It has been more than four months since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, and the two sides are still at a stalemate. According to information from the Ukrainian military, the Russian military has recently carried out large-scale missile attacks on multiple citie

2024/06/2900:39:33 military 1257

It has been more than four months since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, and the two sides are still at a stalemate. Although the Russian army entered a comprehensive rest stage after taking control of the Luhansk region, its long-range strikes against Ukraine have not stopped. According to Ukrainian military news, the Russian military has recently carried out large-scale missile attacks on multiple cities in Ukraine.

It has been more than four months since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, and the two sides are still at a stalemate. According to information from the Ukrainian military, the Russian military has recently carried out large-scale missile attacks on multiple citie - DayDayNews

According to news, on July 14, local time, the Russian army launched missiles at the Nikolayev and Kharkov areas, hitting multiple temporary strongholds of the Ukrainian army.

At the same time, Ukrainian media also claimed that the Russian military launched a "Caliber" cruise missile from a submarine located in the Black Sea into the city center of Vinnitsa, a city in central Ukraine, causing multiple deaths.

Subsequently, Ukraine quickly accused Russia of its "crimes" to the world, saying that the actions of the Russian army were "terrorist atrocities" against Ukrainian civilians and must be tried.

It has been more than four months since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, and the two sides are still at a stalemate. According to information from the Ukrainian military, the Russian military has recently carried out large-scale missile attacks on multiple citie - DayDayNews

However, Russia insisted that the missile it launched accurately hit the military assembly center in Ukraine, did not target civilian buildings, and did not cause widespread civilian casualties.

Judging from the accuracy of Russian missiles, it is indeed unlikely to cause widespread civilian casualties when targeting Ukrainian military targets. Therefore, this is likely to be another farce directed and staged by Ukraine.

Just when Russia and Ukraine were quarreling over the missile attack on Vinnitsa , the Russian army was revealed to be gathering troops near the Kherson front line area.

It has been more than four months since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, and the two sides are still at a stalemate. According to information from the Ukrainian military, the Russian military has recently carried out large-scale missile attacks on multiple citie - DayDayNews

It is reported that after the Russian army and pro-Russian armed forces captured the important town of Lisichansk in Donbass and took full control of the Luhansk area, Putin ordered the main Russian offensive troops to enter the rest stage.

Subsequently, Russia and Ukraine entered a stalemate stage. Ukraine has repeatedly threatened to launch a counterattack in recent days, claiming that it has assembled an army of 1 million and can retaliate against the Russian army at any time.

Kherson is the first counterattack target declared by Ukraine. It is reported that Kherson is located in southern Ukraine and has been fully controlled by the Russian army shortly after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict broke out.

It has been more than four months since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, and the two sides are still at a stalemate. According to information from the Ukrainian military, the Russian military has recently carried out large-scale missile attacks on multiple citie - DayDayNews

Previously, Stremusov, deputy chairman of the Kherson Region's military and civilian administrative body, also announced that he would apply to join the Russian Federation. For this, he was also accused by Kiev.

Therefore, if Ukraine successfully counterattacks in Kherson, it will not only recapture an important city, but also boost the morale of the Ukrainian army and at the same time undermine the morale of the Russian army.

But currently the Russian army is massing on the front line of Kherson. A large number of armored vehicles and anti-aircraft weapons are flowing from Zaporozhye to Kherson.

It has been more than four months since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, and the two sides are still at a stalemate. According to information from the Ukrainian military, the Russian military has recently carried out large-scale missile attacks on multiple citie - DayDayNews

If Ukraine really launches a counterattack in Kherson, a war will definitely break out. However, considering the strength gap between Russia and Ukraine, there is almost no possibility of a successful counterattack in Ukraine.

Moreover, the Russian army’s massing of troops on the Kherson front line not only makes Ukraine very nervous, but also makes the United States very nervous. According to reports, the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine recently sounded an alarm to remind American citizens stranded in Ukraine to find a way to leave the country.

The U.S. Embassy wrote in the security alert: The current situation in Ukraine is still "unpredictable," so Americans are best not to enter Ukraine, and U.S. citizens stranded in Ukraine are best to find ways to leave the country through private transportation.

It has been more than four months since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, and the two sides are still at a stalemate. According to information from the Ukrainian military, the Russian military has recently carried out large-scale missile attacks on multiple citie - DayDayNews

Analysts believe that the main reason for the sudden security warning at the U.S. Embassy is that the Russian military has recently carried out missile attacks on multiple cities in Ukraine, which led them to believe that the situation in Ukraine is "unpredictable."

In addition, the Ukrainian army has repeatedly threatened to launch a counterattack in recent days. Once Ukraine really starts to counterattack, more intense fighting will inevitably break out between Russia and Ukraine, and the situation in Ukraine will inevitably become more tense.

Therefore, in order to protect the personal safety of its citizens, the U.S. Embassy requires Americans not to go to Ukraine. At the same time, Americans in Ukraine must leave the country as soon as possible.

Of course, we do not rule out the possibility that the United States is deliberately exaggerating tensions and creating panic. As we all know, the reason why the Russia-Ukraine conflict has developed to its current level is inseparable from the fanning of the flames by the United States.

It has been more than four months since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, and the two sides are still at a stalemate. According to information from the Ukrainian military, the Russian military has recently carried out large-scale missile attacks on multiple citie - DayDayNews

Nowadays, the United States least wants the conflict between Russia and Ukraine to subside. Therefore, the sudden security warning from the U.S. Embassy may also be to continue to exaggerate the tension in Ukraine, so that Ukraine will continue to confront Russia so that the United States can benefit from it. As for the real reason, I am afraid only the United States itself knows.

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