Still hesitating, what should I bring when traveling/study in Australia? However, the Australian sun also has the strongest ultraviolet rays, so you must protect your skin, so we strongly recommend: "slip on a T-shirt, slop on some sunscreen and slap on a hat” put on a T-shirt, p

Still hesitating, what should I bring with me to travel/study in Australia? What to eat? Going somewhere?

Conscience advice from some Chinese tourists, international students and other people who have come here:

If you want to come to Australia, there are 7 things I hope you know!

1. Don’t forget to bring a raincoat.

Li is a student studying abroad living in Victoria. She said that if traveling around Australia in the past three years has taught her one thing, it is that Australia is really a big country. Weather conditions vary greatly from place to place.

"I recommend tourists to be familiar with the weather conditions of the city you are going to in advance. The weather and climate of each city are different, so you must pack your luggage according to this."

Ms. Yu spent a week in Melbourne in 2014. In early November, what surprised her most was the weather in Melbourne. The weather could change many times in one day. Melbourne's weather is notoriously unpredictable, so it's best to come prepared and bring a raincoat or umbrella, even in the summer.

The north of Australia is relatively warmer, and some places have a tropical climate. Some places in the far north also have a monsoon season, which lasts about five or six months from November to March.

2. There are also many Chinese food in Australia.

Ms. Yu said that she was also surprised that during her stay in Melbourne, she found that there were also various Chinese food here;

"You don't have to bring food with you, because you can find everything you want here."

As the number of Chinese people in Australia increases, Chinese food begins to rise, including fried rice, dumplings, and all kinds of stir-fried dishes.

If you want to cook and eat by yourself, most Australian supermarkets also have Chinese ingredients, or there are also specialized Asian supermarkets.

However, Jiang Tongxiao, a student who has lived in Australia for 4 months, said that although there are Chinese food, many dishes always taste different from those in China. My suggestion is that it is best to learn to cook a few dishes by yourself before coming. , you can do it by yourself when you feel homesick.

3. Now that you are in Australia, why not try some Australian characteristics?

Gina has been working at University of Southern Queensland for a year. She said the most surprising thing is Australian barbecue, which Australians also call BBQ/Barbie. BBQ in Australia is more like a social activity. Barbie will be there on weekends, holidays, or family and friend reunions. Many houses, or local parks, will have outdoor barbecue areas.

Barbecue in Australia has become a national custom. Even at the G20 summit held in Australia, Abbott treated leaders of various countries to Barbie. Vegemite is a black fermented paste. Australians are used to spreading it on bread and eating sandwiches. It is a daily necessity for Australians. However, most Chinese students are not used to eating it, and a few people like it. As for how it tastes, you will know by trying it yourself~

4. Bring your sneakers

Australia is famous for its natural scenery, no matter where you go In every state, there are many tourist destinations with Australia's unique animals and plants, such as koalas and kangaroos that many overseas study parties are looking forward to.

There are many national parks and scenic reserves in Australia, so pack your luggage and remember to bring a pair of sports shoes, because Australia has many wonderful outdoor activities waiting for you

5. Learn some Australian English

Or, stay in Australia for a while Time, you will say: 'Give some fair dinkum Aussie lingo a burl.'

Li, a 31-year-old PHD international student, has lived in Australia for 3 years. She said that for Chinese tourists and studying monks, language problems may be a problem It’s a big obstacle. Before setting off, it’s best to familiarize yourself with Australian English.The unique accent and vocabulary of Australian tourism is called 'Aussie slang';

6. Slip, Slop, Slap

Australian beaches are popular places in summer. Basically, Australians will go to the beach on weekends or in their spare time.

However, Australia The sun is also the strongest ultraviolet ray, so you must protect your skin, so it is strongly recommended: "slip on a T-shirt, slop on some sunscreen and slap on a hat" wear a T-shirt and apply sunscreen. Wear your hat!

In addition, be sure to pay attention to the warning lines on the beach.

7. Make friends

There are many unique animals in Australia. Even national leaders want to hug them when they come to Australia.

26-year-old PHD international student Jiang Tongxiao said that the most fun thing about studying in Australia is the Australian animals. When I came to Australia, I was very excited. I wanted to see koalas, kangaroos, emus, because I had never seen them before. However, Australia is not the only place with cute animals, there are also some that are not so easy to mess with, such as Crocodiles, sharks, snakes, spiders, so keep in mind that not all animals in Australia need to be hugged~

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