The reporter learned from the Ministry of Veterans Affairs on the 3rd that according to the consensus reached through consultations between China and South Korea, South Korea will hand over to China a new batch of remains and relics of the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army martyrs

2024/05/1823:18:32 military 1332

Reporters learned from the Ministry of Veterans Affairs on the 3rd that according to the consensus reached through consultations between China and South Korea, South Korea will hand over to China a new batch of remains and relics of Chinese People’s Volunteer Army martyrs in South Korea. The two parties will jointly hold a burial ceremony in South Korea on September 15 this year, and a handover ceremony on September 16.

Li Jingxian, Deputy Director of the Commemoration and Commemoration Department (International Cooperation Department) of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs, led personnel from relevant Chinese departments on July 3 to discuss the ninth batch with a South Korean delegation headed by Kim Sang-jin, Director of the International Policy Bureau of the South Korean Ministry of National Defense. They held consultations on the handover of the remains of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army martyrs in South Korea, reached an agreement and signed the minutes of the talks. Both sides stated that this year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, and they will actively cooperate to properly hand over the remains of the ninth batch of Chinese People’s Volunteer Army martyrs in South Korea, and further deepen exchanges and exchanges between the two countries in the field of the remains of Chinese People’s Volunteer Army martyrs in South Korea. cooperate.

China and South Korea adhere to humanitarian principles and in the spirit of friendly consultation and pragmatic cooperation, and have successfully handed over the remains of 825 Chinese People's Volunteer Army martyrs in South Korea for eight consecutive times from 2014 to 2021.

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Veterans Affairs on the 3rd that according to the consensus reached through consultations between China and South Korea, South Korea will hand over to China a new batch of remains and relics of the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army martyrs  - DayDayNews

The mountains and rivers are intact, and the motherland will always remember it!

Let’s take the volunteer army martyrs home together!

Comprehensive: Xinhuanet , Weibo @CCTV News

Source: China News Service

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