One night in August 1946, in an ordinary apartment in Peiping City, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's

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One night in August 1946, Beiping CityIn an ordinary apartment, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's work. Suddenly a figure appeared. Entering the house, before Chen Rongsheng could react, a revolver was pressed against his forehead. Chen Rongsheng was shocked and was about to ask when he heard the man shout: "Honestly, who are you?"

"Has my identity as an underground party member been exposed?" Chen Rongsheng was filled with doubts. No, if my identity is exposed, I should have been arrested by the bastards of secrecy bureau , and the other party is obviously not sure of my true identity, so it is better to act according to the situation. So Chen Rongsheng said: "Friend, it's dark here and it's really not a good place to talk. How about we turn on the light first and take a step to talk?"

When the gunman pulled the light cord, Chen Rongsheng found that the gunman was aiming at it. His own person turned out to be a good friend who got along day and night - Xie Shiyan, director of the Sixth War Zone Staff Division . "Thank you, brother. It's three o'clock in the middle of the night. It's not fun to joke like this." Chen Rongsheng said angrily. But Xie Shiyan was unmoved, and the muzzle of the gun was still approaching Chen Rongsheng, "Brother Chen, today we are brothers and we are going to give you a big gift. If you don't accept it, then don't blame me for being merciless." After that, Xie Shiyan Put your finger on the trigger as if you're going to shoot.

One night in August 1946, in an ordinary apartment in Peiping City, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's - DayDayNews

Facing his friend who drew a gun at him, Chen Rongsheng complained secretly. At this "life and death" moment, Chen Rongsheng understood that the top priority was to stabilize his friend's mentality and get more information from Xie Shiyan. So he asked sternly: "What kind of gift? You and I have known each other for many years, why are you forcing someone with a gun?" At this time, a smile appeared on Xie Shiyan's face, his lips parted, and he said slowly: "Brother Rongsheng, I see You are like the Communist Party. I come to you today, not for personal matters, but for the future of the country and nation. I must now hand over an important piece of information to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Please help me, Brother Rongsheng, if I have misjudged the person. , then we will die here together." After hearing this, Chen Rongsheng felt like a storm was crashing on the shore. Although he was very concerned about the content of this intelligence, he was also worried that it might be a "fishing law enforcement" by the Kuomintang agents. Chen Rongsheng did not dare to take Xie Shiyan to the contact point before he understood Xie Shiyan's intentions. So he made an extremely embarrassed look: "Brother Xie, you also know my identity. You said that I am a Communist Party. Are you pushing me into a pit of fire?"

Seeing that Chen Rongsheng was still wary of himself, Xie Shiyan had no choice but to take out a few pieces of official paper from his pocket and hand them to Chen Rongsheng. Chen Rongsheng glanced at the cover and was immediately horrified.

One night in August 1946, in an ordinary apartment in Peiping City, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's - DayDayNews

Sun Lianzhong

I saw a few big words printed on the document - "About Sun Lianzhong's raid plan against Zhangjiakou ."

Seeing that the matter was urgent, Chen Rongsheng immediately took Xie Shiyan to the secret contact point and handed the information to Xu Bing, the head of the Peiping underground party, who immediately handed it over to Ye Jianying. With the intelligence provided by Xie Shiyan, our army successfully defeated the invading reactionary troops. With his great wisdom and bravery, Xie Shiyan successfully joined the real revolutionary team and became our party's intelligence warrior lurking in the hinterland of the reactionaries.

So from a Kuomintang general to a great revolutionary warrior on our party’s hidden front, what legendary and touching experience does Xie Shiyan have?

One night in August 1946, in an ordinary apartment in Peiping City, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's - DayDayNews

The brave warrior

In July 1926, Xie Shiyan graduated from Baishan High School. At that time, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperated for the first time. The National Revolutionary Army followed Mr. Sun Yat-sen's will and launched the Northern Expedition, vowing to drive out all the corrupt Beiyang warlords . Among them, Zhang Fakui's troops of the Eighth Division of the Fourth Army of the Northern Expedition, with the assistance of the Communists, fought successively on the battlefield of the Northern Expedition and conquered several strategic towns. They made no mistakes wherever they went. They were a thoughtful and energetic force. revolutionary ranks.

One night in August 1946, in an ordinary apartment in Peiping City, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's - DayDayNews

Zhang Fakui

After seeing the mighty and majestic figure of the Northern Expeditionary Army, Xie Shiyan was full of yearning for revolution.In the autumn of this year, 14-year-old Xie Shiyan, with the dream of "defeating the great powers and eradicating the warlords," applied for the Army Baggage School established by the Nationalist Government in Nanjing. While in school, Xie Shiyan showed extremely high learning talent. Not only did he achieve excellent results in various subjects, he also became the "linguist" in the school. He was proficient in four languages: English, French, Russian and German. , is also very good at repairing various types of mechanical equipment, and is a "jack of all trades" in the eyes of teachers and classmates.

One night in August 1946, in an ordinary apartment in Peiping City, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's - DayDayNews

After graduating from the Army Baggage School, Xie Shiyan had two paths in front of him. One was to go to the armored force , a newly formed direct line of the National Government, and become the logistics officer in charge of baggage and maintenance equipment. This was a leisurely and well-paid position. "Fat job" is also the sweet potato in the eyes of those who get promoted and make money. The other way is to go to Army University to continue further studies. After graduation, he will enter the front-line army and become a middle- and lower-level officer fighting on the front line, facing dangers.

One night in August 1946, in an ordinary apartment in Peiping City, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's - DayDayNews

As a promising young man determined to save the country, Xie Shiyan chose the latter without hesitation. After entering Army University, Xie Shiyan once again became the top student among his peers, not only outstanding in academic performance, but also top-notch in practical training. In many military exercises held at the Army University, the "freshman regiment" led by Xie Shiyan repeatedly defeated the "teaching regiment" composed of instructors and senior students, and was nicknamed the "Hindenburg" of the "Army University".

In the summer of 1937, Xie Shiyan graduated from Army University. At that time, the Anti-Japanese War broke out. The young Xie Shiyan witnessed the loss of his country and was filled with grief and anger, so he submitted a petition to the Central Military Department.

Shortly after Xie Shiyan submitted his petition for war, the Battle of Wuhan began. Facing the invaders' naval and air force superiority, the Chinese army suffered heavy casualties. Many troops were completely disorganized, and the city of Wuhan was in danger. At this critical moment, Xie Shiyan was ordered to go to Zhejiang and serve as the colonel commander of the 46th Infantry Regiment under the 16th Division of the 3rd Theater. He was responsible for blocking the invading Japanese troops on the eastern front and delaying the advance of the invaders.

One night in August 1946, in an ordinary apartment in Peiping City, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's - DayDayNews

Xie Shiyan, who was leading the army for the first time in combat, carried with him the energy of a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers. In coordinating the actions of the Wuhan National Army, Xie Shiyan not only completed the set tasks brilliantly, but also reduced the casualty rate of the troops to an extremely low level. , quite similar to the style of running the army by Shu generals Wang Ping during the Three Kingdoms period.

One night in August 1946, in an ordinary apartment in Peiping City, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's - DayDayNews

After a small trial, Xie Shiyan quickly reached the peak of his military career. In 1942, the all-out Anti-Japanese War had entered a stage of strategic stalemate. Both sides had victories and defeats, but the scale of the battle was small, and there were few large-scale joint operations among the theaters. In this environment, the Chinese army's combat method was based on movement. Raid and fight are the main ones.

In the summer of the same year, Xie Shiyan was ordered to lead his troops to Zhejiang District. Unexpectedly, he encountered a Japanese brigade on the way! You should know that Xie Shiyan only had a standard infantry regiment in his hands at this time, with a full strength of only 1,000 people. However, facing an enemy ten times his own, Xie Shiyan immediately ordered his troops to build fortifications on the spot, preparing for an opportunity to break out.

Seeing that Xie's troops were few in number, the Japanese army immediately surrounded them on all sides. The battle lasted for two days and two nights. Xie Shiyan's troops suffered all casualties, and the entire guard company was wiped out. Only Xie Xinming, an orderly, was left beside Xie Shiyan. At this critical moment, Xie Shiyan got wise and tied a bath towel around his waist, letting Xie Xinming hold on tightly. After that, the two swam across the river together, and finally successfully broke through the Japanese bandit encirclement. In this battle, Xie Shiyan used the strength of a standard infantry regiment to fight the Japanese invaders for two days and two nights, annihilating more than 2,000 enemies, and dealt a heavy blow to the arrogance of the Japanese invaders.

After this battle, Xie Shiyan became a powerful person in China and became the "treasure in the palm" of Gu Zhutong, the commander-in-chief of the third theater of . .

One night in August 1946, in an ordinary apartment in Peiping City, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's - DayDayNews

With his military exploits in the Battle of Quzhou, Xie Shiyan became a representative figure of the young generals in the government. In 1944, 32-year-old Xie Shiyan was awarded the rank of major general. Later, he was poached by Sun Lianzhong, commander of the Sixth Theater Command, and became Sun Lianzhong's top aide.During the counterattack against the Japanese invaders, most of the combat plans in the Sixth Theater came from Xie Shiyan. Sun Lianzhong once proudly praised his colleagues: "Shangda is my son's wife (Xie Shiyan's nickname is Shangda)."

Abandoning the Darkness and Turning to the Light

On August 15, 1945, the Japanese fascists announced their unconditional surrender, and the eight-year anti-Japanese war ended in victory. Xie Shiyan was ordered by the Kuomintang Central Committee to go to Wuhan to receive the surrendered Japanese and puppet troops. However, when he arrived in Wuhan, he found that things were far from being as simple as imagined.

After the end of the Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese invaders and traitors left a large amount of property and factories in various places, and the Kuomintang officials responsible for receiving them all regarded this errand as a tool to make money and were busy "taking the exam". The so-called five sons who were admitted to the imperial examinations meant that they made a fortune by accepting gold, houses, cars, women, and money, and took the national property as their own. The entire Kuomintang was rapidly corrupted, and many former famous anti-Japanese generals degenerated into robbers and thugs who plundered the people's wealth. .

One night in August 1946, in an ordinary apartment in Peiping City, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's - DayDayNews

In Wuhan, the "reception" trend is even more intense. The local people never expected that the "Master Wang" whom they were looking forward to every day for the stars and the moon would be no less ferocious than the gang of Japanese invaders who were driven away, especially the gang of military commanders who came from the Qinghong Gang. The word "oppressing kindness" has been engraved in their DNA. For the people in the occupied areas who are disobedient and unwilling to surrender to them, these agents will directly label them as traitors and throw them into prison.

One night in August 1946, in an ordinary apartment in Peiping City, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's - DayDayNews

Xie Shiyan was extremely angry about the bad behavior of the military commander in Wuhan. He ordered his subordinates to arrest the evil military commander agents and prevent them from harming the countryside. However, how could the upright Xie Shiyan be the opponent of this group of insidious villains? In order to remove this stumbling block on the road to making money, the military commander concocted a large amount of false materials and "complained" to Nanjing, falsely accusing Xie Shiyan of making a big deal during the reception process. Windfall. After seeing the report sent by the spies, the always self-willed Chiang Kai-shek immediately ordered Xie Shiyan to be dismissed from his post for investigation and handed over to a military court for trial.

One night in August 1946, in an ordinary apartment in Peiping City, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's - DayDayNews

From a famous anti-Japanese general to a "prisoner", Xie Shiyan's injustice is comparable to that of Dou E. Fortunately, his colleagues and superiors knew that he had always been honest and honest and would never engage in despicable acts of corruption. After many efforts, Xie Shiyan, who had been detained for three months without any reason, finally regained his freedom and was reinstated in office.

Xie Shiyan himself was greatly touched by his short-term imprisonment, and he began to think about the future of himself and the entire country. At that time, there were people in the country who were partial to Chiang Kai-shek, who only saw power. There were officials of the Kuomintang who were obsessed with amassing money and only knew how to shout slogans to save the country, and there were dog spies who took advantage of their work power to bully good people. The Kuomintang is no longer the revolutionary party with a future that it was during the Northern Expedition. Instead, it is an inferior stage for a group of speculators and clowns to perform. In a dark society with such corrupt politics and an economy on the verge of collapse, China has no way out. For a time, Xie Shiyan fell into depression and hesitation, and even had the idea of ​​imitating Chen Tianhua , Yi Baisha and others, and committed suicide to clarify his ambition.

One night in August 1946, in an ordinary apartment in Peiping City, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's - DayDayNews

Just when Xie Shiyan was confused about the future, he met Chen Rongsheng, an underground party member, and read Mr. Mao Dun's book "Corrosion" from Chen Rongsheng. After reading the story in the book about military agents oppressing good people, Xie Shiyan couldn't help but think of his own experience, and he couldn't help but gnashed his teeth in hatred. Upon seeing this, Chen Rongsheng thought that Xie Shiyan was someone he could win over. So in addition to "Corrosion", Chen Rongsheng also lent Xie Shiyan a large number of left-wing progressive books. Later, Xie Shiyan even studied " On Protracted War " and "New Democratic Theory", and gained a new understanding of revolution. From then on, he became a "non-staff soldier" of the new democratic , and began to use his own identity and strength to implement his ideals.

One night in August 1946, in an ordinary apartment in Peiping City, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's - DayDayNews

Chongqing Negotiations

After the Chongqing Negotiations, Chiang Kai-shek went his own way and unilaterally tore up the Double Ten Agreement. In August of the same year, Chiang Kai-shek ordered Sun Lianzhong and Fu Zuoyi to launch an attack on our North China Liberated Area, and the task of preparing the combat plan was naturally given to Xie Shiyan.Xie Shiyan was worried that the liberated areas were not well-prepared, so he decided to hand over the plan to the Communist Party. However, he could not find a party organization, so he targeted Chen Rongsheng and tested his old friend by burning all the boats, which led to the beginning of this article. That scene.

One night in August 1946, in an ordinary apartment in Peiping City, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's - DayDayNews

Fu Zuoyi

html On September 29, the Kuomintang Sun Lianzhong launched a large-scale attack on our North China Liberated Area. However, with Xie Shiyan's intelligence, our army knew the enemy's movements well. In early October, our army launched a counterattack against the Kuomintang troops in the Huailai area, annihilating more than 20,000 enemies, delaying the enemy's offensive, buying time for the Zhangjiakou People's Government and party organizations to evacuate, and preserving the effective strength of the North China Liberated Area. .

After that, Xie Shiyan was absorbed by our underground party organization as an intelligence agent. With the blessing of his faith, Xie Shiyan became more and more courageous in fighting and passed a large amount of important information to the Party Central Committee, including Chiang Kai-shek's national military deployment map, making contributions to the cause of national liberation. made an indelible contribution.

One night in August 1946, in an ordinary apartment in Peiping City, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's - DayDayNews

Due to Xie Shiyan's strong request to join the Communist Party of China, but considering Xie Shiyan's special identity, after more than half a year of testing, Xie Shiyan grew into an unswerving communist fighter. In early 1947, Chen Rongsheng called Xie Shiyan to a secret apartment in Beijing. There, Ye Jianying presided over the party joining ceremony of Comrade Xie Shiyan. It took twenty years from joining the army in 1926 to joining the party today. Xie Shiyan finally found an organization that could realize his ideals. Looking at the bright red party flag, Xie Shiyan's eyes were filled with tears, and the blood in his heart kept stirring.

unfortunately sacrificed

However, just as Chiang Kai-shek was retreating steadily and the dawn of victory was approaching, an unexpected crisis fell on Xie Shiyan.

On September 24, 1947, agents from the Secrecy Bureau detected a secret radio station installed by our party in Peiping, and immediately arrested Chen Lian, the daughter of the underground member of the Communist Party of China - Chen Lian, the daughter of the Kuomintang literary hero Chen Brei, and was arrested together with Chen Lian. Also included is Li Zhengxuan, the director of the underground radio station. Because the agents were wary of Chen Bulei's identity, they escorted Chen Lian to Nanjing. An interrogation was launched against Li Zhengxuan. Li Zhengxuan was afraid of being tortured. He was greedy for life and feared death. He immediately rebelled and betrayed the entire intelligence system in North China.

One night in August 1946, in an ordinary apartment in Peiping City, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's - DayDayNews

Chen Lian

In the list of potential personnel provided by Li Zhengxuan, four or five were general-level officers in the 11th Theater Command, including Xie Shiyan, Director of the Staff Division of the 11th Theater Command. When Chiang Kai-shek learned of this, he was furious. He never expected that CCP intelligence agents had penetrated into the highest levels of local military and political affairs. So he ordered Mao Renfeng, the director of the Secrecy Bureau, to interrogate Xie Shiyan. At the same time, he also specifically told him not to torture him, but to Pry more valuable things out of him.

One night in August 1946, in an ordinary apartment in Peiping City, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's - DayDayNews

Mao Renfeng

In order to complete the important tasks entrusted by the "Principal", Mao Renfeng sent his general Gu Zhengwen, known as the "Living Yama", to try to defeat Xie Shiyan through "sugar-coated bullets" and "safety intimidation" psychological defense line.

However, both Mao Renfeng and Gu Zhengwen underestimated Xie Shiyan. When Gu Zhengwen asked him why he wanted to work for the Communist Party, Xie Shiyan replied firmly: "The name of the party is not important, they are only good or bad. I have served the party-state you mentioned for twenty years. As a major general, I am qualified to evaluate whether he has a future and whether he is a political group that can lead China to rejuvenation. However, I do not see the future of the party-state. I only see political thugs who are arrogant and oppress good people. As a major general, you are despising me. The son of a bitch under his command almost died in a military prison in Nanjing. The rank of this major general is not as good as the sesame paste that the people of Peking eat in their bowls. As for the Communist Party, they have a future and revolutionary ideas, so I choose them.”

One night in August 1946, in an ordinary apartment in Peiping City, Chen Rongsheng, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the 11th War Zone of the Kuomintang and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, was preparing to go to bed after finishing his day's - DayDayNews

Gu Zhengwen

After listening to Xie Shiyan's "confession", Gu Zhengwen was speechless. He ordered people to escort Xie Shiyan back to the cell, and wrote four words on the interrogation report - "stubborn", and then sent it to his body. Mao Renfeng in Nanjing.On November 30 of the same year, Chiang Kai-shek was worried that the mountains were high and the emperor was far away, and locking Xie Shiyan in Peking would give the Communist Party an opportunity, so he ordered the special agents of Peking Station to escort Xie Shiyan to Nanjing for detention.

On November 2 of the following year, the Northeast Field Army captured Shenyang, the Liaoshen Campaign ended, and the entire Northeast was liberated. Chiang Kai-shek, who was far away in Nanjing, was shocked. In order to cover up his incompetence and vent his "anger", Chiang Kai-shek, who could only keep a diary, blamed the defeat of the Northeast on the ineffectiveness of the intelligence system, and at the same time stated that he would strictly investigate the "Xie Shiyan leak case". After casually reading the files for a few days, Chiang Kai-shek, who was in urgent need of "killing people to relieve the fire", issued an order to investigate Xie Shiyan. Execution order.

On November 19, it was raining continuously in Nanjing. General Xie Shiyan died at the gunpoint of the reactionaries on this day and fell on the eve of dawn.

In the history of the Chinese revolution, there are many great hidden warriors like Xie Shiyan, but each of them is a hero in the dragon's pond and the tiger's den, and will always live in the hearts of the people.


Xie Shiyan: Youth is stained with blood——Xiong Zhongrong

Xie Shiyan risked his life to report to the military plane——Xie Binghuai

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