Everything is as China wants, but India can't jump out of China's palm? Foreign media commented on China-India relations

India has always regarded itself as China’s "destined enemy", because these two countries are actually very similar in essence, both are the oldest countries on the earth, are also entrenched in the Asian continent, and both have more than ten With a population of more than 100 million and both are developing countries, India always feels that China can do what he can, but the fact is that India’s development is far behind China. Therefore, India regards itself as China's old enemy.

India border

Observer Network reprinted an article by a foreign scholar, Bill Buter, entitled "Everything is as China wants, India can't jump out of China's palm? ". Bim Bootel said that since April this year, China's India strategy has been smoothly implemented. As Beijing expected, the situation has been changing. In other words, whatever China wants India to do, India will do it.

The Indian Army

has to say that the author’s various remarks in the article are full of conspiracy theories. For example, Bim Booter said that China's long-term strategic plan is to defeat India without a single shot on all fronts, and all China's recent actions are in the service of this strategic purpose. Including China's hardline attitude on the Sino-Indian border in recent months, all the follow-up actions of the Indian army were within China's expectations. In recent years, China has continuously increased its investment in aircraft carriers. In just a few years, China has gone from only one old remodeled aircraft carrier to two in service and two under construction today. In response, India feels that it must also start from other countries. Purchase expensive aircraft carriers, but this is beyond its actual financial resources and needs. India was forced into a costly strategic competition. If India wants to gain the strength to resist China, it must purchase aircraft carriers from other countries, and similar to the Ford-class aircraft carriers of the United States, it will cost about 13 billion US dollars. The domestically manufactured aircraft carriers in China can greatly reduce prices, promote the development of local industries, increase a large number of employment opportunities, and have certain gains in the domestic shipbuilding industry. If India wants to buy an aircraft carrier, it must spend one-third of its defense expenditure, and it will not benefit the local shipbuilding industry.

Indian aircraft carrier

In addition, Bim Booter mentioned China's development in missiles, aerospace and other fields. China has developed rapidly in the field of missiles, and various ballistic missiles of different ranges have emerged one after another. India will inevitably conduct corresponding anti-missile system research for the development of Chinese missiles. Otherwise, they will be extremely passive in the military and be controlled by others in the strategic game. In order to compete with China, India will be forced to expand the size of its military, which will significantly increase defense spending. It is difficult to say whether China has this level of factors in its self-development, but no matter what, India must "keep up". Unlike China, India's development is still in a very difficult period and resources are very limited. When India tilts more resources in border areas, its domestic resources will inevitably fall into a shortage of certain resources.

Streets in India

It is a pity that India has chosen to benchmark China's military power as the best item. He constantly spends money to buy tank fleets on land, huge fleets in the sky, and naval fleets in the sea. The more important development of the economy and poverty alleviation has been left behind. However, all this seems to be in China's grasp. China has already understood what India will do next. He only needs to develop its own army normally, and India will voluntarily enter into an arms race that will bring down itself. "If India continues to make such mistakes, China will become the world's undisputed economic and military power after 2050." Bim Bootel said. (Wind noise)