The Japanese army first launched the September 18th Incident in the Northeast in 1931. A large number of patriotic teams emerged in the Northeast. The most famous among them was the Northeast Anti-Resistance Alliance. They carried out guerrilla battles with the Japanese army. A v

The Japanese army first launched the September 18th Incident in the Northeast in 1931. A large number of patriotic teams emerged in the Northeast. The most famous one was the Northeast Anti-Resistance Alliance . They carried out guerrilla warfare with the Japanese army in a battle of wits and courage. , a large-scale documentary "Searching for Heroes" filmed by CCTV includes an old man named Tian Zhongqiao, who is the heroine of the Northeast Anti-Japanese War.

Tian Zhongqiao was born in Heilongjiang in 1907. She grew up in a wealthy family. Her father was a landlord. His father was very supportive of the revolution. He often donated family property to the revolution and sent information to the revolution. She was deeply influenced by her parents' revolution since she was a child. Tian Zhongqiao grew up. The queen and her sister joined the Anti-Japanese and Salvation Association, and embarked on the road of resisting Japan and saving the nation.

With his rich experience, he delivered intelligence to the organization many times . His outstanding work performance allowed him to successfully join the Communist Party of China. Later, he also served as the secretary of the Lin'an County Committee of the Communist Party of China. He was arrested and imprisoned three times. , suffered deeply, but he never revealed the party's secrets and withstood the test.

He was betrayed by Song Yifu, Secretary of the Jidong Provincial Party Committee in 1938, and was arrested and imprisoned. With the help of various party organizations, he was successfully released from prison. However, only a year later, he was arrested and imprisoned again in 1939. Secretary Tian Zhongqiao's identity often puts him in dangerous situations. He often travels in disguise. Once he went out dressed as a beggar, he was recognized and arrested by the Japanese army. He knew that he must have been betrayed.

In prison, the enemies used all available torture tools to torture him, but he always insisted that he was just a beggar, did not recognize his identity, and the enemies had nothing to do with his insistence. One day he came again. He was taken for interrogation, but what he didn't expect was that the person sitting in the interrogation chair opposite was his husband Xun Yukun.

Xun Yukun looked at Tian Zhongqiao who was tortured and bruised, and began to persuade him to confess everything. The moment he saw her husband, Tian Zhongqiao knew in his heart that he had been betrayed by her husband. He was furious, scolded her husband for being shameless, facing His wife scolded him, Xun Yukun looked like a traitor, Xun Yukun betrayed the wife he had been with day and night for his own glory and wealth.

Tian Zhongqiao felt that his husband must be eliminated, otherwise it would have a serious impact on the party organization. , he thought about it and decided to use counterintuitive tactics to get rid of her husband. As a surrender, Xun Yukun was not treated well by the Japanese army. Trust, Tian Zhongqiao took advantage of this incident to launch a series of punishments for her husband. She used the trick to pretend that she could not bear the torture, and confessed to the enemy: I am Xun Yukun's wife. The two of us were appointed by the organization to pretend that Surrender to gain your trust to obtain information.

Hearing this, the Japanese were more suspicious of Xun Yukun. The Japanese saw that Tian Zhongqiao began to cooperate, so they slowly lifted their control over him. Later, they allowed him to enter and leave the building and arranged for him to wash clothes. She saw her husband's clothes among the clothes, so she got involved and he wrote a note, which said that after gaining the enemy's trust, he would immediately go to the contact point to contact him.

In order to increase credibility, Tian Zhongqiao put the note in Xun Yukun's clothes and washed them together, because after the Japanese became suspicious of Xun Yukun, they conducted strict inspections of his belongings. As expected, the note in Xun Yukun's clothes was The Japanese army found , and the enemy came to the contact point mentioned on the note. After investigation, they learned that this contact point was indeed the Communist Party's joint point, so they arrested Xun Yukun. Faced with the Japanese interrogation, Xun Yukun faltered in fear. I couldn't explain clearly, but the Japanese considered this to be a sign of guilty conscience. Just in case, they executed him. In this way, Tian Zhongqiao used a piece of paper to execute his traitorous husband .

After this incident, he also gained the trust of the Japanese. He endured humiliation in prison and waited for opportunities. With the rescue of the party organization, Tian Zhongqiao was released from prison. After he was released from prison, he quickly returned to work. Misfortunes never come singly. He was captured by the enemy again in 1941. After being captured by the enemy, he was not as lucky as the first two times. The enemy already knew his identity, tortured him repeatedly, and imprisoned him secretly. People know his information, Faced with the enemy's brutal torture, , Tian Zhongqiao always maintained the perseverance of the Communists and refused to reveal a word.

He was imprisoned until after Japan surrendered in 1945, and Tian Zhongqiao was released. At this time, after being released from prison, Tian Zhongqiao suffered great physical and mental damage. Under the careful care of the organization, his body gradually recovered. Prison, he suffered inhuman torture in prison, and he lost his reproductive function. After he was released from prison, he chose to live alone. He never married again. Although he was unable to have children, he adopted many children of martyrs. , and raised them up.

When the filming of the "Looking for Heroes" program started, the program crew found Tian Zhongqiao who was still alive at the time. Tian Zhongqiao told about his own revolutionary path. However, before the official filming of the "Looking for Heroes" program, Tian Zhongqiao Passed away due to illness. Although the old man Tian Zhongqiao was a prostitute, he devoted himself to the revolution when the country was in danger. Faced with the enemy's torture and extortion of confessions, he would rather die than surrender. There are many revolutionaries like him who have fought for the revolution. Everything we have done is worth remembering forever.