The anti-ballistic missile integrated system mainly consists of three parts. The first part is the monitoring, detection and tracking system. It mainly uses various radars and long-wave infrared detectors to monitor enemy missiles, promptly detect the launch status of the opponen

anti-ballistic missile comprehensive system mainly consists of three parts. The first part of

is the monitoring, detection and tracking system. It mainly uses various radars and long-wave infrared detectors to monitor the enemy's missiles , timely detect the launch status of the opponent's missiles, and immediately and automatically alarm, while tracking and identifying.

The second part is the interception weapon system. Mainly directed energy weapons and kinetic energy weapons . Directed energy weapons mainly intercept ballistic missiles flying in the boost phase, post-boost phase and mid-course flight. Currently being tested include space-based laser weapons , land-based laser weapons, space-based particle beam weapons, X-ray laser weapons, etc. Kinetic weapons are mainly used to intercept ballistic missiles in their final stages of flight. Currently under development are high-performance anti-missile missiles, rocket intensive launch groups, precision-guided high-speed artillery shells, etc.

The third part is the command, control and communication system. Use large computers and advanced communication equipment to quickly and accurately command complex multi-layered anti-ballistic missile operations.