On July 1, China Southern Airlines, Air China, and China Eastern Airlines successively announced that they would purchase 292 A320NEO series aircraft from Airbus, with a total price of more than 37 billion U.S. dollars. The timing of this announcement was just after the G7 Summit

2024/05/1902:10:33 military 1634

On July 1, China Southern Airlines , Air China, China Eastern Airlines announced one after another that they would purchase 292 A320NEO series aircraft from Airbus , with a total price of more than 37 billion U.S. dollars. The time of this announcement happened to be the G7 summit. and after the NATO summit, and such large-scale aircraft purchases are still very rare.

This time China’s big move can be said to make some people happy and others sad. The European Airbus Company has become the “biggest winner”, while the American side Boeing Company can only watch the cooperation between China and Airbus. Boeing Company was once the Chinese company. The largest supplier of airlines, Chinese airlines mainly purchase aircraft from Boeing. However, this "sky-high price order" was won by Airbus, which also means that Boeing may receive fewer and fewer orders from China in the future. .

On July 1, China Southern Airlines, Air China, and China Eastern Airlines successively announced that they would purchase 292 A320NEO series aircraft from Airbus, with a total price of more than 37 billion U.S. dollars. The timing of this announcement was just after the G7 Summit - DayDayNews

As for why China chooses to cooperate with Airbus, firstly, it is because of the quality problems of Boeing aircraft itself. At the same time, a batch of aircraft are relatively old. At the time of batch replacement, Airbus was purchased based on safety considerations. More importantly, since this year, the United States has increasingly suppressed Chinese companies, and we have no reason to continue to "give money" to American companies.

The US media expressed its stance on Boeing's loss of a $37 billion order, saying it was "very disappointed". Geopolitical differences will continue to restrict the export of US aircraft, and they hope that China and the United States can have effective dialogue; all they can say is This is the fault of the United States itself. It tries to suppress China's economic development momentum through economic pressure to maintain its hegemony. In the end, it shoots itself in the foot.

On July 1, China Southern Airlines, Air China, and China Eastern Airlines successively announced that they would purchase 292 A320NEO series aircraft from Airbus, with a total price of more than 37 billion U.S. dollars. The timing of this announcement was just after the G7 Summit - DayDayNews

The US media was also envious and published an article called "The Impact of Airbus's $37 Billion Order Winning on Boeing." From this, we can also see that China's "big purchase order" this time has given The impact was felt by Boeing, which lost $37 billion.

mentioned in the article that Airbus has had a great impact on Boeing's "dominance" in the field of Chinese civil aircraft. Previously, Boeing regarded a Chinese airline as its largest customer, but because of its best-selling 737 Max model, two Boeing's business in China has slowed following the crash and growing political tensions between the two countries. In addition, the US media is still hyping up, saying that European companies are "related" to the Chinese military industrial enterprise , which is completely unwarranted hype.

On July 1, China Southern Airlines, Air China, and China Eastern Airlines successively announced that they would purchase 292 A320NEO series aircraft from Airbus, with a total price of more than 37 billion U.S. dollars. The timing of this announcement was just after the G7 Summit - DayDayNews

The US trade policy towards China has always been relatively tough. After Trade Representative Dai Qi took office, she has always insisted on a tough stance on trade with China. So far, there has been no consultation with Chinese officials, and the reduction of tariffs on China has not been achieved. At the same time, although the flight ban was lifted at the end of last year, commercial flights in China were not resumed, which also had a considerable impact on the civil aviation industry.

At the same time, there is also good news about the domestically produced large aircraft C919. According to Xu Xiaolan, deputy minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the C919 large aircraft has achieved a major breakthrough and is about to be certified and delivered. This means that Chinese airlines can have more aircraft in the future. At present, C919 has not obtained the airworthiness certificate from the United States, so it cannot fly to the United States or countries that only recognize the US airworthiness certificate. However, China has signed 204 bilateral airworthiness agreements with 27 countries and regions, including Canada, Australia and Russia to name a few.

On July 1, China Southern Airlines, Air China, and China Eastern Airlines successively announced that they would purchase 292 A320NEO series aircraft from Airbus, with a total price of more than 37 billion U.S. dollars. The timing of this announcement was just after the G7 Summit - DayDayNews

Previously, Eastern Airlines had purchased domestically produced large aircraft for US$99 million each, which was much cheaper than the US$128 million each purchased from Airbus this time. In the past, the C919 was limited by production capacity. Now with the Chinese production With the continuous strengthening of manufacturing capabilities, more and more orders will be given to and COMAC in the future.

Due to the China Eastern Airlines MU5735 incident, it has cast a shadow on Chinese passengers and airlines, and also has concerns about Boeing. Many public opinions have begun to tilt towards Airbus. In the current international context, the United States has various unprovoked suppressions on China. , five more companies have recently been added to the "blacklist", and there is also an Indo-Pacific economic framework that wants to exclude China's supply chain. Therefore, in such an environment created by the United States, China's choice is completely correct.

On July 1, China Southern Airlines, Air China, and China Eastern Airlines successively announced that they would purchase 292 A320NEO series aircraft from Airbus, with a total price of more than 37 billion U.S. dollars. The timing of this announcement was just after the G7 Summit - DayDayNews

However, Boeing is likely to put pressure on the US government in the future by granting the C919 an airworthiness certificate and liberalizing the supply of parts for the C919 in exchange for orders from China. Otherwise, Boeing will lose its campaign support. Anyone who does evil will be punished. China's huge market is obvious to many countries. Boeing must recognize its own shortcomings, including issues such as aircraft safety and performance, otherwise orders from China will only become fewer and fewer.

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