Release the latest emergency military information and broadcast global hot news. Welcome to pay attention to "Military Intelligence Emergency Report"! In fact, women joining the military is not a new thing. In today's era, women are present in the military of various countries. T

2024/06/2203:54:32 military 1019

releases the latest emergency military information and broadcasts global hot news. Welcome to pay attention to "Military Emergency Report"!

In fact, women joining the military is not a new thing. In today's era, women are present in the military of various countries. They can use their own advantages to complete many tasks that are difficult for men to complete. In ancient times, there were many examples of women joining the army, from Hua Mulan, who joined the army for her father during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, to the legendary French heroine Joan of Arc, and even in the legend of ancient Greece, there was a woman who was good at fighting. The famous special race - Amazon female warrior . The deeds of the Red Detachment of Women in fighting against the Japanese invaders are even more well-known in our country.

Release the latest emergency military information and broadcast global hot news. Welcome to pay attention to

But the women mentioned above all joined the army out of their own volition. Are there any examples of women being forced to join the army? Of course, it still exists. During World War II, Japan forced a large number of Chinese, Korean and Japanese women to join the army. We all know what kind of work they did. This has become a historical stain that the Japanese government is still unwilling to face. .

Just on July 13, Ukraine 's "Weekly Mirror" published a report in which a new resolution of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine was announced: Starting from October 1, 2022, certain specific Professional Ukrainian women must register for military service. Women who have completed the registration will not be able to leave their place of residence at will and are ready to respond to calls from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense at any time. These so-called specific industries include not only chemistry, biology, telecommunications, IT, but also some medical professions.

Release the latest emergency military information and broadcast global hot news. Welcome to pay attention to

Combined with what Zelensky has been clamoring for recently, to gather one million troops to counterattack Russia and regain lost territory, we not only raised a question, are the one million troops mentioned by Ukraine all Detachment of Women ? We do not mean any disrespect for women here, nor do we mean that women are not suitable to join the army. But how much can the combat effectiveness of the Ukrainian army be improved by forcing professional women who are originally engaged in research to join the army?

Or maybe the purpose of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense to recruit professional women this time is to fill the vacancies in technical arms, but there are still two questions that cannot be explained: First, can't men who work in these industries be recruited? Why is there a special emphasis on women in the order? Secondly, how many weapons does Ukraine still have that require technical arms to operate? Is it necessary to recruit qualified women from across the country?

Release the latest emergency military information and broadcast global hot news. Welcome to pay attention to

Just when the editor was puzzled, I suddenly thought, isn’t the president of Ukraine Zelensky? It was he who single-handedly taught all countries a lesson. It turned out that modern war is not only a competition of strength on the battlefield, but the media is also an important battlefield. In an instant, the editor figured out that the original intention of recruiting female soldiers was not to improve the strength of the Ukrainian army, but that Zelensky was preparing for the next show. On the one hand, it can show how much the Ukrainian people share the same hatred. On the other hand, the conflict will inevitably cause damage. The casualties of female soldiers can be used to stage a tragic drama internationally, and at the same time, it can also accuse Russia.

If Zelensky had focused half, even a small part, on governance, Ukraine would probably not be where it is today. So much so that when we talk about the Russia-Ukraine conflict now, half of us are concerned about the process, and the other half are curious about what else Zelensky can do to make a fool of himself.

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