Hello fellow comrades, comrades who have been relocated to local places remember that there is one thing to do well, that is, the military driver's license must be replaced by a local license. Now in the first half of the year, many of our comrades have basically moved to places

2024/06/0922:05:33 military 1481

Hello fellow comrades, comrades who have been relocated to local places remember that there is one thing to do well, that is, the military driver's license must be replaced by a local license. Now in the first half of the year, many of our comrades have basically moved to places  - DayDayNews

Hello comrades, comrades who have been relocated to local places, please remember that there is one thing to do well, that is, the military driver's license must be replaced by a local license.

Now in the first half of the year, many of our comrades who should be resettled have basically gone to places, especially our non-commissioned comrades who have gone to work in places after reporting. For the convenience of work and life, comrades who need to drive, you must get your military driver's license as soon as possible Change to local photos. I think this time should be sooner rather than later.

Hello fellow comrades, comrades who have been relocated to local places remember that there is one thing to do well, that is, the military driver's license must be replaced by a local license. Now in the first half of the year, many of our comrades have basically moved to places  - DayDayNews

For example, my former military driver’s license was replaced by a local license. My B license was replaced by a C license. At that time, I was not in a hurry to apply for it. When I went to apply for it later, people said that it was time for you to go to the army. The annual review should be done now. So I sent it back for re-examination, and then sent it back again, and then the local government changed my driver's license. Therefore, it is better to change it sooner rather than later. If there is any problem, you should contact the army earlier to handle it.

In fact, it is now very convenient to exchange the military driver’s license for a local driver’s license. Especially our comrades who drive know that a driver's license is a necessary document in life. You must have a driver's license if you want to drive.

When it comes to changing from a military driver’s license to a local driver’s license, as far as I know, it used to be easy for you to downgrade your license by one level without taking a test. I just changed my B license to a C license directly. So in other places, what are the specific procedures and requirements for renewing a driver's license? Comrades must first understand in advance. After going to the local traffic police brigade to understand clearly, they can replace the driver's license in a timely manner to facilitate your work and life.

Hello fellow comrades, comrades who have been relocated to local places remember that there is one thing to do well, that is, the military driver's license must be replaced by a local license. Now in the first half of the year, many of our comrades have basically moved to places  - DayDayNews

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