Partnership to bully Russia? After the border of the Russian trump missile was erected, the United States came to help Japan again

2020/12/0720:10:43 military 703

According to the World Wide Web, Japan and Russia have been arguing over the sovereignty of the South Kuril Islands for many years. As a traditional ally of Japan, the United States has favored Japan more than once. Recently, the US State Department made a small move on an immigration document to tamper with the information of residents on the disputed islands between Japan and Russia. The birthplace of 20,000 Russian residents was marked as "Japan".

Partnership to bully Russia? After the border of the Russian trump missile was erected, the United States came to help Japan again - DayDayNews

The United States insists on going its own way

Recently, some Japanese media discovered that in the visa documents issued by the US State Department, some Russian-related clauses are disputed. The file shows that when applying for a US green card, the United States has long recognized Russian residents born in the Southern Kuril Islands as Japanese. The incident touched on the issue of national sovereignty and immediately caused dissatisfaction with Russia.

According to reports, Japan and Russia have had territorial disputes for a long time, and the South Kuril Islands are the focus of the dispute between the two sides. This place has another name in Japan, the four northern islands, originally a Japanese territory. During World War II, the Soviet Union captured it, and the Southern Kuril Islands merged into the Soviet territory.

Partnership to bully Russia? After the border of the Russian trump missile was erected, the United States came to help Japan again - DayDayNews

In 1956, Japan and the Soviet Union signed the "Soviet-Japanese Joint Declaration." The Soviet Union stated that it could consider returning the two islands to Japan. However, Japan demanded that the other side return the four islands together. It was difficult for the two sides to reach a consensus. In the 1990s, the Soviet Union collapsed and the Southern Kuril Islands were inherited by Russia.

Over the years, Japan and Russia have been in constant friction over the South Kuril Islands issue. At present, these islands are still under the control of the Russian side and are administratively assigned to Sakhalin State, while Japan has always regarded them as its own territory and put them under the jurisdiction of the Hokkaido Nemuro Promotion Bureau. Z1z public opinion believes that for Russia, the South Kuril Islands are of extremely strategic significance, so it is difficult for Russia to compromise in negotiations with Japan.

Partnership to bully Russia? After the border of the Russian trump missile was erected, the United States came to help Japan again - DayDayNews

Russia crossed a red line to warn of

's unreasonable actions against the United States, and Russia immediately protested. On December 6, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a severely worded statement in which Russia cited some important historical evidence and reiterated the country’s "indisputable sovereignty" over the South Kuril Islands .

In addition, Russia also publicly criticized the US on social platforms for questioning the outcome of World War II, "inciting territorial revenge," and accusing the US of being a "revisionist power." The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a warning to the United States: "Just enough, you must know where the'red line' is." -300 air defense missile system. Now, these missiles have arrived at Echo Island, one of the South Kuril Islands, and have been officially put into use.

Japanese media pointed out that in recent years, Russia has continued to strengthen the infrastructure construction and military deployment of the South Kuril Islands. It has successively deployed advanced weapons such as Su-35 fighter jets and "Bastion" shore-based anti-ship missiles on the island. This time, For the first time, the Russian army also moved the S-300 to the disputed island.

Another Russian media broke the news that the S-300 system on the island is very special. It is equipped with two interceptor bombs, which can shoot down enemy aircraft and intercept cruise missiles and ballistic missiles.

In this regard, military expert Du Wenlong analyzed that the purpose of Russia’s move was to put pressure on the United States and Japan, warning the two countries not to go their own way and risk deploying intermediate-range missiles in Japan, while also demonstrating Russia’s military deterrence and conveying this to them. One message: No matter how many American weapons Japan buys, Russia can handle it in the Asia-Pacific region.

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