Among many countries in Europe, Portugal’s popularity is second to none, and it is also very popular among Chinese immigrants. The Portuguese Immigration Service released the investment immigration golden visa approval data for June on July 11, 2022, with a total of 155 A gold ca

According to the news released on the Facebook page of the Portuguese Foreigners and Border Services (SEF) on June 29, 21,000 residence cards that expire between July 1 and September 30, 2022 can be automatically processed online. renew. SEF launched the "automatic renewal function" of the residence card in the "Personal Area" of the SEF portal last year, eliminating the need to go to the service counter in person. At that time, it was mainly to ensure safety and reduce the inability to renew the residence card in time due to prevention and control during the epidemic. New impact. This move also shows the humanity of Portugal.

Among many countries in Europe, Portugal’s popularity is second to none, and its popularity among Chinese immigrants is also very high. The Portuguese Immigration Bureau said on July 11, 2022. The investment immigration golden visa approval data for June was released today. A total of 155 golden cards were approved! Among them, 30 were from Chinese, 30 were from Americans, and 214 were from Turks. Indians 11, Brazilians 10.

Portugal has many livable cities, the most popular of which is Portugal's capital Lisbon . According to a ranking released by the American company iVisa, the Portuguese capital is the happiest in the world. The city ranked first in five criteria including quality of life, hours of sunshine, working hours, cost of living and friendliness of residents.

The 2022 ranking includes 40 different destinations from countries around the world. Lisbon is also one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Fado, Jerónimos Monastery, Belem Tower and even egg tarts are all experiences that cannot be missed when visiting this city.

Most immigrants in Portugal are investment immigrants. A total of 126 gold card-related investments approved in June 2022 were obtained through real estate investment, of which 58 were 500,000 euro projects and 68 were 350,000 euro renovation projects. 28 of them were through capital transfer, 4 of them were through bank deposits, 24 were through fund purchases, and 1 was through creating jobs, that is, starting a company and hiring a group of people to get a gold card. Category 1 It has only been reopened recently, and new submissions need to wait for further notice.

Before this year’s new deal, the 500,000-euro house purchase immigration project was the most popular immigration project in Portugal, but after the new deal, the 350,000-euro renovation project may become more popular. Some, after all, the city and location where the property is located directly affect the value-added of the property. It is no longer possible to apply for a golden visa if you buy a house of 500,000 euros in popular coastal areas, but the renovation project of 350,000 euros does not limit the area where the property is located. However, which program to choose depends on the applicant's specific conditions and personal preferences. The immigration market changes rapidly. If you intend to immigrate to Portugal, it is recommended to apply as soon as possible.

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