Do you also have questions about the ten "exotic questions" of pilots?

2020/07/2523:28:02 military 1947

1. The cockpit door is locked from the inside, can I get in from the outside?

If both pilots lose consciousness, the crew members in the cabin can use a special code to enter the cockpit, and the door will open within 1 minute.

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Of course, when the pilot is awake, if the hatch is opened from the outside, they can confirm from the monitoring screen whether the person outside the door is a flight attendant, and if necessary, the door can be completely locked to prevent The gangster entered.

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2. Can people without training make the plane land safely?

A few years ago, a flight attendant used a flight attendant to simulate a flight, but she successfully landed the plane, mainly because the computer system would guide the landing procedure and let the people in the cockpit follow the instructions.

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So someone said, "The degree of aircraft automation is so high, just find someone to click on the autopilot and it's OK." I personally believe that successful cases are all independent events and do not mean 100% success. After all, autopilot ≠ zero operation!

3. Autopilot and landing of the aircraft = zero pilot operations?

The aircraft has a control system that can guide landing. During landing, you can also choose to land in automatic mode.

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However, the automatic mode must be activated by the pilot and must be adjusted manually when necessary during landing.

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4. Can a pilot grow a beard?

Some people say that growing a beard violates company regulations and affects professional image BLABLABLA... Therefore, pilots cannot grow beards.

There are pictures with the truth

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In addition to airline regulations, it is mainly related to the lushness of the beard. At least the beard cannot affect the pilot's correct wearing of the oxygen mask.

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5. In the cockpit, the pilot must not eat the same food?

There has always been a legend in the world:

The meals of the two pilots can’t be the same. For example, if one of them wants to eat beef, the other has to eat another kind of meat. Only in this way can we avoid two Both pilots suffered food poisoning.

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In fact, if the captain and co-pilot have to eat the same kind of food, the interval between the two meals will be longer, and the pilot who eats the second meal will have to wait an hour.

(As if the former is a white mouse???)

6. Why do pilots sometimes fly with passengers?

Don't worry, he is not driving your plane. Sometimes pilots have to "transfer" from one airport to another before starting a flight.

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However, they cannot sleep, dine or watch movies in front of passengers in uniforms, because that will confuse passengers and even cause panic, so they usually arrange special seats for pilots.

7. Will the pilot sleep in the cockpit?

According to a survey in the UK, 56% of pilots have fallen asleep during flight.

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Fortunately, modern aircraft usually have an automatic mode, and the tower will keep in touch with the pilot to ensure that at least one pilot is in control of the flight.

Long-distance flight usually arranges 3 pilots to take each other's rest. They will sleep in a special room.

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8. Why sometimes the plane will be in the air before landingSpin?

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(Exposure shooting landing trajectory)

A variety of situations are possible, such as obstacles or animals on the landing runway, strong crosswind, or another aircraft The plane is making an emergency landing.

9. Which is safer to make an emergency landing on water or land?

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In most cases, it is safer to make an emergency landing on land. Water will cause the aircraft to sink quickly...

According to statistics, the survival rate of a forced land landing is much higher than that of a forced landing on water.

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10. Lightning strike or bird strike, which is worse?

According to Boeing’s statistics, an aircraft is struck by lightning every 3,000 flight hours on average, and every aircraft is struck by lightning approximately every 300 days.

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The measures taken by the civil aviation of our country to deal with thunderstorms are to "fly around". The captain based on the airborne radar detection data, the thunderstorm information provided by the controller, the dangerous weather pilot report of the previous aircraft, and the various reports issued by the meteorological department. Early warning of thunderstorm-like weather, etc., comprehensive analysis and proposed detour routes.

The controller does a good job of coordination according to the pilot's request. The crew should also appropriately increase the orbiting distance based on the development of the thunderstorm and the speed of movement.

If the range of the cumulonimbus cloud is too large and the intensity does not weaken, what is more, the landing airport is being covered by a thunderstorm area, the cost of bypassing is too high, or it is impossible to bypass at all, then the flight can only return or prepare drop.

The danger that birds may bring is far greater than you think. If they are caught in the engine, it may destroy the engine or even cause a fire, and not all windshields can withstand the impact of birds. Therefore, the airport will use various methods to repel birds.

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The above are the top ten "exotic questions" that curious "babies" ask the most. If you have more weird questions, see you in the comment section!

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This article is reproduced from the public account: In Yunyun Aviation

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