One day after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao met one of the founding lieutenant generals and said to him cordially that we still have some relations. Chairman Mao said it very easily, but for the founding lieutenant general, it was unforgettable.

2024/03/2816:52:33 military 1829

One day after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao met one of the founding lieutenant generals and said to him cordially that we still have some relations. Chairman Mao said it very easily, but for the founding lieutenant general, it was unforgettable. Because it was not an ordinary relationship, Chairman Mao saved his life.

One day after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao met one of the founding lieutenant generals and said to him cordially that we still have some relations. Chairman Mao said it very easily, but for the founding lieutenant general, it was unforgettable. - DayDayNews

(Lieutenant General Fang Qiang)

The founding lieutenant general is called Fang Qiang, a native of Pingjiang, Hunan. In 1932, during an anti-"encirclement and suppression" battle in the Central Soviet Area, Fang Qiang led the guard battalion to fight. While scouting the enemy's situation, he was hit by a fatal bullet. He bled profusely and fell down.

This was a penetrating wound. The bullet entered through the chest and exited through the back. Fang Qiang, who was only 20 years old, passed out. When he woke up, he found himself lying on a stretcher, and the stretchers were carried by five female Red Guards.

For two days and two nights, they carried Fang Qiang on a mountain road of more than 200 miles until he was sent to Changtingcheng Evangelical Hospital. Unfortunately, Fang Qiang didn't even have time to ask their names, so they left quietly.

Dean Fu Lianxun personally inspected Fang Qiang's wounds. He couldn't help but be shocked. The bullet seemed to have eyes and passed through Fang Qiang's chest, but did not damage the heart or other organs. Otherwise, Fang Qiang would have died. Even so, Fang Qiang was still in danger. Due to the Kuomintang's blockade, the hospital lacked medicinal materials, and Fu Lianxun was unable to save himself. He was helpless.

had to adopt conservative treatment. Fu Lianqi designated a nurse to change Fang Qiang's dressing and clean the wound every day to prevent infection. Due to excessive blood loss and lack of nutrition, Fang Qiang lost weight day by day, and his wounds were not healed for a long time.

Suddenly one day, Dean Fu Lianchen came to Fang Qiang's hospital bed excitedly and happily said to him, Political Commissar Fang, there is medicine. Fang Qiang saw Fu Lianqian holding a teapot in his hand and opening the lid. There were several pieces of stewed beef in it, and there were a few oil stars floating in the soup.

One day after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao met one of the founding lieutenant generals and said to him cordially that we still have some relations. Chairman Mao said it very easily, but for the founding lieutenant general, it was unforgettable. - DayDayNews

In the base area, it is rare to see oil stars. Fang Qiang has not eaten meat for a long time. The beef is fragrant and makes people salivate. Fang Qiang took a bite and asked, where did this beef come from? Fu Lianxun pretended to be mysterious and replied, "Guess what."

Fang Qiang said, it was given by a fellow villager, hunted or seized from the enemy? Fu Lianxun shook his head. How could Fang Qiang have guessed that Chairman Mao had someone send it here? At that time, Chairman Mao was also recuperating in the hospital.

A local fellow brought some beef to Chairman Mao, but Chairman Mao was reluctant to eat it. Hearing that Fang Qiang was seriously injured and was being treated in the hospital, he sent someone to bring the beef to Fang Qiang. Upon hearing this, Fang Qiang wondered where he could eat. Chairman Mao's health was not good and he should leave it to himself to improve his nutrition.

Fu Lianxi said that Chairman Mao was very weak, very thin, and in a bad mood. Having said this, Fang Qiang couldn't eat anymore. But Fu Lianxun said, "You can't do it without taking it. This is a life-saving prescription specially prescribed by Chairman Mao for you."

Fang Qiang was stunned. He had never heard that Chairman Mao was a doctor. What was the prescription for this beef? Fu Lianxi pointed to the small pine tree outside the window and said. Chairman Mao found that the trunk of a small pine tree had been cut with a knife and was injured. How could it be treated? The wound is healed by the resin it secretes.

Chairman Mao was inspired by this and believed that striving to increase nutrition from all aspects and mobilize the body's inherent immunity will help resist infection and heal wounds. Yes, Chairman Mao has never studied medicine or been a doctor, but he is proficient in philosophy and has a thorough understanding of physics.

One day after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao met one of the founding lieutenant generals and said to him cordially that we still have some relations. Chairman Mao said it very easily, but for the founding lieutenant general, it was unforgettable. - DayDayNews

When we are sick, we take medicine and take injections, and it seems that the medicine cures our disease. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. What heals us is our body's own immunity, and medicine only plays a supporting role. If a person loses his or her immunity, no matter how good the doctor or the best medicine, there is nothing he can do to save his life.

Fang Qiang ate this vat of beef for a week and slowly regained his strength. Fu Lianxin tried every means to stew him chicken soup to nourish his body. In less than two months, Fang Qiang's wounds miraculously healed gradually.

As soon as he could walk, Fang Qiang couldn't wait to visit Chairman Mao. Chairman Mao is very thin, with sunken cheeks, long hair, and high cheekbones. He is reading a book intently. Fang Qiang walked over and shouted, Chairman.

Chairman Mao put down the book in his hand, asked Fang Qiang to sit down, and said, he recovered quickly and can walk again. Fang Qiang said with a smile, fortunately the injury was not serious. Chairman Mao said, "It's not heavy at all. I heard from Dr. Fu that the enemy's bullet pierced a hole in the body of the political commissar of our guard camp. It was fatal."

After saying that, Chairman Mao went to check Fang Qiang's wound in person and said with great concern, I believe you will get better. Isn't this really better? Chairman Mao's life-saving grace will be remembered by Fang Qiang for the rest of his life.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Fang Qiang served as the first commander and political commissar of the South China Sea Fleet, and was the founding lieutenant general of the Republic. In 2012, Fang Qiang passed away. He lived to be 100 years old. Chairman Mao's prescription extended his life by 80 years.

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