How bad is the Iranian defense force? The chief nuclear expert was labeled as a hornet's nest, and the supreme leader is not safe

The repeated assassinations of Iran by the United States and Israel all illustrate a problem, that is, there is definitely a big problem inside Iran. So how bad is the Iranian defense force? A while ago, Iran’s chief nuclear expert was beaten into a hornet’s nest and shocked the whole world. After that, someone made an analysis that perhaps Iran’s supreme leader Khamenei was unsafe.

Logically speaking, Iran’s nuclear experts include some of Iran’s assassinated senior officials. The assassination of so many top Iranians is very telling. Iran is almost infiltrated into a sieve. Otherwise, how can the United States and Israel have control of Iran's action plan? Isn't it because some of Iran's information has been mastered by the enemy. In addition to its weak defense forces, there must be internal traitors in Iran. Otherwise, why can the enemy be able to find the whereabouts of Iranian nuclear experts so accurately, and even the place where he was assassinated is near the capital, and in the end the assassin can retreat completely, and whoever believes if there is no rape?

Iran has not been softened in the face of the United States and Israel for so many years. Their attitude is very tough. In the face of US sanctions, Iran has not changed its face. But no matter how hard the backbone is, it can't stand the internal corrosion. There is a gap of information between Iran, the United States and Israel. The U.S. and Israel can use these information gaps to destroy Iran. Now the United States has assassinated people who are decisive for Iran’s nuclear weapons and has not launched a large-scale military attack. Even with the intelligence gathering capabilities of the United States and Israel surpassing Iran, the assassination of Iran’s supreme leader Khamenei is not entirely impossible.

Think about Soleimani at the beginning of the year. He was Iran’s number two and died just like that, so it is very likely that even Khamenei is not safe at the moment. It’s just that Khamenei is currently Iran’s supreme leader. If he is rashly beheaded, then the United States and Iran are bound to go to war. Therefore, the United States and Israel attack Iran’s internal nuclear forces first, so all the next Iranian nuclear experts must be the targets of the United States and Israel. After all these are dealt with, if Iran still dares to fight the United States and Israel, it should be a full fight.

Iran is now busy at home on how to retaliate against the United States and Israel. What I should think about at this time is how to uncover the spies inside Iran, such as who knows the route of nuclear experts, who arranges security and so on. Don't be too busy with revenge. If the rape is not found, Iranian nuclear experts will be assassinated one after another. Since 2010, the assassinations of Iranian scientists by the United States and Israel have not stopped. Ten years have passed. Haven't the Iranian government raised its vigilance yet? Sometimes it is not how powerful the enemy is, but too much internally.

With Iran’s current strength, when facing the United States, it is really only passively beaten. The gap between the military forces of the two sides will not be mentioned. In the military aspect, the United States and Israel are crushing Iran in all aspects. This is also one of the reasons why Iran has not launched a war after Iranian nuclear experts and senior officials were killed. Iran really can't beat the United States. Let's take a look at the countries in the Middle East that arbitrarily launch wars against the United States and Israel.

The only thing Iran can do right now is to keep peace and wait for opportunities. Only if we develop ourselves can we deal with Israel and the United States. Once Iran does develop nuclear weapons, the first target of nuclear strikes is estimated to be Israel. It is precisely because of this that Israel will do everything possible to prevent Iran from conducting nuclear weapons research. Iran has now reached a very dangerous time. It is economically blocked by the United States, politically encouraged by the United States, and militarily sanctioned by the United States. The lives of the people in Iran have long been miserable, and this year has been particularly difficult. It is obviously not enough to have hatred of the United States. Other things are needed.

is more serious. So far, it seems that Iran’s internal affairs have not been found to be very problematic. As a hindsight, he said that he knew something like this would happen. Not to mention that Iran knows, even we can guess it, and it will definitely continue to assassinate Iranian nuclear experts. What the country wants is not an afterthought, but implementation. Without a major internal cleansing, no amount of nuclear experts will be enough for the United States to kill. What's more, nuclear experts are inherently precious. Everyone is the wealth of the country. One death would be a great blow to Iran. Therefore, the purge really cannot be delayed.