It is understood that the Taiwan military's research and development and mass production deployment plan for the "Yunfeng Missile" are carried out in a parallel mode of research and development and combat readiness, that is, small batch production, and a small amount of combat re

According to Taiwanese media reports, the surface-to-surface cruise missile "Yunfeng Missile" developed by Taiwan's "Chinese Academy of Sciences" has been produced and deployed in a small amount, but it has not been made public so far, and has not been seen in the Taiwan military's public reports and budget materials. However, there are recent rumors within the Taiwanese military that the "Yunfeng Missile" has now advanced to the "Yunfeng II Missile". Since its performance is close to the hypersonic cruise missile level, it is reported that " Chinese Academy of Sciences " has already upgraded the "Yunfeng Missile" ” was renamed “Qingtian Hypersonic Cruise Missile”.

It is understood that the Taiwan military’s research and development and mass production deployment plan for the "Yunfeng Missile" are carried out in a parallel mode of research and development and combat readiness, that is, small batch production, and a small amount of combat readiness deployment is also carried out while research and testing. " "Unfeng Missile" is like this, and "Unfeng II Missile" also adopts the same mode.

The American think tank CSIS once analyzed the development status of Taiwan's missile in a special article, and listed the "Yunfeng Missile" as Taiwan's surface-to-surface cruise missile with a range of about 1,200 kilometers to 2,000 kilometers, but it also specifically stated that it is still ongoing. R&D and upgrading. There are reports within the Taiwan military that the newly developed "Yunfeng II missile" may have a longer range, estimated to be up to 2,000 kilometers.

"Legislative Yuan" You Xikun recently claimed that the "Yunfeng Missile" can hit Beijing, attracting attention from all walks of life. However, You Xikun later defended that the information related to the "Yunfeng Missile" came from media reports and he had no involvement.

Relevant sources revealed that the body of the "Yunfeng-1 missile" is about 7 meters, slightly larger than the 6.1 meters of the "Xiongsan supersonic anti-ship missile", but the size of the "Yunfeng-2 missile" will be much larger. The media also disclosed the size of the "Yunfeng II missile" today (1st), saying that the "Yunfeng II missile (Qingtian hypersonic cruise missile)" is based on a ramjet engine and is about 14 meters long with a single-section propulsion rocket. meter, will be the missile with the longest range and the largest body among the various types of missiles developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The outside world describes the "Yunfeng II missile (Qingtian hypersonic cruise missile)" as an enlarged version of the "Xiongsan missile". People with in-depth research on Taiwan's missile research and development said today that the relevant weapon systems are still under continuous research and testing. , does not comment on external descriptions and data.

#台# #云峰 missile# # Hypersonic Missile#