Reuters' "San Antonio, 250 kilometers away from the Mexican border...high temperature of 39.4 degrees Celsius" shows the scene of a "truck" of immigrants from Central and American countries heading to the United States in October last year. Reuters reported on the 27th (local tim

Reuters " San Antonio , 250 kilometers away from the Mexico border... a high temperature of 39.4 degrees Celsius"

The picture shows the scene of the "truck" of immigrants from Central and American countries heading to the United States in October last year heading towards Mexico City.

Reuters reported on the 27th (local time), citing the governor of Texas, that 42 people were found dead in a truck carrying multiple immigrants in San Antonio, Texas.

According to local KSAT radio, the truck was found next to a railway line in a remote area of ​​the Foreign Languages ​​High School in the south of the city.

San Antonio police have not released specific circumstances such as the cause of death.

Photos of ambulances and police cars moving around the truck have now emerged on social media.

Amid growing curiosity about the cause, Reuters noted that the temperature in San Antonio reached a whopping 39.4 degrees Celsius that day.

San Antonio is about 250 kilometers away from the Mexican border, the main route for immigrants from Central and South America to the United States.

In addition, Mexican Foreign Minister Everard explained this incident: "The Mexican Consulate in the local area is conducting an investigation, and it has not yet confirmed whether any of the deceased have Mexican nationality."