High technology has improved the command and control capabilities of war, changed the methods of war, and caused new trends in war. In high-tech war, CI systems will play an important role. The CI system is the command, control, communication and information system and is the bra

High technology has improved the command and control capabilities of war, changed the methods of war, and caused new trends in war. In high-tech war, the CI system will play an important role. The CI system is the command, control, communication and information system and is the brain and nerve of the military. The comparison to a "force multiplier" is well deserved. Because the strength of the army in modern warfare depends to a large extent on the CI system, the army organization system and the weapon system forming an optimal organic whole.

The coverage of modern remote sensing equipment has increased, the ability to obtain intelligence has improved, communications tend to be fully digital, confidentiality is strong, interoperability has improved, and the degree of automated command has been strengthened. The struggle between CI systems and anti-CI systems also tends to be fierce. Due to the development of remote sensing technology, exposed objects on the ground can generally be ingested. Obtaining intelligence does not seem to be difficult, but analyzing and judging the intelligence to eliminate falsehoods and preserve the truth and make correct processing is much more complicated and difficult than in the past. Obtaining the vast amount of information on the battlefield and processing it in a timely manner depends on the commander's strategic level and the use of the CI system.

Others, such as the improvement of night vision equipment, the emergence of stealth technology, the development of ocean engineering, the development of information technology, etc., a series of new technologies have been applied to warfare, which has begun and will continue to profoundly change the face of warfare. We can definitely say that a new stage in the development of war with high-tech weapons as the main body has arrived, and high-tech warfare is a manifestation of the new stage of war.