I am the kind of person who talks quickly and is a bit short-sighted. I thought for a moment and said: "First: the terrain of this well should be slightly higher, so that the water in the meadow will not The water flows back into the well. Secondly, it should be reasonably close

The Day of Kissing the Wasteland (4) Dawn

Author: Zu Jiefeng

1. The Story of Two Bottles of Cod Liver Oil

One night in late April, I went to the company headquarters to ask for instructions on work. As soon as I walked to the company door, I I heard the company commander and instructor arguing about something... I turned around and was about to walk away when the company commander spoke in the room: "Who? Come in." I replied from outside: "I, Xiao Zu", and then I entered the room. The company commander said: "The instructor and I are discussing the issue of digging a well. Platoon Commander Zu, please find a well location."

I am the kind of person who talks quickly and is a bit careless. After pondering for a while, I said: "First, the location of this well should be slightly higher so that the water in the Caodianzi will not flow back into the well. Second, it should be appropriately close to the dormitory of our female workers' platoon. , so that it is convenient for us to wash." After listening to my words, the company commander laughed and said repeatedly: "A layman, another layman." The company commander's words made me feel a little embarrassed, and I smiled sheepishly... At this time, someone called me outside the door, so I walked down the slope and said to the company commander: "It's getting late, you guys can discuss it, I'm going back." I walked out of the company headquarters, and the old company commander followed him out. . The old company commander handed me two bottles of cod liver oil and said, "Go back and see who has the worst eyesight, and let them take a little to ease the symptoms (night blindness). You can tell everyone by the way, I will I sent a health worker to the regiment headquarters to get the medicine. "

When I gave the cod liver oil to everyone, all the girls were humble and refused to take it. Later, everyone unanimously said to me: "Platoon leader, you should give the cod liver oil. Send it back to the company commander. The company commander's body needs it more. Our whole company has to point at him. We are young and can only carry it." When the girls said these words, I paid attention. The facial expressions of each of them, their young faces, express gratitude, sincerity and strength. What a good comrade. During the most difficult times, everyone thought of others. That exciting scene is really a bit like how we were humbly giving each other a bag of life-saving dry food on the Long March... Hi, that scene really moved me. I was so moved that I can't forget that scene to this day... I felt that my language was lacking at that moment, and I could not find more appropriate words to comfort everyone. I just felt that tears had already filled my heart, and I just wanted to cry.

After the girls insisted on begging, I left a bottle of cod liver oil for the girls, and I sent the other bottle back to the company commander. After I told the old company commander why I sent another bottle of cod liver oil back to the old company commander, after the old company commander took the heavy bottle of cod liver oil, he did not put it down immediately, but held it in his hand. After thinking for a moment, he put his hand back on the table. What was the old company commander thinking at that moment... He then only said a brief sentence: "What a good soldier." Looking at the solemn facial expression of the old company commander, I felt a little excited inside, and I realized again What does it mean to truly "share weal and woe"?

2, Pocket Lot

Our slogan back then was: "In the same year, we opened up wasteland, and in that year we harvested grain; we first treated the slopes, and then we treated the nests." The comrades of the maintenance team drove tractors and followed the company leaders around the world, looking for land that could be cultivated that year. , find a piece of land and carve it out.

I have said before that the area around our company was mainly swampland, and there was not much land that could be cultivated back then. What should we do if our superiors ask us to collect grain that year? We can only look for small sand hills or small earth bags on slightly higher ground. Even if the sand hills are only a few inches in size, they still have to be counted. We found eleven pieces of land at that time, totaling less than 400 acres. How small are some of the plots? The tractor simply couldn't turn around, so we had to manually plow the ground with a shovel. As long as the land was reclaimed that year, regardless of the size of the plot, we planted it with wheat or beans.Not bad, after more than a month of hard work, we have planted all the land we can before .

As the temperature gradually rises, the seeds we sow before planting the awns have gradually grown into small seedlings. Because the moisture content of the wasteland is not good, the seedlings will appear unevenly. At first glance, it looks like the brains of alopecia areata , with a handful in the east and a handful in the west. But then we can I am very happy, after all, it is the fruit of the labor of our pioneers. It doesn’t matter if the crops don’t grow well in the first year. They can be turned into the ground and used as green manure. If the field management can keep up, there will be a good harvest in the second year. When it comes to the vegetables we grew back then, they were a hundred times better than those grown in the fields, especially the vegetables grown in the small pocket plots in the woods, which were even more important.

At that time, I followed the instructions of the company commander to find a few people, and followed an experienced old employee to the woods to look for tiny plots of land where vegetables could be grown. As long as we find a plot of land that can grow vegetables, it doesn't matter even if it is only two square meters in size. We will immediately use a two-foot hook and rake to clean up the thick layer of rotten leaves on it, and then use a shovel to sort out the oily black leaves. Land, just dig a hole and sow the seeds and that's it. Since I didn't know anything about the formation of pocket plots at that time, I once doubted whether the vegetables would grow well if I just put some seeds in them.

Later, I heard from an old comrade that every small plot of land has its own well-known story, because what can such a small plot of land be used for? It can only be the former site of a farmhouse or shack. Having an old site means that that place was once inhabited. I agree with this, because when we were leveling the land, we dug out highly decayed leather boots, Pieces of cloth, etc.…. What kind of person is he forced to live in those deep mountains and old forests for what reasons? We certainly have no way of knowing this. But one thing we are sure of is that those who once settled on the site, made fires for warmth and cooking, inadvertently left behind natural fertilizer - peat for future generations. Ash.

Because of the presence of peat ash, the vegetables on the small plot of land in the forest grew particularly well that year. Although the quantity was not large, seventy or eighty people could have a meal of green vegetables (spinach, leeks, Chinese cabbage) every day. ) There is no problem with soup. After all, we are eating vegetables grown by ourselves. That autumn we once harvested a large radish weighing six kilograms, and many weighed three or four kilograms; there were also several potatoes weighing three kilograms... The happiest time of that year was the day when we were harvesting autumn vegetables. The girls in our platoon used big baskets they made to carry the fruits of victory and walked through the woods on the forest path leading to the camp. At that moment, the singing , laughter, and amused voices echoed in the vast wilderness...

3, Deglazing Battle

Although the snow in a large area has almost melted, the ground has only softened by about 20 centimeters at most. Due to civilization, the natural pits and depressions around the camp were filled with snow and water. We took advantage of the unique natural conditions to remove the adobe. If we don't seize the season of enlightenment to get rid of the waste, just talking about carrying water will make us exhausted. In order to attack the adobe used for infrastructure construction, the company held a battle to remove the adobe. Except for the cooking class , the rest of the people joined in the process of removing the adobe. In the two months since

was established, the conditions have been difficult in all aspects, but we still haven't done any strenuous work. At the moment, stripping is the most tiring job. The spring and summer removal season of 1970 was very long because the slogan that year was to go to the dining hall on May Day and enter the new house on November... Although my speed of stripping is not as fast as that of male workers, I am still relatively fast among female workers. Basically, I can complete the day's quota before three o'clock in the afternoon every day. If it were someone else, she could get off work after completing her quota, but I can't. The responsibility on my shoulders tells me that I must help those who have not yet completed their quota.

Anyone who has ever taken off the mud knows that if you only use two-tooth grooves and a shovel to mix the mud with the mud, you have to use your feet to step in the mud and kick it back and forth. This not only saves effort but also speeds up the process. Hurry up. In order to get off work earlier, we used Erjiagou to pound the soil, grass, and water until almost all of it was done. Then we went down to the mud pit and started kicking with our feet. We also know that it is no exaggeration to say that the water in the pit is cold at that season. At first, we all wore high-waisted rain boots and kicked in the mud. As a result, before the third day, a pair of brand-new rain boots would be soaked in the mud. The impurities and rotten grass were punctured and water leaked.

Due to the extremely tight supply of materials at that time, it was almost impossible to buy rain boots in the regiment store, so we had to trouble our families to send them to us from four to five thousand miles away. Besides, after the camp was civilized, it was surrounded by swamps. The company wouldn't let us go out unless there were special circumstances. We didn't dare to go out for fear of something unexpected happening. We just wrote to our family asking for a pair of rain boots. Due to the inconvenient transportation in that place, the round trip would take at least twenty days. When the rain boots arrived in the mail, cucumber vegetables were also cold. Anyone whose rain boots were punctured would feel the same when digging in the mud with or without shoes, so we might as well just go barefoot. Those whose rain boots were not punctured were afraid of being punctured and would feel distressed, so they simply stopped wearing them. Everyone kicked back and forth in the mud with bare feet until the mud was cooked.

At the end of April and the beginning of May, as I said before, the soil layer was only about 20 centimeters thicker. Sometimes when the shovel was dug in, it hit the ice with a "squeak" sound. In that season, whether it was the water in the meadow or the water in the puddles, it was ice cold. When we touched the mud with our feet, we stood in the cold mud. At that season, we all wore spring clothes on our upper bodies, and had to roll up our trouser legs to our knees. After the stripping season, there were no female workers who had sore waists and legs, and none of them turned over in the middle of the night without moaning or crying in the middle of the night. There are also many...

Especially during the monthly menstrual period, the uncomfortable symptoms will be more severe. At that time, none of us have the courage to ask for care. It’s hard to say. Take our company as an example. There are about 40 female educated youths. Don’t let everyone take three days off per month, just one day off. In the whole year, there are 480 working days with no production value. There is no other way, we have to carry it, endure it, persist, we have to use superhuman perseverance to cope with the challenges of fate. Due to the harsh working environment and difficult living environment, several of our frail comrades were forced to contract rheumatism, and the girls were all worried about their own fate.

Just when there was a big fluctuation in our thoughts, it was our old company commander who was considerate and caring for everyone. He talked about our ideals and revenge for us through lectures and individual conversations, and told us about the development of the veterans back then. Beidahuang glorious history, in order to strengthen our determination and perseverance to overcome difficulties. Sickness is sickness. Every time the health worker comes back from the regiment headquarters to collect medicines, she packs them in packages according to the number of patients, and then the veteran company commander personally distributes them to the patients one by one. The old company commander usually spoke very little, and even when dispensing the medicine, he didn't have those nagging words of comfort as he imagined. Instead, he looked at you with melancholy eyes, nodded, and then silently handed the medicine to you. in hand.

When the old company commander distributes medicine and when the hygienist distributes medicine, the patient feels differently... Not only that, the old company commander also personally took several people to the woods to collect Chinese herbal medicine. After collecting the Chinese herbal medicine, he personally cooked it for everyone. After frying, he and the health worker personally brought it to the tent for us. The hygienist filled bowls of medicine, and then the old company commander personally delivered bowls to the patients...

The old company commander was like a kind father, taking care of us everywhere. A city kid with little life experience.

The Day of Kissing the Wasteland (4) Dawn

Author: Zu Jiefeng

1. The Story of Two Bottles of Cod Liver Oil

One night in late April, I went to the company headquarters to ask for instructions on work. As soon as I walked to the company door, I I heard the company commander and instructor arguing about something... I turned around and was about to walk away when the company commander spoke in the room: "Who? Come in." I replied from outside: "I, Xiao Zu", and then I entered the room. The company commander said: "The instructor and I are discussing the issue of digging a well. Platoon Commander Zu, please find a well location."

I am the kind of person who talks quickly and is a bit careless. After pondering for a while, I said: "First, the location of this well should be slightly higher so that the water in the Caodianzi will not flow back into the well. Second, it should be appropriately close to the dormitory of our female workers' platoon. , so that it is convenient for us to wash." After listening to my words, the company commander laughed and said repeatedly: "A layman, another layman." The company commander's words made me feel a little embarrassed, and I smiled sheepishly... At this time, someone called me outside the door, so I walked down the slope and said to the company commander: "It's getting late, you guys can discuss it, I'm going back." I walked out of the company headquarters, and the old company commander followed him out. . The old company commander handed me two bottles of cod liver oil and said, "Go back and see who has the worst eyesight, and let them take a little to ease the symptoms (night blindness). You can tell everyone by the way, I will I sent a health worker to the regiment headquarters to get the medicine. "

When I gave the cod liver oil to everyone, all the girls were humble and refused to take it. Later, everyone unanimously said to me: "Platoon leader, you should give the cod liver oil. Send it back to the company commander. The company commander's body needs it more. Our whole company has to point at him. We are young and can only carry it." When the girls said these words, I paid attention. The facial expressions of each of them, their young faces, express gratitude, sincerity and strength. What a good comrade. During the most difficult times, everyone thought of others. That exciting scene is really a bit like how we were humbly giving each other a bag of life-saving dry food on the Long March... Hi, that scene really moved me. I was so moved that I can't forget that scene to this day... I felt that my language was lacking at that moment, and I could not find more appropriate words to comfort everyone. I just felt that tears had already filled my heart, and I just wanted to cry.

After the girls insisted on begging, I left a bottle of cod liver oil for the girls, and I sent the other bottle back to the company commander. After I told the old company commander why I sent another bottle of cod liver oil back to the old company commander, after the old company commander took the heavy bottle of cod liver oil, he did not put it down immediately, but held it in his hand. After thinking for a moment, he put his hand back on the table. What was the old company commander thinking at that moment... He then only said a brief sentence: "What a good soldier." Looking at the solemn facial expression of the old company commander, I felt a little excited inside, and I realized again What does it mean to truly "share weal and woe"?

2, Pocket Lot

Our slogan back then was: "In the same year, we opened up wasteland, and in that year we harvested grain; we first treated the slopes, and then we treated the nests." The comrades of the maintenance team drove tractors and followed the company leaders around the world, looking for land that could be cultivated that year. , find a piece of land and carve it out.

I have said before that the area around our company was mainly swampland, and there was not much land that could be cultivated back then. What should we do if our superiors ask us to collect grain that year? We can only look for small sand hills or small earth bags on slightly higher ground. Even if the sand hills are only a few inches in size, they still have to be counted. We found eleven pieces of land at that time, totaling less than 400 acres. How small are some of the plots? The tractor simply couldn't turn around, so we had to manually plow the ground with a shovel. As long as the land was reclaimed that year, regardless of the size of the plot, we planted it with wheat or beans.Not bad, after more than a month of hard work, we have planted all the land we can before .

As the temperature gradually rises, the seeds we sow before planting the awns have gradually grown into small seedlings. Because the moisture content of the wasteland is not good, the seedlings will appear unevenly. At first glance, it looks like the brains of alopecia areata , with a handful in the east and a handful in the west. But then we can I am very happy, after all, it is the fruit of the labor of our pioneers. It doesn’t matter if the crops don’t grow well in the first year. They can be turned into the ground and used as green manure. If the field management can keep up, there will be a good harvest in the second year. When it comes to the vegetables we grew back then, they were a hundred times better than those grown in the fields, especially the vegetables grown in the small pocket plots in the woods, which were even more important.

At that time, I followed the instructions of the company commander to find a few people, and followed an experienced old employee to the woods to look for tiny plots of land where vegetables could be grown. As long as we find a plot of land that can grow vegetables, it doesn't matter even if it is only two square meters in size. We will immediately use a two-foot hook and rake to clean up the thick layer of rotten leaves on it, and then use a shovel to sort out the oily black leaves. Land, just dig a hole and sow the seeds and that's it. Since I didn't know anything about the formation of pocket plots at that time, I once doubted whether the vegetables would grow well if I just put some seeds in them.

Later, I heard from an old comrade that every small plot of land has its own well-known story, because what can such a small plot of land be used for? It can only be the former site of a farmhouse or shack. Having an old site means that that place was once inhabited. I agree with this, because when we were leveling the land, we dug out highly decayed leather boots, Pieces of cloth, etc.…. What kind of person is he forced to live in those deep mountains and old forests for what reasons? We certainly have no way of knowing this. But one thing we are sure of is that those who once settled on the site, made fires for warmth and cooking, inadvertently left behind natural fertilizer - peat for future generations. Ash.

Because of the presence of peat ash, the vegetables on the small plot of land in the forest grew particularly well that year. Although the quantity was not large, seventy or eighty people could have a meal of green vegetables (spinach, leeks, Chinese cabbage) every day. ) There is no problem with soup. After all, we are eating vegetables grown by ourselves. That autumn we once harvested a large radish weighing six kilograms, and many weighed three or four kilograms; there were also several potatoes weighing three kilograms... The happiest time of that year was the day when we were harvesting autumn vegetables. The girls in our platoon used big baskets they made to carry the fruits of victory and walked through the woods on the forest path leading to the camp. At that moment, the singing , laughter, and amused voices echoed in the vast wilderness...

3, Deglazing Battle

Although the snow in a large area has almost melted, the ground has only softened by about 20 centimeters at most. Due to civilization, the natural pits and depressions around the camp were filled with snow and water. We took advantage of the unique natural conditions to remove the adobe. If we don't seize the season of enlightenment to get rid of the waste, just talking about carrying water will make us exhausted. In order to attack the adobe used for infrastructure construction, the company held a battle to remove the adobe. Except for the cooking class , the rest of the people joined in the process of removing the adobe. In the two months since

was established, the conditions have been difficult in all aspects, but we still haven't done any strenuous work. At the moment, stripping is the most tiring job. The spring and summer removal season of 1970 was very long because the slogan that year was to go to the dining hall on May Day and enter the new house on November... Although my speed of stripping is not as fast as that of male workers, I am still relatively fast among female workers. Basically, I can complete the day's quota before three o'clock in the afternoon every day. If it were someone else, she could get off work after completing her quota, but I can't. The responsibility on my shoulders tells me that I must help those who have not yet completed their quota.

Anyone who has ever taken off the mud knows that if you only use two-tooth grooves and a shovel to mix the mud with the mud, you have to use your feet to step in the mud and kick it back and forth. This not only saves effort but also speeds up the process. Hurry up. In order to get off work earlier, we used Erjiagou to pound the soil, grass, and water until almost all of it was done. Then we went down to the mud pit and started kicking with our feet. We also know that it is no exaggeration to say that the water in the pit is cold at that season. At first, we all wore high-waisted rain boots and kicked in the mud. As a result, before the third day, a pair of brand-new rain boots would be soaked in the mud. The impurities and rotten grass were punctured and water leaked.

Due to the extremely tight supply of materials at that time, it was almost impossible to buy rain boots in the regiment store, so we had to trouble our families to send them to us from four to five thousand miles away. Besides, after the camp was civilized, it was surrounded by swamps. The company wouldn't let us go out unless there were special circumstances. We didn't dare to go out for fear of something unexpected happening. We just wrote to our family asking for a pair of rain boots. Due to the inconvenient transportation in that place, the round trip would take at least twenty days. When the rain boots arrived in the mail, cucumber vegetables were also cold. Anyone whose rain boots were punctured would feel the same when digging in the mud with or without shoes, so we might as well just go barefoot. Those whose rain boots were not punctured were afraid of being punctured and would feel distressed, so they simply stopped wearing them. Everyone kicked back and forth in the mud with bare feet until the mud was cooked.

At the end of April and the beginning of May, as I said before, the soil layer was only about 20 centimeters thicker. Sometimes when the shovel was dug in, it hit the ice with a "squeak" sound. In that season, whether it was the water in the meadow or the water in the puddles, it was ice cold. When we touched the mud with our feet, we stood in the cold mud. At that season, we all wore spring clothes on our upper bodies, and had to roll up our trouser legs to our knees. After the stripping season, there were no female workers who had sore waists and legs, and none of them turned over in the middle of the night without moaning or crying in the middle of the night. There are also many...

Especially during the monthly menstrual period, the uncomfortable symptoms will be more severe. At that time, none of us have the courage to ask for care. It’s hard to say. Take our company as an example. There are about 40 female educated youths. Don’t let everyone take three days off per month, just one day off. In the whole year, there are 480 working days with no production value. There is no other way, we have to carry it, endure it, persist, we have to use superhuman perseverance to cope with the challenges of fate. Due to the harsh working environment and difficult living environment, several of our frail comrades were forced to contract rheumatism, and the girls were all worried about their own fate.

Just when there was a big fluctuation in our thoughts, it was our old company commander who was considerate and caring for everyone. He talked about our ideals and revenge for us through lectures and individual conversations, and told us about the development of the veterans back then. Beidahuang glorious history, in order to strengthen our determination and perseverance to overcome difficulties. Sickness is sickness. Every time the health worker comes back from the regiment headquarters to collect medicines, she packs them in packages according to the number of patients, and then the veteran company commander personally distributes them to the patients one by one. The old company commander usually spoke very little, and even when dispensing the medicine, he didn't have those nagging words of comfort as he imagined. Instead, he looked at you with melancholy eyes, nodded, and then silently handed the medicine to you. in hand.

When the old company commander distributes medicine and when the hygienist distributes medicine, the patient feels differently... Not only that, the old company commander also personally took several people to the woods to collect Chinese herbal medicine. After collecting the Chinese herbal medicine, he personally cooked it for everyone. After frying, he and the health worker personally brought it to the tent for us. The hygienist filled bowls of medicine, and then the old company commander personally delivered bowls to the patients...

The old company commander was like a kind father, taking care of us everywhere. A city kid with little life experience.The old company commander's slightly stooped and thin figure, his deep eyes, his paternal care, his senior knowledge, his resolute expression, his eloquence in the face of big things, right and wrong, in that extremely difficult and difficult environment, He undoubtedly set a shining example for us educated youth and inspired us to keep moving forward down-to-earth.

4. Water - the source of life

The precious old photo below was taken around the end of March and beginning of April in 1970. The address is the well drilling site of the first well of the 27th company. The stone I stepped on was used for drilling the well. There was a small oak tree beside the well... It's a pity that I didn't expect it to be possible today, so I didn't leave any more references for drilling wells.

Deputy company commander Duan took the four or five old, weak, sick and disabled male workers in the company to dig the well. What do you say about the job of digging a well? It was a job that no one with much energy could exert, because it was such a small area that even many people couldn't stand. The old company commander was afraid that those few people would not obey the deputy company commander's command, so he gave them a fatal order, that is, "it must be completed in ten days." Otherwise, the excess working hours will not be recorded as attendance.

As the seasons get warmer, apart from the evaporated part of the cultivated snow water, the rest seeps into the ground. Because the wells had not yet been drilled, production and domestic water use encountered temporary difficulties. Whether it is water for us to eat or water for removing the dough, we have to go to the puddles under the sand hill to pick it up. From Shagang to Shuipaozi, we have to pass through a section of Tatou which is extremely difficult to walk. Not to mention walking with water, it would be difficult even if we walked empty-handed. Those of us who long for water, even though we know that water has not yet been produced from the well, we still have to take time to visit the well construction site twice a day. The thirstier we get, the more salt we eat, as if God is deliberately against us. Just when water was about to be pumped out of the well, we received disheartening bad news from the construction site, saying that the well had encountered a quicksand layer and could no longer continue digging. We thought helplessly that this time it would be troublesome. All our previous efforts were in vain and we had to start from scratch.

The leaders of the company are more anxious than we are, because hundreds of people are eagerly waiting for water, and if it fails, it will directly affect everyone's mood. An emergency meeting was held in the company. The content of the meeting was to mobilize the masses to brainstorm and let everyone contribute their ideas. Because I had no experience in this area, I did not attend the emergency meeting. As the saying goes, "Three cobblers are worth one Zhuge Liang." A native-born old comrade said confidently: "Encountering the quicksand layer proves that this well is not far away from water. Just carry it over." The old comrade gave everyone a crude idea: to arrange for people not to leave the well for 24 hours, and to dig down the well wood at the same time. This method really works, and it really blocks the quicksand layer.

In this way, the comrades who dug the wells had a much harder time. Every time they climbed up from the well, they looked as embarrassed as if they had just been fished out of the mud. In this way, after another three days and three nights of hard work, just when we were picking up our rice bowls and preparing to have lunch, exciting news came - there was water in the well! We held our rice bowls and cheered happily. Some male educated youths even danced Korean dances in excitement. Our days of eating snow water were finally over. Everyone put down their jobs in unison, and I picked up a water ladle and ran to the well digging site with everyone.

We ran to the well and took a look and realized that the newly dug well water was very muddy and could not be drunk at all. Our excitement was in vain. I heard from the old workers who dug the well that they had to dig a little deeper until they could see clear water. There was an educated youth from Beijing who was digging wells. He glanced at the water ladle in my hand and said to me with a smile: "Puilator Zu, do you want to take a sip first to try something new?" I replied with a smile: "The purpose of taking the water ladle is to taste the taste of the newly drilled well water first." He said with a smile, a fellow from Beijing, while taking the water ladle from my hand, he scooped half of the ladle. He handed me the well water and said, “Come, let’s have a taste first.I looked around at the people present and said, "Do you really want me to drink it?" "An old comrade said: "Drink a little and try it. It will definitely taste better than the water in the meadow. "

Looking at the muddy well water, I hesitated for a moment, then picked up the ladle and took two sips. A girl from Harbin asked me: "Platoon leader, how do you feel? "I said: "It's okay, it doesn't have any astringent taste at all, it's just a bit tart. The Harbin girl added: "No matter what, it is cleaner than the water in the meadow." "After the girl from Harbin City finished speaking, she also took a sip of the muddy yellow well water. Yes, that girl from Harbin City was absolutely right. We were so thirsty when we were taking off the greens, we just squatted in the ditch or in the water. At the edge of the pit, do you want to bring a few handfuls of water to your mouth? Besides, is there anything in the puddle? Especially when the weather gets warmer, when we squat by the shallow ditch to drink water, we have to use our hands first. Chase away the little creatures in the water, and then quickly bring a handful of water to your mouth.

One day at four o'clock in the afternoon, I was so thirsty that smoke was rising from my throat, so I wanted to drink some clean water. , I wandered around the billet yard, and ended up wandering around several small puddles to no avail. In order to survive, I had to squat down by the last shallow ditch and take a few sips of water. , just when I was about to walk away, I found that there were many very small worms in the water where I held it. I suspected that I had just drank worms. I couldn't help but feel nauseated and had already swallowed it. What can I do if it's in my stomach? I can't just spit it out if I want to. Besides, what can I do if I'm thirsty again? ? I closed my eyes, stamped my feet, and turned away from the small ditch.

The comrades who dug the well continued to dig down one meter deeper. The water was much clearer the next morning. When I got up, the cooking squad leader happily told me: "Platoon leader Zu, you can rinse your mouth with water from the well today. "I replied happily: "Okay! I'll fetch water. "I went to the well and saw that there were already several male workers washing up there. The water from the well was still a little muddy, but it was much better than the first two days. I heard from an old comrade that it would take another ten and a half months for the water to clear up. It was completely clear. From that day on, we completely said goodbye to the history of eating snow water. The snow melted, the well water was available, and the comrades with night blindness recovered. After hard work, we finally ushered in the first ray of light before dawn, because with water, there is the source of life. (To be continued)

About the author

Zu Jiefeng is a 66th junior high school graduate in the third year. In June 1968, he went to the 23rd Regiment of the Sixth Division of the Heilongjiang Production and Construction Corps. He returned to the city in February 1979 and worked in the Beijing Ma Steel Plant in 1979. After his retirement in 1998, he stayed with the original unit for five years.

began to write his memoirs after his retirement. I have written a total of more than 410,000 words (of which the experience of going to the countryside is estimated to be 200,000 words). After these years of accumulation, I want to tell you the story of my personal experience......

"Educated Youth Series Novel" Zu Jiefeng : The Day of Kissing the Wasteland (1) The First Day of Advancing into the Wasteland "The Educated Youth Series Novel" The Day of Kissing the Wasteland (2) The Wind in the River Wind Plays the Movement of Spring "The Educated Youth Series Novel" The Day of Kissing the Wasteland (3 ) Night blindness attacks children with half cotton trousers

I looked around at the people present and said, "Do you really want me to drink it?" "An old comrade said: "Drink a little and try it. It will definitely taste better than the water in the meadow. "

Looking at the muddy well water, I hesitated for a moment, then picked up the ladle and took two sips. A girl from Harbin asked me: "Platoon leader, how do you feel? "I said: "It's okay, it doesn't have any astringent taste at all, it's just a bit tart. The Harbin girl added: "No matter what, it is cleaner than the water in the meadow." "After the girl from Harbin City finished speaking, she also took a sip of the muddy yellow well water. Yes, that girl from Harbin City was absolutely right. We were so thirsty when we were taking off the greens, we just squatted in the ditch or in the water. At the edge of the pit, do you want to bring a few handfuls of water to your mouth? Besides, is there anything in the puddle? Especially when the weather gets warmer, when we squat by the shallow ditch to drink water, we have to use our hands first. Chase away the little creatures in the water, and then quickly bring a handful of water to your mouth.

One day at four o'clock in the afternoon, I was so thirsty that smoke was rising from my throat, so I wanted to drink some clean water. , I wandered around the billet yard, and ended up wandering around several small puddles to no avail. In order to survive, I had to squat down by the last shallow ditch and take a few sips of water. , just when I was about to walk away, I found that there were many very small worms in the water where I held it. I suspected that I had just drank worms. I couldn't help but feel nauseated and had already swallowed it. What can I do if it's in my stomach? I can't just spit it out if I want to. Besides, what can I do if I'm thirsty again? ? I closed my eyes, stamped my feet, and turned away from the small ditch.

The comrades who dug the well continued to dig down one meter deeper. The water was much clearer the next morning. When I got up, the cooking squad leader happily told me: "Platoon leader Zu, you can rinse your mouth with water from the well today. "I replied happily: "Okay! I'll fetch water. "I went to the well and saw that there were already several male workers washing up there. The water from the well was still a little muddy, but it was much better than the first two days. I heard from an old comrade that it would take another ten and a half months for the water to clear up. It was completely clear. From that day on, we completely said goodbye to the history of eating snow water. The snow melted, the well water was available, and the comrades with night blindness recovered. After hard work, we finally ushered in the first ray of light before dawn, because with water, there is the source of life. (To be continued)

About the author

Zu Jiefeng is a 66th junior high school graduate in the third year. In June 1968, he went to the 23rd Regiment of the Sixth Division of the Heilongjiang Production and Construction Corps. He returned to the city in February 1979 and worked in the Beijing Ma Steel Plant in 1979. After his retirement in 1998, he stayed with the original unit for five years.

began to write his memoirs after his retirement. I have written a total of more than 410,000 words (of which the experience of going to the countryside is estimated to be 200,000 words). After these years of accumulation, I want to tell you the story of my personal experience......

"Educated Youth Series Novel" Zu Jiefeng : The Day of Kissing the Wasteland (1) The First Day of Advancing into the Wasteland "The Educated Youth Series Novel" The Day of Kissing the Wasteland (2) The Wind in the River Wind Plays the Movement of Spring "The Educated Youth Series Novel" The Day of Kissing the Wasteland (3 ) Night blindness attacks children with half cotton trousers