The inability to recruit people in all walks of life has long become a norm after Canada's economic recovery. The Bureau of Statistics released the June Labor Force Survey report in the past few days. Not surprisingly, the unemployment rate has declined again.

During this time, it is really difficult for Canadian employers.

The inability to recruit people in all walks of life has long become a norm after Canada's economic recovery.

The Bureau of Statistics released the June labor force survey report in the past few days. Not surprisingly, the unemployment rate has declined again.

A large number of employers also responded to the survey by saying they are eagerly seeking overseas immigrants to fill job vacancies.

Canada’s unemployment rate reaches new low

Total employment in Canada fell by 43,000 people in June.

Statistics Canada says a large number of Canadians aged 55 and older dropped out of the labor force last month.

The retirement wave caused by the aging population has arrived!

At the same time, Canada's overall unemployment rate once again broke the lowest record, falling to 4.9%!

Labor market inclusiveness has increased

Conference Board of Canada economist Yam Daly said that the reduction in unemployment has greatly improved the inclusiveness of the labor market.

Including the latest immigrants, indigenous workers, and female employees, the employment rate of various groups has increased significantly.

Retail trade employment fell

In June, the number of people in Canada's service industry decreased by 76,000, with losses mainly distributed in multiple industries such as retail trade.

Scotiabank economists said the decline in employment in the retail and wholesale trade sectors is worrying, which may be due to evidence of Canadian inflation , weak consumption and lower people's living expenses.

Industry heating up

The goods production and processing industry saw significant employment gains in June (+33,000 people), with construction and manufacturing also growing.

This means that at a time when inflation is soaring and international logistics is blocked, Canada's local manufacturing industry is ushering in a recovery.

Average salary

A tight labor market has pushed up per capita wages in Canada.

In June, Canada's average hourly wage rose 5.2% year-on-year to 31.24 Canadian dollars per hour.

2/3 Canadian employers hope to find overseas workers

The Business Council of Canada (BCC) also recently released a new employer survey report. The report shows:

More than two-thirds of Canadian companies are actively seeking international workers through the immigration system!

80 Canadian local companies accepted the BCC research survey, and these companies employ a total of more than 1.6 million people.

Two-thirds of companies claim that they hope to seek overseas workers through the immigration system, and another one-third hope to seek new immigrants who have immigrated to Canada to fill job vacancies.

More than half of Canadian employers hope to increase immigration quotas

More than 50% of Canadian employers hope that Canada can increase the number of new permanent residents every year.

According to the current quota plan, Canada will admit 431,000 new immigrants in 2022, 447,000 in 2023, and 451,000 in 2024.

These positions are most in short supply

When asked which positions are the most difficult to find employees for.

Most vacancies are in computer science , engineering and information technology jobs.

In addition, skilled craftsmen are also very scarce. For example, plumber , electrician and construction worker .

Among the companies surveyed, 80% of employers said it was very difficult for them to find employees with the right skills.

This situation occurs in every province in Canada. The shortages in Ontario, , Quebec, , and British Columbia are the most serious.

Specific to percentages, the high skills most in demand in Canada are information technology (58%) and computer science (57%) , followed by engineering and analysis (52% each) .

Cognitive computing (47%), cybersecurity (46%), software services (39%) and technology industries (36%)

Short-term immigration channels

Canada has opened many express immigration channels for immigrant applicants with in-demand skills. aisle.

For example, BC’s science and technology talent project.

As long as the applicant is engaged in one of the following 29 positions in BC (foreign students do not need work experience, overseas applicants need to have more than two years of relevant experience), they can be approved for provincial nomination with very low scores.

Common software engineers, graphic designers, mechanical engineers, etc. for Chinese applicants are all in this list.

latest invitation

On July 12, 2022, BC issued the first round of regular immigration invitations this month.

Among them, EEBC Skilled Worker came to an astonishing 130 points.

If the applicant’s occupation can meet BC’s in-demand skills, the difficulty of immigration will be another story.

html On July 5, BC Province issued an invitation for in-demand skills.

29 scientific and technological talents with 85 points can be invited.

Early childhood education and early childhood education assistant, only 60 points.

Medical care and medical assistant, only 60 points.

Veterinarians and veterinary assistants, only 60 points.

What is the concept? For applicants for already high-paying technology jobs, a score of 85 is already an extremely low entry threshold.

For applicants for medical care, veterinary medicine, and early childhood education, if they meet the registration requirements and have an average salary, they can meet the standards.

Technology category application requirements

  • Bachelor degree or above (overseas academic qualifications ECA certification);
  • Receive the above 29 job offers from BC employers;
  • Have more than two years of relevant work experience;
  • Meet the salary standards for the same category of positions;
  • Language CLB 4 or above (IELTS score around 4).

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