According to the latest news from CCTV, the Russian army did not suspend the offensive and rest and reorganize its troops after capturing Lischichansk. Instead, it continued to advance rapidly towards Seversk, a strategic transportation hub heavily guarded by the Ukrainian army.

On the other hand, in order to prevent the Ukrainian army west of Lisichansk from having the opportunity to retreat to Seversk, the Russian army launched an offensive and captured Verkhnekamenka, Zolotarevka and Belogorov in one fell swoop. Card and other residential areas. Among them, the Russian Central Group troops, which are mainly attacking Lisichansk, have successfully joined forces with the Russian Southern Group on the south bank of the North Don River and the Russian Southern Group on the north bank. Their joining forces means that the Russian army has completely surrounded the Ukrainian army on the west side of Lisichansk. There are at least more than 1,000 Ukrainian troops in the encirclement, and they are already in danger of escaping.

Faced with the rapidly deteriorating war situation, Ukrainian President Zelensky and other senior figures are still very tough and refuse to admit defeat. Zelensky admitted that the Ukrainian army did withdraw from Lischichansk, but this "only represents one thing" "Things" means that with the help of advanced Western weapons, "we will eventually fight back."

Russian military experts pointed out that due to the hasty retreat of the Ukrainian army from Lischichansk, the Russian army conducted a large number of ambushes along the retreating route of the Ukrainian army. During the retreat, at least 2,000 Ukrainian troops were killed in the panic of the Ukrainian army. The road the Ukrainian army fled from Lisichansk to Seversk was even called the "Highway of Death" by Western media. It is reported that the forwards of many Russian mechanized troops have arrived in the Yanpil area outside Seversk, which is the last village in the northeast of Seversk. Once the Russian army crosses the river to the other side, it will have entered the city of Seversk. Suburban area.

Analysts pointed out that the current Russian army has a military advantage over the Ukrainian army in some areas on the battlefield of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, mainly because the Russian army is concentrating its forces to carry out annihilation operations against important Ukrainian army strongholds. Let's take the Lisichansk battle as an example. After the Russian army moving south from the Bonliman side was blocked in Slavyansk, the Russian army immediately chose to withdraw from the periphery of Slavyansk and turned most of its superior forces to the direction of Lisichansk. This was a rapid breakthrough of the Russian army in the direction of Lisichansk. One of the main reasons.

For the same reason, the Russian army besieging Seversk will also maintain this high-pressure posture and use its superior strength and firepower to suppress the Ukrainian defense forces. The outside world generally believes that if the 8,000 Ukrainian troops currently in Seversk do not return to Slavyansk as soon as possible, their fate is likely to be the same as that of Lisichansk, because Seversk is located in the river valley area and is basically inaccessible. The danger is defensible, and it is difficult to face the dilemma of the surrounding highlands being occupied by the Russian army with just the fortification group.

Military analysts pointed out that the Russian army is currently rapidly occupying the highlands in the northeast, north and east of Seversk. When the Russian army shells the city, it may cause serious casualties to the Ukrainian army. However, the current situation of the Ukrainian army may be the same as that of Severodonetsk. Zelensky’s government requires the Ukrainian army to stand firm and wait for reinforcements. However, the top leaders of the Ukrainian army and those professional soldiers pointedly pointed out that this kind of "death-consciousness" To hold on was to "give a big gift" to the Russian army. The battlefield command was too amateurish and the Ukrainian army died in vain.