Fumio Kishida said that the security and defense of Europe and the Indo-Pacific region are inseparable, and attempts to unilaterally change the status quo by means of coercion continue to occur in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. "Today's Ukraine is tomorrow's East Asi

2024/05/2123:21:33 military 1279

Since Russia launched a "special military operation" in Ukraine , the United States has joined forces with its allies to spare no effort to transport various weapons and equipment to Ukraine, provide a large amount of military assistance, and impose all-round sanctions on Russia. Japan, on the other hand, took the lead and took the Russia-Ukraine conflict as an opportunity to demonstrate its "great power status" by jumping up and down and doing everything possible to forcibly tie the situation in Ukraine to the security of the Asia-Pacific region.

Fumio Kishida said that the security and defense of Europe and the Indo-Pacific region are inseparable, and attempts to unilaterally change the status quo by means of coercion continue to occur in the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

A few days ago, the Japanese Prime Minister was invited to participate in the NATO summit. Kishida Fumio said that the security and defense of Europe and the Indo-Pacific region are inseparable, and attempts to unilaterally change the status quo by means of coercion continue to occur in the East China Sea and South China Sea. "Today's Ukraine is tomorrow's East Asia." Japan is deeply aware of this. Feeling worried. In the previous US-Japan summit meeting, Kishida Fumio also hypocritically said " the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait", while Biden said that the US-Japan alliance is an important alliance and the determination to defend Japan will not waver. , Biden also pledged to support Japan in becoming a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. Some media commented that as Japan's rightward shift accelerates, it faces increasing external pressure. Kishida Fumio's declaration that "Today's Ukraine will be tomorrow's East Asia" is to use the topic to ask for help from and NATO , thereby pretending to be a victim to gain sympathy and support from NATO and realize his two "sweet dreams."

First, the dream of becoming a world power. After the end of World War II, although Japan became a small follower of the United States, it wanted to become a political power again. Japan believes that it is already the third largest economy in the world, and the next step is to have a political status that matches it. Regarding the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Japan not only provided economic assistance to Ukraine, but also announced the imposition of sanctions against Russia, which is to demonstrate its status as a major power. In particular, Japan's pursuit of "membership" has exposed their ambition to become a global power. In the eyes of the outside world, Japan wants to use the United States to enhance its international status and influence, but in fact it wants to change the unequal status of "the United States dominates Japan and follows Japan." Therefore, Japan is hyping up the Russia-Ukraine conflict and its impact on the global situation in order to conceal its true intentions.

Fumio Kishida said that the security and defense of Europe and the Indo-Pacific region are inseparable, and attempts to unilaterally change the status quo by means of coercion continue to occur in the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

The second is the dream of a strong military power. Japan has always wanted to become a "normal country" militarily. It no longer wants to rely on the United States or the international community to provide security guarantees, but hopes to improve its security posture through its own efforts. Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Japan has been hyping up the "regional security crisis", maliciously provoking tensions with neighboring countries, and even hyping up the Taiwan Strait issue, in order to take the opportunity to accelerate the "national normalization" process of amending the constitution and strengthening military force. Whether it is to significantly increase the defense budget or relax restrictions on the export of weapons and equipment, they are all aimed at overriding the " peace constitution", changing the "exclusive defense" policy, and paving the way for the realization of military "normalization."

Fumio Kishida said that the security and defense of Europe and the Indo-Pacific region are inseparable, and attempts to unilaterally change the status quo by means of coercion continue to occur in the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

In response to Kishida Fumio's hype about "Today's Ukraine and Tomorrow's East Asia" at the NATO summit, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian directly exposed Japan's background. Zhao Lijian said that Japan's repetition of the same old tune at the NATO summit is actually looking for excuses for its own military expansion and strengthening. All parties have long seen this clearly. When talking about the future of East Asia, we should think about what happened in East Asia yesterday. If Japan sincerely hopes for peace and stability in East Asia, it should seriously reflect on its history of militaristic aggression and draw profound lessons from it, instead of fanning the flames everywhere for fear of instability in the world. Zhao Lijian's response was to the point, directly exposing Japan's background. As the origin of World War II, Japan not only fails to reflect on its war crimes, but instead seeks opportunities to become a political and military power. This makes people doubt that they will return to their old business of foreign aggression and expansion.

Fumio Kishida said that the security and defense of Europe and the Indo-Pacific region are inseparable, and attempts to unilaterally change the status quo by means of coercion continue to occur in the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

It is worth noting that Japan frequently challenges China on issues such as diplomacy, security, military, economy and even the Taiwan Strait. The China-related content in the Japan-U.S. joint statement is even more provocative. It blatantly interferes in China's internal affairs, unfoundedly accuses China of legitimate and lawful maritime activities, and vigorously exaggerates the "China threat theory." According to Japanese media reports, the Kishida Fumio government is planning to dispatch Ministry of Defense officials to be "permanently stationed" in Taiwan to strengthen Japan and Taiwan's intelligence collection capabilities.In this regard, the spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of National Defense, Colonel Tan Kefei, has clearly warned that we firmly oppose Japan’s official exchanges and military contacts with Taiwan in any form under any pretext. If Japan insists on provoking trouble, attempts to make a breakthrough in relations with Taiwan, or even makes a fuss in the highly sensitive military and security field, Japan will be responsible for all consequences.

Just after the Chinese Ministry of Defense issued a stern warning, Japanese media reported on the latest trends of the Chinese Navy. According to news from Japan's Kyodo News Agency, the Chinese Navy's two guided missile destroyers and one supply ship sailed northward from the waters between the main island of Okinawa and the Miyako Strait to enter the East China Sea. Kyodo News also stated that the number of days for the three Chinese ships to sail around the Japanese archipelago is about 20 days. Although the Japanese government pretends to be calm and always claims to send warships and aircraft to carry out surveillance missions against and Chinese naval vessel , it can hardly conceal its inner fear and uneasiness. You know, the senior generals of the Chinese military have long made it clear that Taiwan belongs to China. If someone dares to split Taiwan from China, the People's Army will fight to the end and defeat it resolutely, no matter the cost. and smash any separatist plot for "Taiwan independence" and resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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