On the evening of July 1, three state-owned airlines, including Air China, China Eastern Airlines and China Southern Airlines, announced that they would purchase a total of 292 A320NEO series aircraft from Airbus, with a total transaction value of approximately US$37.257 billion.

2024/05/1913:39:33 military 1498

On the evening of July 1, three state-owned airlines, including Air China, China Eastern Airlines and China Southern Airlines, announced that they would purchase a total of 292 A320NEO series aircraft from Airbus, with a total transaction value of approximately US$37.257 billion. - DayDayNews

Why buy someone else’s big plane? Don’t we have 919?

It seems that our big aircraft is out of business again. Why have we bought so many other people’s aircraft? This topic has become a hot topic again in the past two days. Many people are beginning to feel uneasy again. Is it really true that the 29.2 billion yuan was wasted? Is it really the case that domestically produced large aircraft cannot be used and we will buy European aircraft? I think it's not that simple.

htmlOn the evening of July 1, Air China, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, and other three state-owned airlines announced that they would purchase A320NEO series aircraft from Airbus, a total of 292 aircraft, with a total transaction value of approximately US$37.257 billion. . As soon as the news about

came out, some people on the Internet said with malicious intent that our 919 was dead and could no longer fly. If you spend so much money to buy someone else's plane, there must be all kinds of insider tips, all kinds of slander, all kinds of acid. We must believe that the game played by major powers is motivated by their own needs and interests.

First of all, the use of airplanes, like cars, has a time limit for scrapping. Generally, like cars, one is the use time and the other is the flight hour limit. Even an airplane that has never flown will be destroyed due to natural oxidation and fatigue. To be scrapped. For example, when we buy a car, we will tell you that the warranty period is 2 years and 100,000 kilometers. That is to say, if it is half a year, you have run 100,000 kilometers, or 0 kilometers, but after 2 years, it will There is no warranty, that's the truth.

Therefore, according to the forecast of China Civil Aviation, by 2024, China's airlines will gradually retire and replace about 8,000 aircraft. This is not a small number. Even if any country can produce its own aircraft, it is impossible to use all of them. Although the aircraft will definitely be retired and replaced in batches gradually, let's think about it. No matter how good your stomach is or how big your mouth is, you can't eat the whole village's food, right?

Secondly, regarding our large aircraft 919, there are no technical problems, and the localization is very high, but why is it not produced and used in large quantities?

The World Civil Aviation Organization has strict standards for the commercial application of all civil aircraft, which are the so-called international airworthiness standards. Without this airworthiness certificate , you cannot conduct international commercial flights and sales.

This certificate is issued by the aviation authority to civil aircraft in accordance with the regulations on the certification of civil aircraft products and parts to prove that the aircraft is in a safe and usable condition.

is currently the most core in the world. The recognized airworthiness certificates are the US FAA airworthiness certificate and the EU EASA airworthiness certificate, which is almost a monopoly. Without him, our big planes can only fly within the country. We also have our own CAAC airworthiness certification standards, but they basically have no recognition internationally.

So why don't they give us this certificate? The truth is very simple. Because our aviation industry started late, it has always been in the backward and exploratory stage. However, Europe and the United States have formed a complete aviation industry system and standards over more than 100 years. As a result, the aviation industry market has also been divided up by them. In this case, how can they Maybe you will continue to support you, a young country with huge economic and technological potential, and come in to compete with them for the already divided cake?

This has to be said that the Soviet Union and Russia now have their own civil aviation industry, which cannot compete for the international market. Only allied countries use it. At that time, most of our domestic aircraft were Antonov series, IL series, Tupolev series, Yakovlev series, the most famous one in China is the Tu-154 large passenger aircraft. This young man can’t even understand it. At that time, Su’s aviation industry was also very cutting-edge, and even developed The supersonic airliner , which is comparable to the European Concorde, came out. However, due to problems such as national strength in the later stages of the Soviet Union's development ideas, many technologies have not kept up with the progress of the world aviation industry. The more important reason is that they cannot be integrated into the world aviation market. Obviously, there is no support. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union in Later, more out of necessity and political reasons, most of them had to purchase American and Boeing .

The 919 passenger aircraft we developed and the Airbus passenger aircraft purchased this time are both short- and medium-range regional airliners , which are the most frequently used aircraft in the world. Of course, they will make things difficult for you on the airworthiness certificate.

You sell fried dough sticks at the entrance of the village. Of course you don’t want another family to come and compete with you for business.

’s large-scale purchase of European Airbus this time probably also has this level of consideration. Can they loosen up from each other and open up Europe first and then conquer the Americas? I think it is possible. The people above must be smarter than me. They all have experts from research institutes to study these issues. He must have thought more deeply than me, who is so smart. Don’t worry, we will not only fly domestically, but also fly to the whole world. The day when the two powers will become three-thirds of the world is not far away.

Third, this is an obvious problem. Since Chuan Jianguo came to power, he has started a trade war with us. Whether it is killing an enemy by one thousand and losing eight hundred, or killing an enemy by eight hundred and losing one thousand, anyway, everyone uncomfortable. After Lao Bai came to power, he continued this policy and intensified it. He kept saying that he wanted to decouple, and he wanted to contain and suppress it in various ways. Well, let's do a small decoupling drill first to see how you feel and experience how sour lemons are.

According to the old American roadside news agency, Boeing said on Friday local time, "As a Boeing company that has a 50-year relationship with China Aviation, it is disappointing that geopolitical differences continue to restrict U.S. aircraft exports." The U.S. aircraft manufacturer added that it continues to urge the U.S. and Chinese governments to engage in productive dialogue.

I would like to emphasize here that the democratic politics of European and American countries are based on capital plutocrats. There will be problems at this level below.

hurts Boeing, only White House hurts. Boeing is the crown jewel of the U.S. manufacturing industry and an important part of the U.S. military-industrial complex. It is not only related to the U.S. economy, but also has immeasurable influence on U.S. politics. A large number of senior officials in successive U.S. governments come from Boeing.

There are also many members of Congress who use Boeing dog food. Boeing is in pain. How can Biden help it out? The White House has fallen into a paradox: China is Boeing's largest overseas market, and the United States is confronting China in all aspects. If the United States bows its head and shows weakness to China, it will help Boeing obtain orders. So, how does it explain it to its younger brothers?

The president and prime minister in front of the stage can be changed, but the capitalists are the unchanging masters. Capitalism must look like capitalism.

Fourth, at the time of the Nordic Summit and the G7, China announced this major news, which was deeply considered.

First of all, we need to understand the background of Airbus. The following topics will be easier to understand.

Airbus Industries is an international joint venture founded on December 18, 1970. It is registered in France and has members from France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. , Spain, the collaborative members include Netherlands and Belgium , which basically covers the major European countries and economies. The United States considers itself a sovereign state, regardless of the current situation in Europe, and leads Europe to use Xiaowu to become an enemy of Russia, thinking of the threat of the euro that simultaneously weakens Russia's strength and European integration . And they continue to clamor to form a group to contain China from the aspects of technological barriers, economic sanctions , and military deterrence.

This time we use this big order to illustrate the truth that there are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies, only eternal interests.

This big, tempting bone is right in front of Europe. How big the share of interests is, how greedy it will be. How happy Airbus is eating, how bitter Boeing's heart will be, and how unpleasant the scolding will be.

Some people are always clamoring for the Chinese to reflect. Isn’t it time for them to reflect on themselves the most?

Fifth, based on the above factors, if we want to break the current situation, we must take effective measures.

Since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, they have been considering the world structure and new order after the end. From a financial perspective, Russia has broken a hole in the hegemony of the US dollar. What the United States is more afraid of is the strength of the euro. The RMB is currently It seems that there is no strong force yet, so at a time when the Eurozone is struggling due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, this large order is undoubtedly a timely help to the Eurozone.

At the same time, the foreign exchange reserves in our hands must be released appropriately, so that we can better stimulate our country's international trade and the virtuous cycle of international finance.

also more effectively shows the world that we are the real big market, that big brother can only cut leeks, and we are the real mutually beneficial cooperation and win-win situation. It is profitable to maintain a good relationship with us.

Sixth, on the other hand, this order can stimulate Airbus to continue to increase investment in China. According to Airbus’ official website, Airbus Commercial Aircraft has more than 1,900 employees in China, including joint ventures located in various places. Airbus not only has a final assembly line in Tianjin, but according to media reports, on June 24, the Airbus China R&D Center also signed a contract to settle in Suzhou Industrial Park .

In fact, this large order is still part of it, and the profits will remain in our country, while additional orders are added. We will definitely increase the speed of cultivating domestic talents, expand the production scale of the Tianjin factory, and improve production capacity. This will lay a very good foundation for our aircraft manufacturing. Increasing employment, cultivating talents, and expanding production are a good way to stimulate domestic demand.

Combined with the video content I released yesterday, it can be seen that the new world pattern and world order have quietly undergone irresistible changes. Both Europe and the United States, as well as all countries in the world, should re-examine their own behavior and which one is more in line with their own behavior. Benefit?

If you think what I said is not comprehensive enough, please give me some advice in the comment area.

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