In short, the war we face will be a conventional war mainly using high-tech weapons. The basic characteristic of war is high technological level, that is, high-tech war. To say that it is a war mainly using high-tech weapons is to take into account the objective fact that several

In short, the war we face will be a conventional war mainly using high-tech weapons. The basic characteristic of war is high technological level, that is, high-tech war.

It is said that this is a war mainly using high-tech weapons, taking into account the objective fact that several generations of weapons and several stages of weapons coexist in the war. Cold weapons have lasted for thousands of years in history. After the advent of gunpowder in the 10th century AD, hot weapons and cold weapons coexisted for more than 800 years. In the 1940s, the mushroom-shaped smoke clouds of Nagasaki and Hiroshima announced the birth of the atomic bomb, which instantly released huge energy through heavy nuclear fission. Shortly afterwards, the heavy nuclear fusion weapon, the hydrogen bomb, was invented.

During this period, hot weapons were still developing. The number of aircraft, tanks , artillery , and ships was increasing, and their quality was also improving. Thermal weapons and thermonuclear weapons have coexisted for more than 40 years. High-tech weapons are developed on the basis of the technology of thermal weapons and thermonuclear weapons, and they are bound to coexist with thermal weapons and thermonuclear weapons for a period of time. The present is an era of coexistence of thermal weapons, thermonuclear weapons, and high-tech weapons. As time goes by, old weapons will gradually be eliminated and new weapons will gradually increase. This is the general trend in the development of war levels.

proposed conventional war to distinguish it from nuclear war. But this conventional war is different from the Second World War, which is not a conventional war, but a conventional war using high-tech weapons under the threat of nuclear weapons . We cannot relax the enemy's readiness to use nuclear weapons to wage war anytime and anywhere. We also retain the right to launch nuclear counterattacks against the enemy's strength and treat the enemy in his own way.

However, the emergence of high-tech weapons may replace nuclear weapons and reduce nuclear wars. Therefore, conventional warfare using high-tech weapons is also a high-tech war that reflects the characteristics of the new technological revolution era. This kind of conventional war characterized by high-tech weapons is completely different from the conventional war of World War II.