transformed into a "Zhu De professional household" and has entered the homes of millions of people.

Zhu De's performance has been unanimously recognized and highly praised by the Zhu family.

Once, after watching the performance, Marshal Zhu De's wife Kang Keqing said excitedly: "very similar,Very similar.

2006 , with the role of "Zhu De" in "Taihang Mountain", won the 8 nomination for Best Actor at the China Changchun Film Festival.

2007, and " 8th Route Army" "Zhu De" One corner won the 26th China TV Drama Feitian Award Outstanding Actor Award.

There are many actors in the performing arts circle, but they can act so vividly as the revolutionary leader and act in the hearts of their families. Few actors can do it.

The ability to have such a superb performance is inseparable from Wang Wufu’s daily speculation and polishing of the characters’ psychology.


"Changjin Lake" is still in theaters, The box office continues to rise. Although the war scenes are shocking, the performance of the actors is actually more interesting.

Although the protagonist is brilliant, the supporting role is also important.

Although the four special actors do not appear much, they are the most The role that allows the audience to enter the play can put the audience in that era in a short time.

The success of "Changjin Lake" is inseparable from the dedicated performance of the old opera bones.

In only a few minutes, they are also interpreting with their lives and love, "acting skills pull down" has never been in touch with them.

What they leave to the younger generation of actors is the most precious "craftsmanship".


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