Whether the Chinese military is strong or not is something that Western countries in Europe and the United States knew more than 70 years ago! If a country resolves a conflict first through diplomatic means instead of military action, then it is a sign of weakness. This pattern i

American netizens are wondering: Now that China is so powerful, why does the West have such a bad opinion of the Chinese military? Whether the Chinese military is strong or not, didn’t Western countries in Europe and the United States already know more than 70 years ago? Russian netizens couldn't bear to raise such a question, and directly responded with domineering comments from their own personal experiences! China is the real fighting nation.

Chinese Army

If it is said that every time a country resolves a conflict through diplomatic means instead of military action, which is a sign of weakness, then this pattern is too small. No matter which time it is in recent years, In the turmoil in the country and region, China's first response is to resolve problems in a peaceful manner through diplomatic means, and will never use armed force unless it is a last resort.

The only time in recent years that a warship escort formation was used was to go to countries and regions where riots occurred to take our overseas Chinese compatriots home. In the eyes of that American netizen, he felt that this was a sign of military weakness. Let me ask, Is the Chinese army strong? Our ancestors gave the answer more than 70 years ago. In the Korean War, weren't they beaten badly enough?

Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea

The volunteer army at that time did not have all kinds of advanced weapons and equipment like it does now. It single-handedly defeated the 16-nation United Nations army into obedience. Is this historical fact just a fabrication? Came out?

We didn’t want to fight that war back then. After all, the country had just been established. Who didn’t want to develop production in a stable manner? However, the Americans were arrogant, ignored warnings, and sent troops wantonly to fight across the 38th parallel. Once the slogan of defending the country was sounded, they would definitely attack with overwhelming force. The world has shown its determination and perseverance to safeguard national dignity and defend the country.

Resist US aggression and aid Korea, defend the country

Although Russia is also a fighting nation, a Russian netizen who has lived in China for a long time feels: War is not the best way to solve the problem, It is the last choice made out of desperation. . Finally, I said that China is the real fighting nation!

In fact, As early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there is a sentence in the famous "Sun Tzu's Art of War" : The first is to attack with troops, the second is to attack friends, the second is to attack troops, and the last is to attack the city. Being able to solve problems with words is undoubtedly the best choice. No matter how powerful his military power is, which country's monarch is willing to sacrifice so many lives to fight a war?

Sun Tzu's Art of War

Why is the Chinese People's Liberation Army also called The People's Soldiers? Because these Chinese soldiers know that they have a more important mission and responsibility on their shoulders, that is - serving the people !

It was precisely because of personal experience that the Russian netizen saw that no matter which time a disaster occurred in China, they were all people's soldiers, rushing to the front line as quickly as possible They may not have the skills of those celebrities. Well-known, but while adhering to his responsibilities, he has never forgotten his original intention.

People's Liberation Army disaster relief

Chinese soldiers can always be seen at critical moments. They have never let the people down . When floods come, they risk their lives to build a bridge for the people with their bodies. When earthquakes come, they carry dozens of kilograms on foot. We used heavy tools and ran into the severely affected mountainous areas. When the virus struck, people in the hospital beds felt relieved when they heard that the People's Liberation Army was coming.

Flood relief

What would the situation be like in those European and American countries? No need to guess! The Americans think they can do this, but they ignore the most essential difference. People's soldiers never carry weapons at disaster relief sites. After all, they are there to save people, not to show off their muscles. The military of some countries , they may arrive at the scene as soon as possible, but it is not necessarily the case if they do not rescue people immediately. Those foreigners will never be able to understand the feeling of military and civilian affairs . In fact, no matter when it is, no matter how big the disaster is in China, As long as there are Chinese soldiers around, they are the most secure sense of security for the people!

People's Liberation Army Disaster Relief

Under the biased guidance of some Western media, many foreign netizens still have a poor understanding of the Chinese military and only engage in human sea attacks whenever a war breaks out. They even think that North Korea The war volunteers can win and have a certain advantage in numbers. They say it for a long time just because they don't want to admit that they are not strong enough.

shipped 20 supplies to Serbia in Europe several times. Can't they see it? The Air Force flies J-20HT7s to protect the airspace of the motherland. Can't they see it? The launch of frigates , aircraft carriers, destroyers into service is like launching dumplings, can't they see it too?


The Chinese military can spend the least amount of money to create weapons with the same performance as the US military. Can the United States do it? The United States relies on their money and throws artillery shells every time they fight as if they don't need money. Does the arrogance mean that they will definitely win?

China has risen many times in its thousands of years of history. Is this what the United States can do? The Chinese soldiers are doing disaster relief at the scene without any weapons, and they don’t know how many advanced military weapons they have. To be honest, the Chinese people themselves don’t know, but no matter what time, the Chinese people always have no hesitation and believe in their own People's Army!

Chinese Army

As one of the safest countries in the world, many foreigners want to come and live in China. This feeling is not just a boast. Some foreigners and media, without understanding the actual situation, make irresponsible remarks about the Chinese Army. How bad is it? If they had different identities and different experiences, would they be able to achieve so many brilliant achievements?

The Chinese military has not participated in a war for decades, but isn't this the most powerful manifestation of a country's strong military strength? The United States makes all kinds of accusations and smears in the international community all day long. They really think they are so powerful. The Chinese army 70 years ago could beat the shit out of American soldiers. The Chinese army today can still fight in any conflict. The ability to protect our country!