At a regular press conference a few days ago, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded to the speeches made by some politicians on the island. In response to the absurd "Taiwan independence" remarks made by Wu Zhaoxie, the head of the "Foreign Affairs Department"

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded to the speeches of some politicians on the island at a regular press conference a few days ago.

First of all, spokesperson Ma Xiaoguang said about KMT Chairman Zhu Lilun's proposition of "loving the United States and loving Taiwan" and "defending and protecting Taiwan". Adhering to the "92 Consensus" and opposing "Taiwan independence" are the key and foundation for cross-strait exchanges. "Independence" is a dead end and is of no benefit to compatriots on the island. All political forces on the island are advised to stay awake, commit to achieving peaceful development across the Taiwan Strait, and resolutely oppose "seeking independence."

Regarding the absurd "Taiwan independence" remarks made by Wu Zhaoxie, the head of the "Foreign Affairs Department" of the Taiwan authorities, Ma Xiaoguang said that national sovereignty is indivisible, Taiwan Island is part of China's territory, and any behavior that betrays national interests will be punished by the 1.4 billion Chinese people. Never agree.

As for the conclusion given by the opinion polls on the island that "if the mainland attacks Taiwan, the Taiwan military will not be able to survive for a hundred days", Ma Xiaoguang said that such a conclusion is exactly the concern of Taiwanese compatriots about the "independence" provocation of the DPP authorities, and hopes that the compatriots on the island Can work hand in hand with the mainland to promote peaceful reunification across the Taiwan Strait.

It is worth mentioning that in response to the above conclusion retired Taiwan Army Lieutenant General Shuai Huamin , he poured cold water on the "Taiwan independence" forces, saying that if the Taiwan military cannot withstand the first attack of the People's Liberation Army, it will persist for up to three to Seven days, a hundred days, the island of Taiwan has long been in ruins.

In fact, there have been many incidents of "Taiwan independence" forces undermining cross-strait relations and provoking the mainland. Especially since the DPP authorities came to power, they ignored the warnings of the mainland, accepted the US arms sales plan to Taiwan, and also used the support of the United States to embolden the mainland of China. Red line, and even actively contact foreign countries, seeking to establish so-called "friendly countries", and do not hesitate to spend money to create the illusion of "international recognition".

For example, the Taiwan authorities’ so-called “friendly country” Guatemala recently, its President Giammattei openly claimed that the only “one China” he recognized during his term was Taiwan. This is clearly provoking the bottom line of mainland China, and the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 passed.

Of course, what Jia Mattai said was not really acknowledging the "international status" of Taiwan. He was just looking for "blackmail" from the Taiwan authorities. Obviously, he was very familiar with the process of how to make money from the "cash machine" of the Taiwan authorities. learn. But even so, Giammattei should still realize his mistake and apologize, otherwise he will pay the due price for his inappropriate remarks.

Because China is very determined to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the Chinese people are firmly opposed to any words or deeds that split the motherland. China will never tolerate Giammattei's actions, which will send a wrong signal to the "Taiwan independence" forces. Once it is overstepped, China will inevitably fight back, even if the result may be "at the risk of a fight."

Because of this, the United States and other external forces should recognize the nature of meddling in the Taiwan issue as "playing with fire." If they continue, they will not only undermine relations with China, but also create unstable factors. In the end, they will only "set themselves on fire."

Taiwan Island has been a part of China since ancient times. No one can deny the sovereignty of Taiwan Island, and the Taiwan issue should not be used unscrupulously to deal with China. The actions of the United States and its lackeys have just proved its It is the biggest stumbling block to China's reunification and the biggest "Taiwan independence" force.

However, regardless of the "Taiwan independence" forces on the island, they must understand that going against the historical trend of national reunification and insisting on "seeking independence" will only lead to a dead end, and there will be no good fruits. And external forces such as the United States should understand that they cannot make an issue out of the Taiwan issue. It may achieve the sinister purpose of "using Taiwan to control China", and if it continues, it will only cause fire.

Now The reason why mainland China strives to achieve reunification in a peaceful way is to take into account the overall interests of the Chinese nation, because if force is used, the Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait will only fight against each other, and those who will be harmed will be brothers and sisters, and sow trouble. External forces such as the United States will only secretly rejoice in achieving their goal of obstructing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In such a thing, the "Taiwan independence" elements on the island pretend to be deaf and dumb, and are determined to collude with external forces to go against the mainland of the motherland, making the hope of peaceful reunification increasingly slim.

The fact that can be put in front of everyone is that the strength of the mainland is far greater than that of Taiwan. The "Taiwan independence" forces have definitely not hindered the People's Liberation Army's ability to land on the island to crack down on gangs and evil. can only say that we hope that the compatriots on the island can join with the compatriots on the mainland in opposing "Taiwan independence" prevents cross-strait relations from heading towards a situation that no one wants to see.

I believe that even Taiwanese compatriots can understand things, and the political forces on the island will not fail to understand that the path of "seeking independence" is not advisable and will only lead to self-destruction in the end. There is no other possibility.

Of course, if the "Taiwan independence" forces inside and outside the island must force the mainland to take decisive measures, I believe the People's Liberation Army will never be polite. After all, the end of "Taiwan independence" is the end, and it is also a key battle for the rise of the Chinese nation.