China's economy has become internationalized. Sometimes, if you don't understand the world, you don't understand China. At the same time, only by going out can you understand what the world is like.

This big European country may turn from embracing immigrants to an anti-immigration country

China's economy has become internationalized. Sometimes, if you don't understand the world, you don't understand China. At the same time, only by going out can you understand what the world is like.

Financial Street Telecom sees the world/stones from other mountains around the world 022-07-02 02:21

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included in the topic #European Economy #German Economy 3

Sweden, a Nordic country located in Scandinavia , was once a symbol of peace and prosperity. But today, Sweden is plagued by religious conflicts, tense relations between police and citizens, vicious street incidents, and chaos.

From a country that welcomes immigrants, it may become an anti-immigration country.

How did the beautiful fairy tale kingdom become like this?

[Burning scriptures and pouring pig blood , politicians have plunged Sweden into chaos]

Ramsparudan, who has dual nationality of Denmark and Sweden , is a lawyer and an Internet celebrity, to insult Muslims and Famous for burning Korans. He burned Korans everywhere, detonating religious conflicts in Sweden and causing chaos across the country for four days.

In 2019, he became famous on the European Internet for wrapping the Quran in bacon (pork bacon slices) and burning it on fire. He also posted photos on Facebook condemning the crimes committed by Muslim immigrants, and was banned by and Facebook for a month. Subsequently, he and his accomplices were convicted and even arrested and deported in Denmark, France, Belgium and other countries. After failing to make trouble elsewhere, he came to Sweden and founded the "Hard Line", an anti-immigration and anti-Islam organization.

He planned a nationwide tour, specifically selecting areas with large Muslim populations to organize the burning of the Quran. This made him famous in one battle and made him famous in Sweden!

Rams's tour triggered fierce fights wherever he went. Angry Muslims surrounded the infidels who burned the Koran, and many police-civilian clashes broke out.

In just four days, this parade caused 40 people to be injured, 26 people to be arrested, and many cars to be burned. It was simply a parade of terror.

He also announced that he would continue to burn the Quran and would even bring pig blood to pour on the Quran.

An extreme right-wing politician planned and executed a highly inflammatory demonstration, which caused chaos throughout Sweden.

will not comment on Rams himself for the time being. Despite the bad impact, his behavior is basically legal in Sweden, and the police must defend his legal rights instead of arresting him. This also reflects that under Sweden's peaceful appearance, there are deep contradictions in beliefs and values, which can affect the entire country and make it difficult to end.

[It was the Virgin or a mistake that turned Sweden into a non-white country]

Sweden has always been known for its large number of immigrants, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a country of immigrants. But in fact, by the end of the 20th century, Sweden's national composition was basically composed of its own citizens, which was not complicated.

However, the outbreak of events such as the Yugoslav war and the Syrian conflict have caused many homeless refugees to appear in Europe. The kind-hearted Swedish leaders at that time opened their arms to the refugees in the name of tolerance and kindness, welcoming the refugees to live in Sweden. They also hoped that these refugees could promote Sweden's economic growth and contribute some labor force.

In 2014 alone, the Swedish capital Stockholm issued 160,000 residence permits. Sweden has seen a surge in immigration as the number of non-native nationals increased by 80%, with almost a fifth of new residents coming from foreign countries.

The famous star Ibrahimovic is an immigrant from the former Yugoslav country Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Whether it is out of mercy or to find a turnaround for the country's economy, the fact is that Sweden can no longer afford corresponding welfare, education, and management expenditures.

Sweden finally imposed restrictions on the number of annual entries and immigrants, but it was too late. It had become a non-white country with a very complex population.

[Unkind arrivals, foreign immigrants make Sweden’s high crime rate chaotic] ​​

While welcoming immigrants with open arms, the Swedish government does not fully realize the complexity of immigration. Different immigrants not only come from different countries and cultural backgrounds, but also often have different values ​​and beliefs. I arrived in Sweden in a hurry, and before I could fully integrate into the native society, the immigrants started to get into trouble with each other.

Last year, Sweden recorded 342 shootings, killing 46 people, the most of any country in Europe.

According to survey statistics, 85% of the prisoners and victims in these conflicts are immigrants or foreigners. Even the 32 most dangerous people on the Swedish police's wanted list all have immigrant backgrounds. These people from Albania , Afghanistan , Turkey and other places not only love to cause trouble, but are also very good at forming cliques and forming armed gangs. When conflicts break out, they often involve gunfire.

Not all immigrants with complicated backgrounds come to seek asylum. Sweden's kind embrace has embraced many dangerous people. What these immigrants brought to Sweden were all kinds of dangerous conflicts and vicious events, plunging the peaceful country into chaos.

[The fairy tale is coming to an end, Sweden may become an anti-immigration country]

In 2020, Sweden finally limited the annual number of immigrants to 25,000, and anti-immigration measures were also put on the agenda.

The fairy tale country of the past is riddled with holes due to the destruction of immigrants. How can the Swedish government and people endure it forever?

The recent burning of the Quran by Swedish politicians is the most obvious signal. There was something strange about this incident.

"Financial Street Telegraph Views the World" believes that the same act of burning the Koran was convicted in Denmark two or three years ago, banned from social media, expelled from France, arrested in Belgium, and convicted multiple times for "inciting hatred" ".

This event has been held for 4 days, and the police and protestors clashed, which is very thought-provoking.

Far-right thoughts have never been a problem in Northern Europe. It’s not that they don’t exist, but because far-right thoughts have never been “expressed”. No one has ever “revealed” far-right thoughts before.

And the far-right ideological trend is slowly rising across Europe, rising in a way that everyone can see with the naked eye. No one can pretend not to see it.

"Financial Street Telecom Views the World" believes that some forces in Europe or Sweden may be testing, conducting a "social experiment", a "maximum pressure", that is, offending Muslims in Europe, what will happen? as a result of.

What is the reaction of the entire Muslim community, how is the reaction of the entire Swedish society, how is the reaction of the entire Europe.

Judging from the results of these four days, there are consequences, but it seems that Swedish society and European society can bear it, and it is not a big deal.

The Muslim community in Europe has no integrated organization, no military armed action, only burning cars, and making no waves...

The political activity test is over,

From a country that embraces immigration to a country that is anti-immigration, Sweden may On the way.

Attachment: A female friend is sitting opposite, with soft music playing in the room, over Belgian craft beer and French rose wine, Spanish tapas and slices of prosciutto, we talk about Europe.

Internet celebrity economy is an economic phenomenon born in the Internet era. As a product of the Internet era, China's Internet celebrity economy has reached a breaking point in its development. In fact, Internet celebrities of all sizes in European countries will also His eyes were set on the mysterious eastern country.

German scholars said: "China is the engine of the global Internet celebrity economy and the world's largest Internet celebrity economy.

Behind the rapid development of the Internet celebrity economy, it reflects the strong vitality brought by China's economic development and the growth of the Chinese market. Huge potential.

The content posted by Financial Street Telecommunications is for learning and communication only.

#五人INDEPENDENT ECONOMIST# Executive Chairman of Financial Street Telecommunications President CECU China Enterprise Capital Alliance Du Meng, famous independent economist He is a Ph.D. in economics and is known as one of China's four great financial geeks and a member of the Communist Party branch of Peking University. His representative works include: "Currency", " Monetary Banking ", "Introduction to Investment Management" and "Real Estate Development". and Operations", "Ghost Town Theory", etc. He once presided over the daily operation and management of the group headquarters and listed companies, and controlled the development areas of tens of millions of square meters of affiliated investment areas and subsidiaries. There are main leaders of domestic and foreign listed companies. Work background, dual work experience in capital operations and real estate investment and development, he is a representative figure of the academic and practical groups in the financial and real estate circles; he has served as corporate executives with different backgrounds such as military enterprises, state-owned enterprises, school enterprises, and listed groups.

China Doctoral Association Financial Street Telecommunications Henan

Wang Xinhua/Editor

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Business and Finance International Perspective Pay attention to the pulse of the business economy and explore industry development towards Financial Street Telecommunications Chairman of Henan CECU China Enterprise Capital Alliance Huaqi (Zhongyuan) Entrepreneurs Club Secretary General Wang Xinhua Editor