Russia unexpectedly announced its withdrawal from Snake Island on the grounds that it was in good faith and would not hinder the United Nations from establishing a channel to transport agricultural products out of Ukraine. Ukraine said that they drove the Russian troops out of Sn

Russia unexpectedly announced its withdrawal from Snake Island on the grounds that it was in good faith and would not hinder the United Nations from establishing a channel to transport agricultural products out of Ukraine . Ukraine said that they drove the Russian troops out of Snake Island, so the facts How exactly? What does it mean? How will future warriors develop?

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the 230th that it would evacuate from Snake Island. This move shows that Russia will not hinder the United Nations from establishing a channel to transport agricultural products to Ukraine. The Russian Ministry of Defense said that this move will prevent the Ukrainian government from taking advantage of the food crisis and saying that it will return the food crisis to Ukraine. Because the Russian army refused to allow transportation between the two cities, Russia also kicked the ball to Ukraine. Now in order to restore supply, Ukraine should clean up the mines deployed along the coast of the Black Sea, including port waters.

However, Ukraine's account of the Snake Island incident is completely different. On Thursday, the Ukrainian armed forces said that the Russian troops withdrew because they conducted a successful military operation. On Monday, the Ukrainian military said that they had hit a second missile defense on the island. System , as well as a number of Russian officers and soldiers, the Ukrainian army launched another military attack on Snake Island from Wednesday night to the early morning of Thursday. Earlier on Thursday, the Ukrainian Armed Forces stated that they were evaluating the results of this night operation and that he could be considered As a result of the success, the enemy hurriedly used two speedboats to evacuate the remaining garrison. The threat of shelling from the Russian army, which may have left the island, became increasingly greater.

The sudden departure of Snake Island, which the Russian army has controlled since February, shows that it is not entirely due to goodwill. The analysis of the Russian website said that it is because Ukraine has been shelling Snake Island more and more since June. The Ukrainian Southern Command A report from June 27th said they fired rockets and artillery fire at Snake Island and recorded more than a dozen hits. On June 17, 21, 22 and 25, the Ukrainian Armed Forces issued similar statements. In addition, experts analyzed the Army's tactics to consume the Russian garrison on Snake Island by increasing the number of shellings.

After the target was marked with a drone in the dark, the howitzer launched an attack through indirect fire. The mission was not a logical target of the aircraft type, but to consume the ammunition of the missile air defense system. Then the rocket launcher plunged the island into a sea of ​​fire. After a Busy nights, and in the morning Ukrainian artillery began to work more accurately, which could last for several hours. In addition, the intensity of attacks increased in June, and if the local residents of the Odessa area went to hear it every 30 minutes The sound of shelling, then heard every five minutes recently, is that the Ukrainian army's tactics are effective, and now actually taking control of the island is tantamount to suicide. Some Russian experts analyzed why the other side's shelling is becoming more and more threatening. The successive arrival of arms from the West is an important factor.

The Russian army may give up the amphibious landing in Odessa. Didn't we know that it would be attacked by Ukrainian artillery fire when we occupied it? A netizen of the Russian "Viewpoint" raised a sharp question. I believe this is also a doubt in the minds of many Russians. The Russian website interviewed Yuriktov, the director of the Air Defense Force Museum, and answered a series of questions. Knutov said that initially The Russian army planned to use the lane for an amphibious landing in Odessa, but a large minefield was laid there, making it difficult for ships to approach the coast, and the coast was also mined.

In addition, there is now news that Ukraine has received Western anti-ship missiles . These are older missiles , but they are still not easy to defend. Not all Russian warships have systems capable of intercepting these cruise missiles. According to the analysis of Russian experts, in a sense, dealing with Snake Island is somewhat similar to evacuating from Kiev . The initial goal was set too high, and later had to be abandoned. With the deployment of more Western weapons, the disadvantages of Russian warships It is becoming increasingly obvious that holding on to Snake Island is of little significance at this time. Dealing with Snake Island also marks that the Russian army has basically given up its strategy of taking over Odessa through amphibious operations.

How to fight in the future since the battle of Snake Island? Snake Island is small and flat, making it easy to attack and difficult to defend. Anyone who defends this island will have a hard time. Therefore, after the Russian army withdraws, the Uzbek army may not send troops to defend Snake Island. Even if it sends troops, it will be difficult to defend it. But no matter what, the Russian army withdraws It greatly weakens its control over the western Black Sea, leaving room for Ukraine to open up the Black Sea channel. The Ukrainian army may transport various aids, including military aid, through here. Naturally, the Russian army will not allow free movement and will carry out corresponding actions. counterattack.