According to news released by the Integrated Staff Supervision Department of the Ministry of Defense of Japan on June 30, a fleet consisting of the Chinese 055 destroyer "Lhasa" ship, the 052D destroyer "Chengdu" ship and the Type 903A comprehensive supply ship "Dongpinghu" ship

According to news released by the Integrated Staff Supervision Department of the Ministry of Defense of Japan on June 30, the ship is composed of my country's 055 destroyer "Lhasa" ship, 052D destroyer "Chengdu" ship and Type 903A comprehensive supply ship "Dongpinghu" ship The formation crossed the Miyako Strait from the Pacific direction and entered the East China Sea on June 29. This marked that our country's "Lhasa" ship formation completed its more than half-month-long cruise around the sun and successfully completed its set mission. .

055 The destroyer formation crossed the Miyako Strait and entered the East China Sea. On June 12, the Chinese Navy's "Lhasa" ship formation, with the cooperation of the No. 794 electronic reconnaissance ship, entered the Sea of ​​Japan via Tsushima Strait ; on June 16, the "Lhasa" The fleet formation and the electronic reconnaissance ship No. 794 sailed to the northern section of the Sea of ​​Japan, passed through the Soya Strait and Tsugaru Strait respectively, and entered the Pacific Ocean; then the Chinese naval ship formation moved south along the sea off Honshu Island, Japan. And returned through the Miyako Strait on June 29. Although the "Lhasa" ship formation's cruise around the sun is a training mission within the annual plan, judging from the current complex international situation , our country's cruising ship formation around the sun has sent four major signals. Various provocations were answered in understandable language.

Map of the navigation trajectory of the Chinese naval ship formation launched by the Japanese Self-Defense Force

First of all, the 055 destroyer "Lhasa" immediately entered into cruising training around the sun after it formed combat effectiveness, which shows that the 055 destroyer is not in the battle sequence of our country's navy. What a "treasure pimple", but a core strength that can be pulled out for combat at any time. As my country's second 055 destroyer in service, the "Lhasa" ship immediately put into various trainings after entering service, forming a complete combat capability as quickly as possible, and took over the "Nanchang" ship to perform this cruise around the sun. The mission allows the "Nanchang", known as the "model worker" ship, to take a short break and no longer be alone.

As the most capable destroyer in our country and even in the world, the 055 destroyer can be said to be a business card of the Chinese Navy, showing the powerful combat appearance of the Chinese Navy in the new era. From the configuration point of view, the 055 destroyer is equipped with a large dual-band radar, an integrated mast, and 112 large missile vertical launch units. It has powerful regional air defense, long-range anti-submarine and anti-ship, land attack and situational awareness capabilities, and has a global view. Only China has such a large warship configuration. Although only eight 055 destroyers were built in the first batch, which are rare in number and extremely expensive, the Chinese Navy is not reluctant to use them at all. They are used in aircraft carriers going to sea, heading out of island chains , cruising around the sun, and even approaching the coast of Alaska in the United States. The 055 destroyer is present in all operations, which shows its importance. Our navy has always used actual combat standards to hone the enemy-killing capabilities of the 055 destroyer, maximize its combat potential, and maximize the advantages of our navy's ships.

055 destroyer "Lhasa" ship

Secondly, the Chinese and Russian navies cooperated. Although they did not conduct a joint strategic cruise around the sun, they also cooperated very well. When the Chinese naval ship formation entered the Sea of ​​Japan, the Russian Navy's Pacific Fleet also dispatched a five-ship formation led by the "Admiral Panteleyev" large anti-submarine ship to cross the Tsugaru Strait and enter the Pacific Ocean. Similarly Conducted cruise training around the sun. From the perspective of navigation routes, the tracks of the two naval fleets of the Chinese and Russian navies are almost the same, both sailing around the Japanese islands for a week; from the perspective of ship configuration, the Chinese and Russian naval vessels are the main ships of the two navies, and both have A electronic reconnaissance ship , the configuration is basically the same. However, the Chinese and Russian navies did not conduct a joint strategic cruise. Instead, they independently completed their respective cruise missions around the sun at different times. Although they did not merge the formations, they still had a tacit understanding.

Russian naval ship formation

The author believes that the Chinese and Russian navies may have communicated before cruising around the sun and sailed around the Japanese islands in different directions.In the context of the continuous strategic suppression of China and Russia by the United States and its allies, only cooperation between China and Russia can resist external strategic pressure. This tacit linkage between the Chinese and Russian navies illustrates the unlimited cooperation between China and Russia. relation.

Russian naval ship formation track map

Once again, cruising around the sun has become the norm in Chinese naval training. Ten years ago, it was very rare for Chinese naval ships to cross the Miyako Strait and enter the Pacific Ocean. Now the Chinese Navy is no longer satisfied with crossing the first island chain. Regular patrols against strategic targets have become a true portrayal of the Chinese Navy today. Historically, Japan has always been eyeing China, which has brought heavy disasters to the Chinese nation. It still has ambitions towards China today. In addition, most of the main military bases of the United States in the Asia-Pacific are located in Japan. Against this background, It is necessary for our navy to sail freely around Japan frequently, so that it can not only hone its actual combat skills, but also demonstrate the powerful combat capabilities of the Chinese navy and deter the enemy.

Chinese Navy Electronic Reconnaissance Ship No. 794

Finally, the "Lhasa" ship formation is cruising around the sun at a time when U.S. sea and air forces are frequently approaching China's coastal waters and close skies. The Chinese Navy ship formation is cruising around Japan's war readiness, which is a countermeasure to the United States. Direct response from Japan and other countries. In addition, the Chinese naval fleet's orbiting operation around the sun also coincides with the eve of the G7 summit and the US Rim of the Pacific military exercise. my country dispatched a naval fleet to cruise around the sun, conveying to unfriendly countries that China has the ability to safeguard national security and territorial integrity. Any attempt to contain and suppress China will not succeed.

The Chinese naval ship formation stepped out with the word "Japan"

The Chinese navy expressed China's position and determination in a language that the United States, Japan and other countries can understand, and the United States, Japan and other countries should be able to understand it clearly.