Secret Chamber Murder? naive! This brain-burning suspense movie makes people cry out

2021/02/2812:21:03 movie 879

Secret Chamber Murder? naive! This brain-burning suspense movie makes people cry out - DayDayNews

This movie is directed by Auriol Paul, Mario Casas , Ana Wagner, Barbara Lanni, etc. starring movie- " watch" Invisible Guest "

Secret Chamber Murder? naive! This brain-burning suspense movie makes people cry out - DayDayNews

The film opens with a secret room murder case. Adrian, who was stunned by the "invisible guest", was identified by the police as the murderer of his mistress.

Secret Chamber Murder? naive! This brain-burning suspense movie makes people cry out - DayDayNews

Adrian is the owner of a technology company. His company has been developing continuously recently and its scale is getting bigger and bigger. He also has a beautiful and virtuous wife and a lively and lovely daughter, which can be described as a double harvest in his career and family.

Secret Chamber Murder? naive! This brain-burning suspense movie makes people cry out - DayDayNews

However, the ambitious Adrian is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He and a married woman-female photographer Laura have an inharmonious relationship.  

In order to clear his homicide charges, Adrian's personal lawyer recommended him an old lawyer who has never lost the lawsuit-Goodman. Under her coercive questioning, another seemingly irrelevant disappearance case was also linked to it.

Secret Chamber Murder? naive! This brain-burning suspense movie makes people cry out - DayDayNews

Secret Chamber Murder? naive! This brain-burning suspense movie makes people cry out - DayDayNews

After a private meeting, Adrian and Laura drove away from the villa. On the way, they discussed and decided to break up, but there was a car accident on a mountain road.

Their car was only damaged by the engine, and the young man in another car, Daniel , died on the spot.

Secret Chamber Murder? naive! This brain-burning suspense movie makes people cry out - DayDayNews

In order to cover up the truth of the incident, the two decided to push the dead Daniel into the swamp with his car.

Later, Laura met a kind-hearted and enthusiastic old man. The old man took Laura's broken car home for repairs. However, what Laura did not expect was that the old man turned out to be Daniel's father.

Secret Chamber Murder? naive! This brain-burning suspense movie makes people cry out - DayDayNews

Laura ran away, but Daniel's parents, who were aware that something was wrong, wrote down the license plate number.

Although they immediately took the car to the waste car recycling plant to dispose of it without leaving any traces, Daniel's father still followed the clues to find it.

A brain-burning movie of murder, money and lies has begun...

Secret Chamber Murder? naive! This brain-burning suspense movie makes people cry out - DayDayNews

This movie looks complicated, but it is actually divided into three parts:

Adrian The narrative; the truth in Goodman's eyes; the truth and the ending.

The three parts are intertwined, the whole story is progressive, the two cases are intertwined, and the four people are closely connected for different interests.

It can be said that no minute in a movie is useless, and every scene is a foreshadowing of the next scene.

Secret Chamber Murder? naive! This brain-burning suspense movie makes people cry out - DayDayNews

In my opinion, the most exciting part of this movie is the versatility of the character and the constant reversal driven by the details of .

In fact, the so-called truth is constantly emerging in the conversation between the lawyer and Adrian.Therefore, the rivalry between the two is also an important clue throughout the film.

said it was a dialogue, but it was actually a psychological warfare. The two are working step by step for their respective purposes, exciting and exciting.

Secret Chamber Murder? naive! This brain-burning suspense movie makes people cry out - DayDayNews

At the end of the film, the murderer was also punished. After watching it, I feel quite hearty.

Combined with the plot, the "thinking from another angle" mentioned by Lawyer Goodman in the movie is also very inspiring and worthy of careful consideration.

Secret Chamber Murder? naive! This brain-burning suspense movie makes people cry out - DayDayNews

In short, this is a truly outstanding suspense movie! Exciting enough, meticulous enough, enough brain-burning! I highly recommend everyone to take a look!

Secret Chamber Murder? naive! This brain-burning suspense movie makes people cry out - DayDayNews


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