Recently, according to a report by the US "Military Watch", when the US Navy held a three-carrier military exercise in the Asia-Pacific waters, the People's Liberation Army held a large-scale air anti-aircraft carrier combat drill in the airspace near the Taiwan Strait at the end

2024/05/1913:38:33 military 1555

China's current anti-aircraft carrier combat system is very complete. It has the submarine force underwater, the Rocket Force's anti-ship ballistic missile on the shore, and in the air there are various air-based anti-aircraft carrier combat weapons of the navy and air force aviation. Because the first two are more concealable, the US media generally pays more attention to China's air-based anti-aircraft carrier combat drills.

Recently, according to a report by the US

Recently, according to the US "Military Watch" report, when the US Navy held a three-carrier military exercise in the Asia-Pacific waters, the People's Liberation Army held a large-scale air anti-aircraft carrier combat drill in the airspace near the Taiwan Strait at the end of June, targeting the three US aircraft carriers. The meaning of the battle group is very strong. From the perspective of the overall strike intensity, China's air-based anti-aircraft carrier combat drill can indeed pose a major threat to the US Navy's aircraft carrier battle group .

Recently, according to a report by the US

According to US media reports, the People's Liberation Army dispatched a total of 29 military aircraft this time. In addition to the J-11B fighter , J-16 fighter and the Su-30 fighter jet, it also dispatched 16 H-6 bombers. Each H-6 bomber can hang four "YJ-12" supersonic anti-ship missiles, or it can hang one air-launched anti-ship ballistic missile in the belly position. The former can deliver 64 "YJ-12" supersonic anti-ship missiles at one time, while the latter can deliver 16 air-launched anti-ship ballistic missiles.

Recently, according to a report by the US

Although the range of the "YJ-12" supersonic anti-ship missile is not as good as the latest "YJ-18" series of supersonic anti-ship missiles, the "YJ-18" belongs to the "sub-plus-super combination" flight mode , the flight speed is high subsonic during cruising, and supersonic in the final penetration stage.

Recently, according to a report by the US

"YJ-18" belongs to the "sub-super combined" flight mode

while the "YJ-12" supersonic anti-ship missile is completely different. After launch, it uses to fly at supersonic speed , and the flight speed in the cruise phase is Mach 2, the terminal penetration speed can reach Mach 4, coupled with a semi-armor-piercing warhead weighing 400 kilograms, one hit is enough to destroy a "Arleigh Burke" class guided missile destroyer or a "Ticonde" "Roga" class guided missile cruiser. Hitting 3-4 pieces can severely damage a "Nimitz" class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier .

Recently, according to a report by the US

The air-launched anti-ship ballistic missile belongs to the "hand method of falling from the sky", and finally dives at hypersonic speed to attack US warships. If "Arleigh Burke" or "Ticonderoga" were hit by one shot, not only would it be paralyzed, but if they were lucky, a hole could be directly drilled into the bottom of the ship. Because the US aircraft carrier has a flight deck, it is unlikely that a shot will penetrate the hull, but it is inevitable that the flight deck will be penetrated.

Recently, according to a report by the US

For the US Navy, whether it is the former or the latter, its attack capabilities have far exceeded the interception capabilities of the US Navy's aircraft carrier battle groups. If these 16 H-6 bombers of the People's Liberation Army are allowed to approach the US aircraft carrier battle group and successfully launch the missile , then whether it is a single aircraft carrier battle group or a dual or three aircraft carrier battle group, it will be completely destroyed.

Recently, according to a report by the US

Of course, this is actually another malicious propaganda and rumor mill by the US media.

I checked and found that at the end of June, the People's Liberation Army carried out only one of its 29 air patrols against Taiwan. In that operation, 5 J-11 fighter jets, 4 Su-30 fighter jets and 8 J-16 fighter jets were indeed dispatched. There were a total of 17 escort fighters, but only 6 H-6 bombers were dispatched. , the remaining six military aircraft are the Kongjing-500 early warning aircraft, the Yunyou-20 aerial tanker, the Yun-8 anti-submarine aircraft, the Yun-8 electronic reconnaissance aircraft and the Yun-9 electronic countermeasures aircraft.

Recently, according to a report by the US

Of course, the deterrence capability of these six H-6 bombers against the US Navy aircraft carrier battle group is still very huge. If the "YJ-12" supersonic anti-ship missile is mounted, 24 can be mounted. If it is equipped with air-launched anti-ship ballistic missiles, it can carry 6, which is still more than enough to deal with a US aircraft carrier battle group.

Recently, according to a report by the US

For the U.S. Navy, it is also very difficult to intercept the People's Liberation Army's H-6 bomber group.First of all, the H-6 fleet itself does not act alone. In addition to the early warning aircraft such as the Air Police-500 that provide medium and long-range air defense early warning, the H-6 fleet itself will also be equipped with a large number of J-16 and J-1 aircraft. -11 This twin-engine heavy fighter is used as a escort force. Both the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Naval Aviation need to break through the interception of escort fighter jets to intercept the H-6 fleet.

Recently, according to a report by the US

Secondly, the attack direction of the H-6 fleet is not easy to determine. In actual combat, in addition to the US military looking for the H-6 fleet, the H-6 fleet is also looking for the US aircraft carrier battle group. However, the H-6 can mount the "Frameless-8" drone for rapid reconnaissance and relay guidance, and the "Eagle Strike-12" supersonic anti-ship missile can not only accept the satellite relay guidance, but also The data uploaded to the data link through "No Frame-8" is used for "A-shooting and B-guiding". In actual combat, the U.S. Navy may have inconsistent incoming and attacking directions.

Recently, according to a report by the US

Of course, the US Navy’s aircraft carrier battle group is not completely without solutions. The best way to deal with it is to simply not come to the Western Pacific to cause trouble. Naturally, nothing will happen.

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