U.S. congressmen visited Taiwan again and openly provoked China. When it comes to Scott, I am afraid that many people are familiar with him. He jumps up and down like a clown on the Taiwan issue.

2024/06/0803:29:32 military 1079

U.S. congressmen visited Taiwan again and openly provoked China. When it comes to Scott, I am afraid that many people are familiar with him. He jumps up and down like a clown on the Taiwan issue. - DayDayNews

When it comes to Scott, I am afraid that many people are familiar with him. He jumps up and down like a clown on the Taiwan issue. In February last year, he proposed the "Prevention of Taiwan Aggression Act." He also threatened to impose so-called "comprehensive economic and financial sanctions" on China if the People's Liberation Army attacks Taiwan. In May of this year, he and other members of Congress called on Biden to include Taiwan in the "Indo-Pacific Economic Framework." In addition, in April this year, he also visited the office established by the Taiwan authorities in the capital of Lithuania.

Taiwanese media said that this trip is part of Scott's visit to the Indo-Pacific region, and he will exchange views with the Taiwan authorities on important issues such as US-Taiwan relations, regional security, trade and investment, global supply chains and other common interests. The Taiwanese media spoke in general terms. What is the ulterior purpose of this congressman’s trip? You might as well get a glimpse of the whole story from his previous remarks.

Scott once stated in the proposed motion that the relationship between the United States and Taiwan should be strengthened and negotiations on a bilateral trade agreement should be initiated. At the same time, it will unite with other allies with similar concepts to establish a series of security dialogues and conduct joint military exercises to respond to sudden military attacks from the mainland. Call on the President of the United States to use force under certain circumstances to "help defend Taiwan." It is also recommended that the Taiwan authorities use more resources on the island to establish a defense system and purchase "asymmetric defense weapons." It even encouraged the US president and secretary of state to visit Taiwan.

U.S. congressmen visited Taiwan again and openly provoked China. When it comes to Scott, I am afraid that many people are familiar with him. He jumps up and down like a clown on the Taiwan issue. - DayDayNews

This series of proposals vividly interprets the idea of ​​"using Taiwan to control China" and fully exposes the ambitions of the Taiwan authorities to "rely on the United States and seek independence" and "use force to seek independence". Scott's visit to Taiwan this time and his collusion with the Taiwan authorities will inevitably push the situation in Taiwan into a more dangerous situation.

These US congressmen clearly know that visiting Taiwan is touching the bottom line of the mainland, so why do they trample on the red line again and again? Naturally, it is profitable. The Taiwan authorities can be called a cash machine for US lawmakers. Some members of the U.S. Congress are very close to Taiwan. On the one hand, due to ideological differences, they are naturally hostile to the mainland and use the Taiwan issue to disgust and contain China. On the other hand, the Taiwan authorities have spent money. In order to maintain relations with these American politicians and to maintain the superficial relationship between the United States and Taiwan, the Taiwan authorities have spent a lot of money.

For example, Trump After taking office, in order to talk to Trump, Tsai Ing-wen spent a lot of money to smoothen the relationship. A phone call with Trump cost 140,000 US dollars. After Biden came to power, the focus of the Taiwan authorities' lobbying shifted to the Democratic Party. Gephardt, a political publicist, frequently "takes jobs" for the Taiwan authorities. As a reward, Taiwan will pay him US$22,000 every month.

U.S. congressmen visited Taiwan again and openly provoked China. When it comes to Scott, I am afraid that many people are familiar with him. He jumps up and down like a clown on the Taiwan issue. - DayDayNews

html In April, two U.S. congressmen visited Taiwan to ask Tsai Ing-wen to purchase Boeing 787 aircraft. Interestingly, China recently purchased 292 Airbus aircraft, and Boeing expressed disappointment. I wonder how many more planes Scott will ask the Taiwan authorities to buy during his trip?

For their own selfish interests, the Democratic Progressive Party authorities use the hard-earned money of the people on the island to purchase arms and use "financial aid" to pursue the so-called "rock-solid" relationship between Taiwan and the United States. In the name of protecting Taiwan, what they do is not to benefit the Taiwanese people, but to "squander all the wealth they have worked hard to create." With such an authority, the Taiwanese people can only hope for themselves.

China will naturally not encourage the unhealthy tendencies of the Taiwan authorities to seek independence through force and US politicians to play the "Taiwan card." It is worth mentioning that the Taiwanese media were still hyping up the news two days ago that the People's Liberation Army has not patrolled Taiwan for seven days, which is very rare.

U.S. congressmen visited Taiwan again and openly provoked China. When it comes to Scott, I am afraid that many people are familiar with him. He jumps up and down like a clown on the Taiwan issue. - DayDayNews

As the saying goes, if you never forget something, there will be a response. If nothing unexpected happens, they will soon see the heroic figure of the People's Liberation Army soaring over Taiwan Island again. The People's Liberation Army is bound to maintain cross-strait peace and stability, deter external forces, and thwart the separatist ambitions of "Taiwan independence" elements on the island. It has long been prepared. The Taiwan authorities' "seek independence by force" is destined to be a dead end.

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