He is an outstanding revolutionary of our party and the prototype of Hua Ziliang in the classic revolutionary novel "Red Rock". His story of fighting indomitably in the enemy's prison for 14 years and finally successfully escaping from the prison with his intelligence still touch

This is a statue of a "crazy old man".

Of course, this is just a unilateral statement made by the Kuomintang military commander. In fact, he has a lot of background! He is an outstanding revolutionary of our party and the prototype of Hua Ziliang in the classic revolutionary novel "Red Rock". He fought unrelentingly in the enemy's prison for 14 years and finally escaped from the devil's cave with his intelligence. Touched countless people.

He is Han Zidong !

Han Zidong was born in a poor family in Yanggu County, Shandong Province in 1908. He was smart since he was a child and was deeply loved and valued by his parents.

Although the family is not rich, in order for their son to have a bright future, Han Zidong's parents still adhere to the idea that no matter how hard it is, they must not suffer for their children, and no matter how poor they are, they must not give up education. They tighten their belts and save money to send him to school. And give him as much care as possible in life.

Han Zidong, who grew up under the careful care of his parents, did not disappoint his parents' expectations. He knew that it was not easy for his parents, so he studied very hard and had excellent academic performance. Besides studying, he also did his best. Help your parents with some housework and be "other people's children" properly.

In 1930, Han Zidong was 22 years old. This year, he left his parents for the first time and came to Beijing to study. Due to his poor family background, he could only work part-time, studying at a Chinese university and working in a bookstore to make ends meet.

Although life is difficult, Han Zidong is very satisfied, because in this state, he can not only learn knowledge, but also be self-sufficient in life, reducing the burden on his parents, which can be said to be two birds with one stone.

More importantly, this bookstore not only met his material needs for survival, but also became the beginning of his revolutionary career. Because he met a Communist here, and under his influence, he joined the organization in 1932 and became a glorious Communist Party member.

In 1933, Han Zidong, who had just joined the party organization, was entrusted with an important task and was ordered to break into the "Blue Clothes Society" (the predecessor of juntong, which was founded in 1930 and replaced by the juntong in 1938), the then Kuomintang spy organization, and was specifically responsible for providing Our party is spying on important information.

In the "Blue Clothes Club", Han Zidong worked conscientiously. Under the extremely complex conditions of the time, he repeatedly detected important information and successfully completed the tasks assigned by the party.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, something happened to Han Zidong, and this accident caused him to lose his freedom for 14 years!

In October 1934, Han Zidong originally worked well in the "Blue Clothes Club", but as someone within the organization rebelled, his true identity was revealed by the traitor.

Han Zidong was quickly arrested and tortured. However, in the face of various interrogations, Han Zidong refused to admit his identity as a Communist Party member, let alone reveal the secrets of the organization.

Faced with a tough guy like Han Zidong, who refused to accept any soft words, the agents of the "Blue Shirt Club" had no choice but to let him go, but they did not dare to let him go, so they had to lock him up as a serious disciplinary violator within the organization.

In 1937, when the all-out war of resistance broke out, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party finally shook hands and made peace, and their guns were unanimous (at least on the surface), but Han Zidong was still imprisoned with no intention of releasing him.

Later, with the development of the Anti-Japanese War, Han Zidong was transferred to Guizhou and imprisoned in Xifeng Prison more than 200 kilometers away from Guiyang.

In Xifeng Prison, Han Zidong met a group of like-minded inmates. Among them, Luo Shiwen is especially famous.

Luo Shiwen, a famous revolutionary martyr of our party, was the former secretary of the Sichuan and Kangxi Special Committee of the Communist Party of China. He was unfortunately arrested in Chengdu in March 1940. At this time, the "Blue Clothes Club" had already been renamed Juntong, with Dai Li as director. After Luo Shiwen was arrested, Dai Li first imprisoned him in the detention center at the Chongqing Military Command Headquarters, and later transferred him to Xifeng Prison, where he was imprisoned in the same cell as Han Zidong.

At this time, in Xifeng Prison, in addition to Han Zidong and Luo Shiwen, there were also a group of outstanding revolutionaries such as Che Yaoxian, Song Qiyun, etc. were also imprisoned here.

Soon, everyone united and spontaneously established a temporary party branch, elected Luo Shiwen as secretary, and led everyone to continue the struggle against the reactionaries. After the establishment of the temporary party branch of

, everyone quickly formed a jailbreak plan after discussion: In view of the situation at that time, a collective jailbreak was no longer possible, so we had to settle for the next best thing. Everyone would act according to their own circumstances. Once there was an opportunity, they would escape first. Every comrade who can go out must find the party organization as soon as possible and report the situation inside to the organization in detail.

In July 1946, with the closure of Xifeng Prison, Han Zidong and others were escorted back to Chongqing and imprisoned in the notorious Chongqing Baigongguan Zhazi Cave.

Unfortunately, only one month after being escorted back to Chongqing, Luo Shiwen, Che Yaoxian and others were brutally murdered by the Kuomintang reactionaries. Although Han Zidong, who had witnessed all this with his own eyes, was extremely sad, he had to endure his grief and cheer up again, because he could never forget Luo Shiwen's instructions before leaving to "never expose his identity as a Communist Party member" and the temporary party branch "can Out one is one” instruction.

Han Zidong began to devote himself to his jailbreak intensively again.

In order for his jailbreak plan to be successful, Han Zidong adopted a method used by countless predecessors, that is, pretending to be crazy!

Soon, such a special prisoner appeared in the Zhazi Cave: This man was silent all day long, often walking back and forth alone, and did not know how to rest. He only knew how to clean, behaved strangely, and seemed to be stupid. madman.

Needless to say, this person is naturally Han Zidong!

It should be said that Han Zidong's various behaviors did indeed make the guarding agents relax their vigilance towards him to a certain extent. Slowly, he gradually started to let him help with chores, leaving all the dirty work to him, and sometimes even took him with him when going out to do errands...

Han Zidong cherished this rare opportunity to go out. Although he was not familiar with the topography of Chongqing, every time he went out, he would secretly observe the surrounding environment carefully, and also secretly pay attention to the conversations of people around him. Over time, he also gained a general understanding of the surrounding environment, and relied on The memory in my mind drew a detailed map of the surrounding terrain, which was kept secretly for future use.

In addition, Han Zidong also did one thing in prison, which was to exercise every day. The long-term imprisonment made his body very weak, which was obviously extremely detrimental to his escape plan. Therefore, he began to run every day to increase his physical strength and leg strength.

's various strange behaviors before, coupled with his unremitting running every day, have further strengthened the guards' view that Han Zidong has gone crazy. In their view, in the Zhazidong under strict surveillance, any struggle is completely in vain. , Han Zidong was dubbed the "crazy old man" by them, and they often laughed at and teased him.

Han Zidong's jailbreak operation is proceeding in an orderly manner according to his plan. If there are no accidents, for the sake of safety, it will be quite some time before he officially starts his jailbreak operation. However, the appearance of a person completely disrupted his rhythm, forcing him to launch an escape operation in advance.

This person is addicted.

At that time, Shen Zui was the director of the General Affairs Department of the military command. As a core member of the military command, Shen Zui obviously had sharper insight and sensitivity than ordinary guards. On this day, when he came to Zhazidong for inspection, he saw Han Zidong running "crazy" on the playground. The guards were making fun of him. At first, he didn't take it seriously. However, when he passed by Han Zidong, , after inadvertently looking at each other, Han Zidong was immediately shocked by the sharp gaze projected in Han Zidong's eyes.

Shenzui immediately became vigilant!

html More than 20 years of spy experience told him that if he is really a madman, it is absolutely impossible to have such sharp eyes. It is obvious that the person in front of him is not really crazy, but is pretending to be crazy. So, since he is pretending to be crazy, then There is definitely a conspiracy!

As a result, Shen Zui immediately ordered the warden to imprison Han Zidong and monitor him closely. As an organization,

is most afraid of not being able to comply with orders and prohibitions, because this will often lead to immeasurable serious consequences.

And this warden is just a person who can't do what he orders. He did not have the experience and sensitivity of Shen Zui. In his opinion, Shen Zui was obviously making too much of a fuss about Han Zidong, so he ignored Shen Zui's orders. After the other party left, he released Han Zidong again, and everything Business as usual.

Although the warden didn't care, Han Zidong became alert after such an episode. He realized that he had still been seen through, and staying in the Zhazi Cave for one more day would be even more dangerous.

Therefore, we must find a way to leave this inhumane place as soon as possible!

The opportunity will come soon.

August 18, 1947.

On this day, while Han Zidong was walking on the playground as usual, he suddenly heard a shout: "No. 225, hurry up and take the guy with you and go shopping with me!" No. 225 is Han Zidong's code name.

Han Zidong looked around and saw a guard named Lu Zhaochun calling him. This man was usually careless and careless, and he was also a gambler.

When Han Zidong saw that it was Lu Zhaochun calling him, he looked calm on the surface, but he suddenly became excited inside, and his heart almost rose to his throat!

jailbreak today!

Han Zidong quickly packed up his belongings and put on thick clothes before leaving. It was August and the weather in Chongqing was extremely hot. Therefore, when Lu Zhaochun saw what he was wearing, he laughed at him: "He is really a madman!" Then he ignored him and rushed towards Ciqikou one after another. go.

Han Zidong followed Lu Zhaochun all the way, seemingly well-behaved, but secretly observing in secret, looking for an opportunity to escape, but he never found a suitable opportunity, so he had to endure it and wait for the opportunity.

The two of them quickly arrived at Ciqikou and quickly completed the purchase of goods. Just as they were about to rush back, Lu Zhaochun happened to meet an acquaintance head-on.

This man's name was Wang Dian, a doctor at Bai Gongguan. He usually had a good relationship with Lu Zhaochun. When he saw it was Lu Zhaochun, he invited him to play mahjong at the home of the police station director.

Lu Zhaochun saw that it was still early, and with the invitation from King Jingdian, his mahjong addiction suddenly aroused, so he readily agreed.

Han Zidong followed the two of them, and soon arrived at the home of the police station director. "Mayu" quickly gathered together, and a "melee" ensued...

Han Zidong sat aside and looked at it seemingly casually. The four of them were playing mahjong, but in fact he had been secretly observing the changes in the "battle situation" on the mahjong table in order to look for opportunities to escape.

At the beginning, Lu Zhaochun lost two laps in a row and seemed a little irritated. But soon, Lu Zhaochun "changed" and won several laps in a row. Finally, he was smiling and feeling a little happy.

When Han Zidong saw this, he immediately felt that the time had come, so he asked Lu Zhaochun for leave and said he had to go to the toilet.

At this time, Lu Zhaochun was in a fierce battle and immersed in the joy of victory. He could not care so much, so he readily agreed.

Han Zidong quickly left the house, pretending to find a place to go to the toilet. He looked around and found that no one was following him, so he quickly took off his dirty clothes and quickly rushed to the riverside with the help of his usual memory of direction... .

was imprisoned for 14 years and finally escaped from the prison!

After finally escaping from the tiger's mouth, Han Zidong did not dare to delay for a moment and quickly left Chongqing. After traveling day and night, wading through mountains and rivers, and traveling long distances, he finally arrived in the liberated area of ​​​​Henan in January 1948 and found the party organization.

After finding the party organization, Han Zidong quickly submitted a report to the organization, which detailed his imprisonment, how he escaped and his experiences in prison. After review, his report was found to be completely true and he was quickly reinstated as a member of the party.

When he was reinstated as a party member, the organization's evaluation of Han Zidong was as follows: "You can withstand the test of 14 years of secret prison life, which is rare even among party members. It is commendable."

When the organization asked him When he made any request, Han Zidong said this again: "I just hope to live for a few more decades to see the collapse of the Jiang family dynasty and the establishment of socialism."

Han Zidong's wish came true! He not only saw the Jiang family The fall of the dynasty, and witnessed the birth of New China, which became stronger step by step...

On May 19, 1992, Han Zidong died of illness in Guiyang at the age of 84. Although the old man is gone, his legendary experience has infected generations of descendants, inspiring and empowering people. His spirit continues...

The power of faith is powerful Yes, it can make people move forward in adversity, break through the cage, and be reborn in Nirvana. 14 years of prison experience fully proves that old man Han Zidong is such an invincible fighter with firm communist beliefs!