According to a report reprinted by Reuters on the Global Network, Ukrainian President Zelensky admitted on July 4 that the Ukrainian army had withdrawn from Lisichansk, the last major city in Luhansk, after repeated attacks by the Russian army, but he vowed to regain control of t

2024/05/2616:30:32 military 1208

According to Global Network reposted Reuters report, Ukrainian President Zelensky admitted on July 4 that the Ukrainian army had withdrawn from the last building in Lugansk after repeated attacks by the Russian army. The city Lischichansk , but he vowed to regain control of the region with the help of Western long-range weapons.

According to a report reprinted by Reuters on the Global Network, Ukrainian President Zelensky admitted on July 4 that the Ukrainian army had withdrawn from Lisichansk, the last major city in Luhansk, after repeated attacks by the Russian army, but he vowed to regain control of t - DayDayNews

However, the British media is praising the Ukrainian army's victorious retreat. The British Reuters has just praised the "Lisichansk Retreat" as the Ukrainian version of "Dunkirk" in the 21st century. Reuters said that the Russian army's encirclement failed and they sat back and watched the Ukrainian army retreat smoothly, allowing the Ukrainian army to retain an effective strength of 15,000 people. .

Reuters said that although Lischichansk fell under the control of the Russian army, (Russian army) did pose a threat. But "as long as Western weapons reach the front lines, the situation will get better." At present, the Ukrainian army continues to use long-range firepower such as long-range rocket launchers and large-caliber howitzers to disrupt Russian command and control, and has successfully struck deep in the Russian rear.

According to a report reprinted by Reuters on the Global Network, Ukrainian President Zelensky admitted on July 4 that the Ukrainian army had withdrawn from Lisichansk, the last major city in Luhansk, after repeated attacks by the Russian army, but he vowed to regain control of t - DayDayNews

Reuters quoted Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny as saying: The Russian army launched an "extremely violent wave of strikes in Severodonetsk-Lisichansk from June 24 to June 30." ". This is the most intense artillery fire. In the past 24 hours alone, Russia launched 270 artillery strikes, fired 45,000 artillery shells, launched 2 missile attacks and 32 air strikes in the northern region of Luhansk.

The Ukrainian General Staff also stated: After taking control of Lischichansk, the Russian army tried to advance to Slovyansk in Donetsk Oblast. The Russian army was trying to find fighter jets near the villages of Dovgenk and Dolina near Slovyansk, but was "pushed back" by the Ukrainian army.

According to a report reprinted by Reuters on the Global Network, Ukrainian President Zelensky admitted on July 4 that the Ukrainian army had withdrawn from Lisichansk, the last major city in Luhansk, after repeated attacks by the Russian army, but he vowed to regain control of t - DayDayNews

Even the British have to admit that the Soviet Union has too deep a foundation! In the past few days, some Russian people along the railway have discovered that military trains are transporting heavy artillery of different calibers to the front line, including towed artillery and self-propelled heavy artillery to Donbass. These artillery include the 2A36 "Hyacinth B" 152mm towed cannon and the D-30 122mm howitzer.

The 2S7M Peony/Marka 203mm heavy self-propelled artillery, as well as the 2S4 heavy self-propelled mortar, were also spotted in the St. Petersburg area heading towards Ukraine. These towed artillery and heavy self-propelled artillery are all active models in the Russian artillery force. The Russian army's mobilization to the front this time shows that the Russian army will continue to strengthen the artillery firepower on the Donbas front line.

According to a report reprinted by Reuters on the Global Network, Ukrainian President Zelensky admitted on July 4 that the Ukrainian army had withdrawn from Lisichansk, the last major city in Luhansk, after repeated attacks by the Russian army, but he vowed to regain control of t - DayDayNews

The British army believes that the Russian army sent core troops belonging to six group armies, but only achieved tactical success in Severodonetsk-Lisichansk and did not achieve encirclement. This shows that the Russian armed forces are increasingly hollowed out by the quagmire of war. Their combat effectiveness is declining, and a slow and powerful mass offensive may be unsustainable in the long term.

The British army believes that the Russian army must also deal with challenges in other regions in the short term. After the protrusion was "smoothed" by the Russian army, the Ukrainian army in the east could defend along a shorter line of defense. The Ukrainian army's southward advance near Kherson will create a dilemma for the Russians over their priorities.

According to a report reprinted by Reuters on the Global Network, Ukrainian President Zelensky admitted on July 4 that the Ukrainian army had withdrawn from Lisichansk, the last major city in Luhansk, after repeated attacks by the Russian army, but he vowed to regain control of t - DayDayNews

The intention of the Russian army is to fight on two fronts. As early as April 22, the Russian Ministry of Defense issued the latest statement on the second phase of the "Special Military Operation", Deputy Commander of the Russian Central Military District Rustam Minne Kaev said that the Russian army plans to fully control the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine and southern Ukraine at this stage.

A Reuters article said that Ukraine has experienced its most severe week. Even the best military organizations sometimes have bad weeks at war, and that's completely normal.

According to a report reprinted by Reuters on the Global Network, Ukrainian President Zelensky admitted on July 4 that the Ukrainian army had withdrawn from Lisichansk, the last major city in Luhansk, after repeated attacks by the Russian army, but he vowed to regain control of t - DayDayNews

Then Reuters listed a series of examples in history of defeating first and then winning, a lot of them.

Reuters said: Don’t forget, after Dunkirk there will be the complete liberation of Europe.The First Battle of El Alamein was followed by the Second Battle of Alamein, which was the beginning of the Nazis' defeat in North Africa.

During the American Revolution period, George Washington also lost many battles at the beginning and gave up many territories, but the Northern Army still survived and eventually won the war with the help of French allies.

In order to win this war, Ukrainians sometimes have to make concessions. Despite their immense courage, Ukrainians must not be drawn into a war of attrition against Russian forces that prefer to fight this way.

According to a report reprinted by Reuters on the Global Network, Ukrainian President Zelensky admitted on July 4 that the Ukrainian army had withdrawn from Lisichansk, the last major city in Luhansk, after repeated attacks by the Russian army, but he vowed to regain control of t - DayDayNews

A Reuters article stated: "We can already feel the breath of victory in Ukraine. In Lischichansk, this successful transfer will bring continuous victory to future wars. With the continuous assistance of Western advanced weapons , until the Russian army finally surrendered unconditionally!”

Seeing this, Sahaf sat up excitedly and silently gave a thumbs up!

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