On the afternoon of June 30, the Ministry of National Defense held a regular press conference. In response to the recent continued hype in Australia and Canada about the so-called "People's Liberation Army intercepting its military aircraft," the spokesperson of the Ministry of N

On the afternoon of June 30, the Ministry of National Defense held a regular press conference. In response to the recent continued hype in Australia and Canada about the so-called "People's Liberation Army intercepting its military aircraft," the spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense, Colonel Tan Kefei, responded, "For such risky and provocative behaviors, I would like to emphasize two points here: first, counterattack once; second, those who come uninvited will bear the consequences."

html In early June, the Canadian Ministry of National Defense issued a statement saying that a Royal Air Force CP-140 anti-submarine patrol aircraft was in the air. While executing "Operation Neon" near North Korea, it encountered a "dangerous interception" by the People's Liberation Army. In fact, Canadian military aircraft were conducting close reconnaissance in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea. The area where they were located was densely populated with civil aviation routes, posing a serious threat to the safety of civil aviation aircraft. The Canadian side argued that it was implementing the United Nations Security Council's resolution on sanctions against North Korea, but the Security Council has never authorized any country to conduct surveillance activities in other countries' airspace. Canada just found an excuse similar to "free overflight". China will naturally not allow other countries to provoke China's sovereignty.

People's Liberation Army military aircraft quickly dispatched to intercept the Canadian military aircraft. According to the Canadian side, the distance between Chinese and Canadian military aircraft was only about 6 to 30 meters at the closest point. Canadian Defense Minister Anand falsely claimed that the behavior of Chinese military aircraft in "intercepting" Canadian military aircraft was "very worrying and unprofessional."

Immediately afterwards, the Australian Department of Defense also issued a statement, saying that an Australian military aircraft also encountered the same encounter on May 26. The Australian side claimed that a P-8A anti-submarine patrol aircraft of the country's air force was intercepted by our military's J-16 aircraft while exercising its "freedom of overflight" rights in the so-called "international airspace" in the South China Sea. The Australian side also claimed that the distance between the two military aircraft was "very close" and accused the People's Liberation Army military aircraft of releasing interference filters against the Australian military aircraft. As recently as February, Australia was hyping up the incident of a patrol aircraft being "lasered" by a Chinese warship.

China has restored the truth as early as possible. Canadian and Australian military aircraft have traveled thousands of miles to approach the East China Sea with a concocted excuse. They continue to approach Xisha despite China’s warnings and carry out close reconnaissance and serious provocation. This is unfriendly. and unprofessional. The People's Liberation Army's naval and air forces should respond accordingly. China will never allow any country to threaten China's sovereignty and security under the banner of "freedom of navigation."

Canada and Australia continued to hype up related topics. Our Ministry of National Defense came forward to put an end to this topic with a warning. Tan Kefei said that the duty of the military is to protect the homeland and the country. The armed forces of any country will not sit idly by and ignore provocations and threats from other countries, and the Chinese military is no exception. Therefore, for similar behavior, we will counterattack every time. Anyone who comes uninvited will bear the consequences. Coincidentally, at the same press conference, a reporter asked about the launch of China's third aircraft carrier 003, and asked whether China will continue to build more large aircraft carriers after the Fujian ship. Does this indicate that China is changing its defensive national defense policy? .

Tan Kefei said that China's development of military power is entirely to safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests. It does not target any country or specific goals, and will not pose a threat to any country or region. China will adhere to the path of peaceful development and firmly pursue a defensive nature. national policy. The subsequent development of China's aircraft carrier will be based on China's national security needs and equipment and technology development.

China never takes the initiative to stir up trouble, but it is also never afraid of trouble. China's aircraft carriers, hypersonic weapons, nuclear weapons and other important forces are quietly staying where they should be. If anyone feels threatened by them, it must be these people who have "guilty conscience" and harbor ambitions that they should not have. The idea of ​​​​deterring these anti-China forces precisely reflects the correctness and importance of China's development of military power.

If these anti-China forces headed by the United States dare to go near China for close reconnaissance, then they may be greeted by 004 and 005 in the future.