The MINT project is an immigration project jointly organized by the Darwin Innovation Center in the Northern Territory of Australia and PASPALIS Asset Management Company, and has received full support from the Northern Territory government. This is also an innovative project in t


MINT project is an immigration project jointly organized by the Darwin Innovation Center and PASPALIS Asset Management Company in the Northern Territory of Australia, and has received full support from the Northern Territory government. This is also an innovative project of Northern Territory , which makes the Northern Territory have advantages and attractions for overseas immigration applicants that other states do not have.

Although the purpose of the Northern Territory government's support of this project is to contribute to the economic development of the Northern Territory, it also provides opportunities for overseas skilled immigration applicants who are struggling with the fact that their nominated occupation is not on the occupation list of other states, or their EOI scores are not advantageous. Here comes the opportunity.

Here is a summary of some questions that friends often ask and answers, hoping to help more friends.

Q: What category does the MINT project belong to, technology or investment?

A: The MINT project is the only project in Australia that links skilled immigration to fund investment. Depending on the applicant's different backgrounds, 190 or 491 visas can be obtained. The MINT project requires applicants to invest 515,000 Australian dollars. 80% of the investment is used to purchase government bonds, and 20% is invested in emerging companies in the Northern Territory.

Q: Is investment money safe?

A: The fund company is endorsed by the Northern Territory government, which is equivalent to a government-guaranteed project, so there is no need to worry about the fund company running away. The investment portfolio of the fund company is officially announced to be 80% invested in government bonds. Government bonds are very stable. 20% of the investment is used in emerging companies in the Northern Territory, and this part of the money is considered venture capital. The investment time needs to be five years.

Q: Can I apply for the MINT project if I don’t have an Australian study background?

A: This is one of the reasons why the MINT project attracts overseas applicants. The MINT project prefers purely overseas applicants who have never been to Australia. However, the MINT project also welcomes applicants who have traveled to Australia before.

Q: I have studied in Australia, can I apply for the MINT project?

A: Applicants who have studied abroad in the Northern Territory can apply. Applicants who have studied in other Australian states or regions need to wait five years after graduation before they can apply for the MINT project.

Q: What are the advantages of the MINT project?

A: 1) One of the ways to quickly obtain permanent residency in Australia ;

2) You can apply if the EOI meets 65 points;

3) The recognized occupations cover a wide range. In the 2022-2023 fiscal year, the list of occupations accepted by MINT is expanded to cover the entire list of the Immigration Bureau, giving applicants more choices;

4) does not have to compete with applicants from Australia.

Q: Application requirements for the MINT project

A: 1) The applicant’s age is no more than 45 years old;

2) The applicant’s nominated occupation is on the occupation list;

3) Pass the technical assessment of the nominated occupation;

4) The EOI score must reach at least 50 points Above;

5) Language test score reaches IELTS four 6, or equivalent language test score;

6) Invest 51.5 Australian dollars in MINT FUND in the Northern Territory.