He Ziyou, the first female general in New China, was a woman as good as a man. She punched gangsters, conquered the Ma Jiajun in the west, and served as the chief martial arts instructor of the Red Army, making outstanding military exploits along the way.

He Ziyou, the first female general of New China, was not inferior to men. She punched gangsters, marched to the west Ma Jiajun, and also served as the chief martial arts instructor of the Red Army, making outstanding military exploits along the way. As for her martial arts skills and drinking capacity, even Xu Shiyou, who was born in Shaolin Temple and was addicted to alcohol, had to accept the defeat and became her defeated opponent willingly. He would go to her from time to time to discuss martial arts and talk over wine.

So, let us take a look at the cheating life of this legendary red female general.

Red female general

Female Red Army member from Wudang Clan

In the revolutionary war years led by Chairman Mao, it can be said that there are countless heroes. At the same time, among these hero groups, there are more female heroes than ever before. During those painful but glorious years, the Chinese female Red Army marched thousands of miles on the Long March, persisted in the revolutionary struggle, and transcended the vagaries of war and the limits of female physiology, hardening them into steel. This is nothing less than the best historical witness to the development of China's women's liberation movement.

A propaganda poster showing that women can hold up half the sky

And female Red Army soldier He Ziyou is obviously one of them. He Ziyou was born in Qingquan Township, Cangxi County in 1913. As a daughter, she did not like red makeup and preferred armed since she was a child. She loved dancing with guns and sticks since she was a child, showing her strong talent in martial arts. Because of his extraordinary talent, He Ziyou was accepted as a disciple by the master of Wudang Taihe Boxing, , and became the twelfth generation disciple of Wudang Taihe Boxer, , and developed a unique martial arts.

He Ziyou's master is Li Deyuan, known as " North Leg Master Li Laowu" in the world. Under Li Deyuan's careful instruction, He Ziyou mastered the sect's "Deng's Five Phoenixes Singing Technique", "Luan Feng Harmony Yin Yang Technique" and "Diao Zhi Bao Yang and Planting Flowers on the Ground" and other internal skills of the sect at the age of eighteen, and even "" He Ziyou has also mastered the special secret technique of "Expelling Five Toxins and Killing Hands ".

Female disciple of the Wudang Sect

At the same time, Li Deyuan also often taught He Ziyou to learn to learn both martial arts and morality, and to take the lead in virtue. Every man has his responsibility for the rise and fall of the world. He Ziyou's father was also a patriotic revolutionary who contributed his share to the revolution. He Ziyou has always regarded his father as his role model. In 1933 his father died due to persecution by the enemy for participating in revolutionary activities. He Ziyou, who was successful in academics, decided to come out and firmly follow the same revolutionary path as his father. He became a A Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.

He Ziyou was riding a horse during the Red Army.

punched the gangsters and marched west to the Ma Jiajun.

After joining the Red Army, He Ziyou joined the Women's Independent Alliance. With his excellent marksmanship and martial arts, he was quickly incorporated into our army. The first and only regular women's armed force in history: the Women's Independent Regiment, and serves as the chief martial arts instructor and reconnaissance platoon leader of the Women's Independent Regiment, responsible for strengthening the combat effectiveness of other lesbians.

The Memorial Statue of the Women's Independence Regiment

Under her leadership, the combat capability of this armed force composed of women was no less than that of men, and they also participated in the long journey of 35,000 miles. During the Long March , our army not only had to face encirclement and interception by the enemy, but also often suffered harassment from bandits along the way. Every time he encountered bandits, He Ziyou would stand up and "fight the battle" on behalf of our army. He would fight against the enemy using the popular "rules of the rivers and lakes" at the time, and singled out many gang leaders such as gangsters and Shan Dawang Heiqi. , killed many bandit bullies with his bare hands.

The powerful female general of the Red Army

After becoming defeated by her, the bandit leaders of all walks of life were willing to make way for the Red Army. Therefore, He Ziyou became the famous "He Tiequan" in the army, and was admired by many people. After the Long March arrived in northern Shaanxi, the Women's Independence Regiment embarked on the Western Expedition with the army and faced off against the extremely powerful and cruel Ma Jiajun.At that time, the Red Army in the Western Expedition was almost completely wiped out by the Ma Jiajun, but He Ziyou led the Independent Women's Regiment to fight a bloody path and was able to retain the vitality of the Red Army.

He Ziyou not only used swords and guns on the battlefield, but also relied on his agility to avoid enemy artillery fire.. In the hand-to-hand combat of , is invincible. can kill the enemy with just a pair of iron fists. At that time, a group of Ma Jiajun rode horses and circled near He Ziyou and others, and deliberately stirred up dust with knives and threw it into their faces, which was full of provocation.

The Women's Independent Regiment was facing an encirclement and suppression by the Ma Jiajun

It was too late and then He Ziyou, who had already fought to the point of exhaustion, immediately found the right moment and slapped the horse on the belly, causing the horse to fall to the ground and keep screaming. Trembling, even Ma Jiajun on horseback was knocked to the ground. Of course, before the fallen Ma Jiajun could react, he was killed by He Ziyou and sent to the west, leaving the remaining Ma Jiajun stunned. He Ziyou took advantage of the situation and knocked down three or four more Ma Jiajun. When the others saw this, they were frightened and fled.

In the end, He Ziyou not only led the independent women's group to retreat, but also successfully covered the retreat of the entire team.

The powerful women's independent regiment

Xu Shiyou bowed to him

General Xu Shiyou was a well-known warrior in the army. , he was born in Shaolin, and his martial arts skills were equally superb. He was the "monk general" in the army. He always liked to use force. Member , no one in the South Red Army who usually competes can beat him. Therefore, after Xu Shiyou heard about He Ziyou's masterful deeds, he came specially to compete with her in martial arts.

He Ziyou had long heard that there was an unrivaled "Monk Xu" in the army, and had long wanted to see him, so he readily agreed to Xu Shiyou's invitation to fight. Xu Shiyou and He Ziyou, a disciple of the Shaolin Temple and a descendant of the Wudang Sect, are both legends in the military. Therefore, as soon as the news of the fight in the ring spread, many Red Army soldiers came to watch.

The two heroes, Xu Shiyou

, fought for a long time without a winner. The process of the competition was also very exciting. But he didn't expect that General Xu's "Shaolin Kung Fu" would eventually lose to He Ziyou's "Taihe Boxing", which made Xu Shiyou convinced of the defeat. Although Xu Shiyou lost, he was not upset. Instead, he said to He Ziyou: " I lost, so I'm willing to be the loser."

In this way, the two gradually formed an irreversible friendship. Not only did they often compete in martial arts together, but they also often drank together. When it comes to drinking, Xu Shiyou, who is a heavy drinker, has quite a say. He claims to be "never pouring a thousand glasses" and can drink four to five kilograms of liquor in one meal. Therefore, when Xu Shiyou learned that He Ziyou was still good at drinking, he was determined to compete with her on how much he drank, and even asked someone to fill a basin with wine to try to intimidate the other party.

He Ziyou's photo

Even so, Xu Shiyou couldn't drink and He Ziyou, who drank directly from the basin, had to bow to her again.

Heroine, great woman

He Ziyou is brave and good at fighting, with superb martial arts, and his acting style is quite macho . He eats meat and drinks a lot. His experience is even more legendary, and his reputation is resounding throughout the Red Army. Being too good can also bring troubles. Her strong fighting ability makes many men stay away from her, which makes her life-long event a tricky thing.

He Ziyou during the Red Army

However, Zhou Zikun, then the deputy chief of staff of the New Fourth Army, became one of the few people who dared to pursue her boldly. Under Zhou Zikun's pursuit, He Ziyou, who was determined to have a family, finally agreed to Zhou Zikun's pursuit and entered the marriage hall together. At the wedding, even Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou, Mr. Zhu and other leaders of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China personally attended their wedding banquet and celebrated for them.

A photo of He Ziyou and his two children.

The two are also very happy in their married life. They have had two children for four years, a boy and a girl, and they have both children .But just four years later, in 1941, during the Wannan Incident, Zhou Zikun was betrayed by a traitor and shot to death. He died a heroic death. After hearing the bad news, He Ziyou was extremely sad, but she quickly turned her grief into strength and sent her two children to a military nursery. Then she continued to devote herself to the revolutionary career, working conscientiously in logistics positions with amazing perseverance and fighting spirit. , worked hard without complaint, and tried every means to ensure the supply of military supplies.

When he was awarded the title of the People's Liberation Army in 1955, He Ziyou was awarded the three-level Bayi Medal , the third-level independent medal, and the third-level Liberation Medal . In 1969, He Ziyou retired and enjoyed deputy military level treatment. After Zhou Zikun was killed, no matter how many people the organization introduced to her to persuade her to remarry, He Ziyou never remarried. Instead, he chose to raise his two children alone and train them to become pillars of the country.

A photo of He Ziyou with his two children

Because he kept practicing martial arts, He Ziyou lived to the age of 103. At the memorial service for his death, there was also an elegiac couplet sent by the People's Liberation Army Eastern Theater Command, which read:

"A soldier never unsaddles his saddle, and he has been a female soldier all his life. On a journey of thousands of miles, a woman is also a hero."