Green cards are produced and issued by the U.S. Immigration Service. The card usually shows the holder’s name, photo, gender, place of birth, date of birth, type of residence, expiration date, fingerprints and other important code information. The above picture is of the current

What is the difference between a green card and a permanent residence card?

1. Green Card = United States Permanent Residence Card

Green Card is actually another name for the United States Permanent Resident Card (Permanent Resident Card). Because the color of the card is light green, it is habitually called "Green Card". The card is proof of the cardholder’s right to live and work permanently in the United States.

Green cards are produced and issued by United States Immigration Services (USCIS). The card usually displays the holder's name, photo, gender, place of birth, date of birth, type of residence , validity date, fingerprints and other important information. The code information, the picture above is the green card face style currently announced by the US Immigration Service and the latest .

Customers often confuse residence cards from other countries with U.S. green cards and refer to all these foreign residences as "green cards." However, in fact, the "green cards" that customers refer to are actually residence cards for various immigration destination countries, including permanent residence. card and short-term (temporary) residence card .

2. Residence cards (right of residence) of common immigration destination countries and regions

1, North America : United States Green Card (Permanent Residence Card), Canada Maple Leaf Card (Permanent Residence Card)

2, European region :

1) United Kingdom Residence (short-term residence, permanent residence)

2) EU scope :

A, country residence ( golden visa category) : Ireland (permanent residence), Greece (permanent residence), Cyprus (permanent residence), Malta (permanent residence); Portugal (short-term to permanent residence), Spain (short-term to permanent residence)

B, EU permanent residence : has legally lived in an EU member state for five consecutive years, and has a single departure. The stay does not exceed 6 months, and the total of 5 years does not exceed 10 months. There is a stable and regular source of income, health insurance , no crime, and passing the language test. After meeting the relevant conditions, you can apply for an EU permanent residence card and you can Work and live within the EU.

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3, Oceania : Australia (residence visa to permanent residence), New Zealand (residence visa to permanent residence visa)

4, Asia : Japan (short-term to permanent residence), Singapore (investment permanent residence/work permit to permanent residence), Hong Kong (short-term to permanent residence)

video viewing: What is the difference between passport and green card (Part 2)~~ [Move to Encyclopedia 】

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