According to, China’s Ministry of National Defense Spokesperson Tan Kefei emphasized at a regular press conference on June 30 that Australia and Canada’s military aircraft would take countermeasures once and for all against the risky and provocative behavior of Aust

There is no more effective way to deal with those rogue countries than "showing your fists"! According to news, China’s Ministry of National Defense spokesperson Tan Kefei emphasized at a regular press conference on June 30 that Australia and Canada’s military aircraft’s risky and provocative behavior towards China’s close reconnaissance will be countered once and for all. Please come at your own risk.

The words of the Chinese Ministry of National Defense are very strong, and the attitude is very firm, but for rogue countries like Canada and Australia, no words can be said too harshly.

Last month, Canada, Australia and other US allies "invariably" hyped up the so-called "Chinese military aircraft provocation". The Canadian Ministry of National Defense issued an official statement saying that the Royal Canadian Air Force CP-140 maritime anti-submarine patrol aircraft had "multiple interactions" with the People's Liberation Army military aircraft, and accused the People's Liberation Army military aircraft of "not complying with international aviation safety regulations" and its behavior was very "unfair". Professional” and “dangerous.”

At the same time, the Canadian side also announced some "details" in a pretentious manner, saying that the Chinese fighter jets were between 6 and 30 meters away from the Canadian fighter jets, so close that "Canadian pilots can make eye contact with Chinese pilots" and "sometimes they can even see each other." Give the other person the middle finger." The Canadian side used so-called "details" to discredit the People's Liberation Army and complained first to the bad guys in an attempt to confuse the public.

In terms of the viciousness and shamelessness of provocations against China, Australia is even worse than Canada, and even more radical than its "American dad". The Australian Department of Defense issued a statement stating that an Australian military aircraft was "intercepted by a Chinese military aircraft" while performing a reconnaissance mission in the airspace of the South China Sea on May 26. "The safety of Australian military aircraft and personnel was threatened." He looked innocent and "silly". .

The Australian side stated that the Australian military aircraft was "operating in international airspace in accordance with international law", but was "intercepted by Chinese fighter jets without reason in a manner that posed a life-safety risk to the Australian crew." But the fact is that Australian military aircraft ignored China’s repeated warnings and continuously approached China’s airspace over the Xisha Islands. For any country, it is intolerable for other countries' military aircraft to invade its airspace.

Canada and Australia just made up the so-called details and avoided talking about the hard fact that their contact with the People's Liberation Army military aircraft was at China's doorstep and they were provocateurs. Judging from the series of performances of Canada and Australia, they have the same "script" for their provocative actions against China, which is to make up a very poor reason to carry out close reconnaissance against China or attack China's airspace.

Their wishful thinking is that if China counterattacks, they will accuse the PLA military aircraft of being "unprofessional" and threatening the safety of its military aircraft; if China does not counterattack or does not counterattack in time, they will take the opportunity to carry out close reconnaissance or invade China's airspace, and at the same time There is a lot of international hype to offset China's influence in asserting its sovereignty internationally. In short, when two scoundrels see that their master has an advantage, they climb up the pole; once they are driven away by their master, they lie down and roll around on the ground.

To deal with rogue countries like Canada and Australia, it is useless to be reasonable; entangled with them will bring China down to their level, and this is one of the goals they want to achieve. Therefore, China will resolutely counterattack Canada and Australia’s serious provocations and not give them any opportunity to take advantage of them. If Canada and Australia still insist on going their own way and imitating the US military to provoke China, they will have to bear the risk of such confrontation, and no one will tolerate them.

Since Canada and Australia want to get involved in the vortex of the great power game, they should stop being "girls chirping" all day long and cannot stand the slightest disturbance. If you go to China's door every day to touch porcelain, you have to be prepared to be hit by a car one day.