[News from Honggu District Media Center] In order to strengthen the construction of the team of activists who join the party, guide them to firm in the correct political direction, correct their motivations for joining the party, and effectively control the "entrance check" and "

[News from the Honggu District Media Center] In order to strengthen the construction of the team of party activists, guide the party activists to firm in the correct political direction, correct the motivation to join the party, , and effectively control the "entry check" and "quality check" of the party members, Recently, the Honggu District government agency working committee, non-public party committees, and social organizations jointly organized the district party school to carry out training for party activists in 2022. More than 160 party activists from government agencies, non-public enterprises, and social organizations participated in the training.

This training has carefully designed courses. Party school teachers mainly use special lectures and on-site teaching methods, focusing on teaching " Constitution of the Communist Party of China ", "Party Building Leads the Convergence of "Six Governance" Integration to Compose a New Chapter" and "The Communist Party of China Develops Party Members" Courses such as the Party's theoretical knowledge such as "Procedure" and visits to the Party History and Party Spirit Education Base are rich in content and compactly arranged, so that the activists who join the Party can have a deeper understanding of the basic knowledge of the Party, further strengthen the cultivation of the Party spirit and ideals of the Party activists. The pursuit of faith and the improvement of party spirit consciousness. After the training, the party activists were organized to conduct a theoretical test to test their learning results and deepen their understanding of the party's rules and disciplines and the party's theoretical knowledge, so as to promote knowledge through examination and promote action through knowledge.

Through this training, the activists who joined the party further corrected their motivations for joining the party, strengthened their ideals and beliefs, consolidated their theoretical foundation, and clarified the direction of their efforts. Everyone expressed that in the future, they will unswervingly listen to and follow the Party, fulfill their original mission, draw strength for progress, strictly follow the standards of Party members, consciously accept the training and inspection of the Party organization, and move closer to the Party organization with practical actions. Strive to become a glorious Communist Party member as soon as possible.

Correspondent: Si Peihuan

Editor: Sun Yanan Xu Miao

Producer: Bao Zhen

Director Producer: Zhang Fuwang