The Russian Ministry of Defense issued an announcement on June 30 that the Russian Federation Armed Forces completed their designated military tasks on Snake Island and withdrew all troops on the same day.

The outbreak of the war in Ukraine has lasted for 127 days. Basically, Russia's strategic tasks have been fully achieved. President Putin 's personal prestige has reached its historical peak. Russia's national security and the goal of establishing a military buffer zone have been achieved. The effective strength of the Ukrainian army has been completely destroyed. No matter how actor President Zelensky performs, he cannot prevent Ukraine from being completely defeated.

The NATO group, led by the United States, still maintains ambiguous neutrality. The difference is that in the past, it still provided money and guns, but no people. Now they are doing almost nothing. They just use Ukraine as a platform to gain political capital, allowing Ukrainian President Zelensky to gain a sense of presence all day long. However, they have not actually helped Ukraine much, and have even completely surrendered Ukraine's core interests. To Russia. We can easily see that if Russia's national power is stronger, its military training is more reliable, and its weapons and equipment storage is larger, it will be very easy for the entire territory of Ukraine to be controlled by the Russian army.

However, it is obvious that the current comprehensive strength of Russia has not reached such a level. Therefore, in the Ukrainian war, the Russian army performed unsatisfactory, which is understandable. The training was too poor, the weapons and equipment were too old, and the number of high-precision weapons was seriously insufficient. In the end, the Russian army could only stop fighting and fight. Stop.

As for Snake Island, a living target with neither strategic depth nor strategic significance, it has become a useless weapon for the Russian army. According to the New York Times, the Ukrainian army has used advanced weapons sent from the West to destroy three Russian anti-missile systems on Snake Island. The radar on Snake Island is now basically paralyzed. Not working. The Russian army on the island is essentially in an isolated and helpless situation, without effective supplies. If it does not evacuate, the Russian army on the Snake Island will become a living target of the Ukrainian army. It can attack you whenever it wants. , such consumption is not worth the loss for the Russian army, and evacuation is also a last resort.

The situation of the Ukrainian war is now very clear. The Ukrainian army's effective strength has been greatly exhausted, and it is no longer able to organize an organized counterattack, let alone achieve a substantial victory. Therefore, once the Ukrainian army achieves any victory on the battlefield, even a very small victory, it will publicize the results and even create some meaningless and magical results out of thin air. If the so-called brilliant "results" announced by Ukraine were followed, Russia would have suffered a substantial blow long ago. But the actual result is that the Ukrainian army was almost completely wiped out. Zelensky’s so-called all-people soldiers were not realized at all. Foreign mercenaries were killed, and countless people were captured by the Russian army. No matter how much NATO No matter how much the group waves and shouts, it doesn't mean much.

Snake Island, a small island located in the Black Sea and under the jurisdiction of the Odessa Oblast of Ukraine, is almost useless to both sides in terms of strategic significance and tactical role. On the first day of the war in Ukraine, it was occupied by Russian navy as quickly as possible. The Ukrainian side promoted the so-called "heroic deeds" of Ukrainian troops on Snake Island who defended Snake Island to the death. In the end, it proved to be an act of self-deception. Because within a short time of the war, all the Ukrainian defenders on Snake Island surrendered without resistance, which became a joke among everyone after dinner.

Therefore, the Russian army’s abandonment of Snake Island is a last resort, and it is also a very wise and correct choice. The future war in Ukraine will eventually return to the negotiating table, and the fate of Zelensky's string doll is also unavoidable. If we cannot win on the battlefield, all propaganda will be in vain.

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