The Russian Ministry of Defense issued a war report on the 15th stating that the Russian military used high-precision missiles to hit a military facility in Vinnytsia, Ukraine, killing many Ukrainian military commanders and foreign representatives who were meeting there.

2024/07/0308:15:32 military 1257

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The Russian Ministry of Defense released a battle report on the 215th saying that the Russian military used high-precision missiles to hit a military facility in the Ukrainian city of Vinnitsa, killing many Ukrainian military commanders and foreign representatives who were meeting there.

The Russian Ministry of Defense issued a war report on the 15th stating that the Russian military used high-precision missiles to hit a military facility in Vinnytsia, Ukraine, killing many Ukrainian military commanders and foreign representatives who were meeting there. - DayDayNews

According to the battle report, the Russian army used a "Caliber" sea-based high-precision missile, which missile accurately hit the Officers' Home Building in Vinnitsa. Russian intelligence showed that a meeting was taking place at the military facility at that time, and the participants mainly included the commander of the Ukrainian Air Force and representatives of foreign weapons suppliers. The theme of the meeting was to discuss issues such as Western countries providing fighter aircraft, weapons systems and fighter aircraft maintenance to Ukraine .

Previously, according to the Ukrainian National News Agency, the Russian military launched a cruise missile from a submarine in the Black Sea, attacked and destroyed a 9-story office building in Vinnitsa, a city in central Ukraine. Next to it are residential buildings, a medical clinic, offices and surrounding shops. So far, the attack has killed 23 people, including 3 children.

After the attack, Zelensky gave a speech that night, calling on the international community to jointly boycott Russia's military operations in Ukraine and defining the Russian military operations as a terrorist attack.

The Russian Ministry of Defense issued a war report on the 15th stating that the Russian military used high-precision missiles to hit a military facility in Vinnytsia, Ukraine, killing many Ukrainian military commanders and foreign representatives who were meeting there. - DayDayNews

In this regard, Russia and Ukraine each have their own opinions. First of all, it is clear that any attack against civilians or civilian facilities, regardless of the purpose, must be condemned and must be held accountable. Secondly, the current focus of dispute between Russia and Ukraine is the qualitative issue of the incident. In other words, the incident was a conventional military operation or a terrorist attack targeting civilians.

There is no doubt that Kiev will definitely define the Russian army’s attack as a terrorist attack. First, it can win the sympathy of the international community. At present, combating terrorism has become the common responsibility of the international community, and relevant countries are taking all measures to combat terrorists. Therefore, if a country is confirmed to have been attacked by a terrorist attack, it will most likely win the sympathy and support of the international community due to international humanitarian principles. Second, it can push Russia to the opposite side of the international community and completely isolate Moscow. This is exactly what Zelensky’s government dreams of. If the incident is defined as a deliberate attack on civilians, it will undoubtedly give Western countries a handle. Western countries themselves dominate international public opinion, and they will definitely write a big book about this matter. The result will be to further push Moscow into the opposition of the international community. This is destined to be a major military and diplomatic failure for Russia.

The Russian Ministry of Defense issued a war report on the 15th stating that the Russian military used high-precision missiles to hit a military facility in Vinnytsia, Ukraine, killing many Ukrainian military commanders and foreign representatives who were meeting there. - DayDayNews

For Moscow, the core reason for choosing to take such a major public opinion and diplomatic risk to attack the office building in Vinnitsa is that which one is greater, risk or gain. First, we have reason to believe that with Moscow’s excellent intelligence capabilities, the Russian military has indeed mastered intelligence on the Ukrainian military’s operations. Under this premise, the Russian army decided to take the beheading action. Regarding this point, Kiev also had to admit that the main target of the Russian army's attack was office buildings, not civilian facilities. Second, the intelligence intercepted by the Russian army showed that the theme of the Ukrainian military meeting was the issue of fighter aircraft assistance and support from Western countries. In this regard, Moscow has drawn a red line, that is, it will not allow Western countries to provide Ukraine with offensive weapons of mass destruction. Since Western countries have taken the initiative to break this bottom line, the Russian military cannot sit still and wait for death.

The Russian Ministry of Defense issued a war report on the 15th stating that the Russian military used high-precision missiles to hit a military facility in Vinnytsia, Ukraine, killing many Ukrainian military commanders and foreign representatives who were meeting there. - DayDayNews

Based on the statements from both Russia and Ukraine, it can be confirmed with a high probability that Moscow intercepted information about Western countries assisting Kiev fighter jets. In order to curb the occurrence of the incident, the Russian army decided to preemptively carry out beheading operations against the participants. Because the office building is located in the center of the city, the missile bombing also caused civilian casualties.

The Russian military’s actions are not targeting civilians because they have no such motive.Therefore, Zelensky’s call to define Russia as a “terrorist state” naturally cannot be established because the prerequisites do not exist. At present, Russia and Ukraine have not announced the results of the beheading operation, but tragically, the civilian casualties caused by the conflict are irreversible.

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