Recently, the United Nations Migration Agency released the "World Migration Report 2022", which is the 11th report in the series. It aims to authoritatively display and interpret migration and mobility around the world, and provide a reference for investors to choose countries fo

Immigration is no longer synonymous with leaving one’s hometown,

but one of the important investment and risk-avoiding methods in life.

Recently, the United Nations Migration Agency released the "World Migration Report 2022", which is the 11th report in the series. It aims to authoritatively display and interpret migration and mobility around the world, and provide information for investors in choosing countries for immigration and settlement. refer to.

Where do people from various countries like to migrate?

Countries of immigration

The "World Migration Report 2022" shows that from a regional perspective, Europe is currently the main destination for immigrants, with 87 million immigrants; followed by Asia, with 86 million immigrants; North America It is the destination for 59 million immigrants.

From a country perspective, the United States is still the main destination country for immigrants, with 51 million immigrants. Germany is the second largest immigrant inflow country in the world, with nearly 16 million people. Canada ranks eighth on the list, just ahead of Australia.

In other words, Europe, North America and other places are still areas where immigrants gather; traditional immigration countries, such as the United States and Canada, are still popular; in recent years, European countries that can obtain identity by simple investment have suddenly emerged!

Immigration-sending countries

The World Migration Report 2022 also ranked the international migrant-sending countries: India has 18 million people living abroad; Mexico is the second largest migrant-sending country, with about 11 million people; Russia is third , with about 10.8 million people; China is the fourth largest immigrant-sending country, with about 10 million people.

Among them, the United States is a country where Mexicans, Chinese, and Filipinos particularly like to migrate. Another interesting finding is that the flow of immigrants between Russia and Ukraine is very large, and they are each other's main country of immigration inflow and outflow.

The impact of the epidemic on immigration

Of course, the epidemic sweeping the world will inevitably have an impact on the international movement of people. According to estimates from the World Migration Report 2022, the COVID-19 epidemic may have reduced the growth in the number of immigrants by about 2 million people.

Travel restrictions brought about by Covid-19 have led to unprecedented mobility stagnation around the world. At the time of writing (July 2021), many countries were imposing or tightening travel restrictions.

From air passenger data, we can see that the total number of global air passengers dropped from 4.5 billion in 2019 to 1.8 billion in 2020. Total air passenger traffic has plummeted by 60% due to the impact of the epidemic.

The report also noted that Covid-19 has had a profound impact on migrant mobility, with travel restrictions preventing hundreds of millions of people from traveling and leaving thousands of migrants stranded. This directly led to the total international remittance volume falling by 2.4% compared to 2019.

The impact of the epidemic on immigration is also reflected in the more diverse reasons for immigration and the greater urgency of immigrant appeals.

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Immigration policies of various countries are complex and changeable

Compared with a few decades ago, immigration is no longer synonymous with leaving home, but one of the important investment and risk-avoidance methods in life. . Moreover, its added value is unmatched by other general investment products. These added values ​​are more reflected in various aspects such as global access, asset allocation, career development, wealth inheritance, children's education, and global real estate. Waiting will only lead to missed opportunities. Only by seizing the opportunities that suit you now can you successfully complete your identity planning.

European immigration policy tightens

The European Commission has been calling on its member states to cancel the "golden passport" program that sells citizenship to foreign investors, and strictly supervise and review the "golden visa " project that invests to obtain residency. Cyprus passport was suspended, Portugal's golden visa project changed its policy, and the European Commission once again urged Malta to tighten related project policies on April 7. It can be seen that the immigration policies of European countries are constantly changing rapidly.

When planning for identity in the post-epidemic era, a EU "golden passport" carries various advantages of the education system, social welfare, medical conditions, and quality of life, not to mention covering more than 20 countries in the entire EU. In terms of life, career, schooling, etc., some people can be called the "Hermès" in overseas status!

It is expected that the demand for "second identity" for EU golden passports, visas, etc. will continue to explode in the future, and high-quality immigration projects that are "big and attract people" are bound to become an "eyesore" for the EU. Tightening of policies is the general trend!

Planned asset status gives families one more "plan B"

Xie Yanwu said that the role of passports and green cards shows that one more identity means one more choice. Risk-conscious investors will also take identity planning into consideration when planning their family. In special events, early reserve status comes into play. Therefore, Chinese people who have recently held foreign passports can still enter and exit freely in accordance with the regulations of the place where the passport is located, and travel without identity restrictions.

Fan Hui, general manager of Shenzhen Branch of Shimaotong Immigration Group, also said that more people realize the importance of health planning and identity planning. "Within less than a month of the epidemic, entry and exit from various countries have been strictly restricted. Having an overseas identity gives families an extra 'plan B'. Identity planning needs to be done as early as possible. The sooner you apply, the better.