A major immigration tragedy occurred in the United States. At least 46 people died in a truck. Local police found at least 46 bodies in the carriage of an 18-wheel truck. The authorities believed that the dead were all immigrants.

A major immigration tragedy occurred in the United States. At least 46 people died in a truck

A major immigration tragedy occurred in San Antonio, Texas, on the 27th. Local police found at least 46 bodies in the carriage of an 18-wheel truck. The authorities believed that the dead were all immigrants. A large number of police cars and ambulances rushed to the scene to investigate the incident. According to local radio reports, the truck was found beside a section of railroad tracks in the southern suburbs of San Antonio. In addition to the 46 dead, 16 others have been sent to the hospital. Cross-border smuggling and human trafficking have long been a problem at the U.S.-Mexico border. Mexican Foreign Minister Ebrard said on social media that the Mexican consul in San Antonio was also rushing to the scene, and the nationality of the victims was not yet clear.

National treasures and cultural relics shine in Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Palace Museum opens a visual feast

A visual feast is about to kick off at the Hong Kong Palace Museum, National treasures will shine in Hong Kong, and the 914 exhibits that will be unveiled in the opening exhibition are all It is selected from more than 1.86 million collections of the Forbidden City. The cultural relics are large in number, high grade, rich in variety, and famous works. It is the largest overseas loan of the collection of the Palace Museum since its establishment in 1925. Miao Yajie, international senior consultant and director of the Chinese calligraphy and painting department of Bonhams, said that from the perspective of aesthetic value and aesthetic value, the 35 calligraphy and painting works on display can allow visitors to fully experience the colors and lines of Chinese calligraphy and painting that have not faded over thousands of years. of agility.

Kissinger: China and the United States need to maintain dialogue, and the view of " Ukraine ceding territory for peace" has been misunderstood

Former US Secretary of State Kissinger accepted an interview with Phoenix TV on the 27th. Regarding the development of China's relations with Western countries, especially the United States, he believes that China and the United States need to maintain dialogue. If they give up active dialogue, it will bring disastrous consequences to the international situation. Kissinger was accused of calling on Ukraine to give up part of its territory, including the Donbass region and Crimea, when attending the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos last month to bring an early end to the Russo-Ukrainian war. In an interview with Phoenix reporters, he said that there was a misunderstanding in his opinion earlier quoted by the outside world as advocating that "Ukraine needs to cede territory to Russia in exchange for peace."

Russian presidential assistant: Putin will attend this year’s G20 summit, and the attendance format is still being confirmed

Russian presidential assistant Ushakov said on the 27th that President Putin will attend the G20 Summit to be held in Indonesia in November. , but the attendance format is still being confirmed. Regarding whether Putin should attend the meeting, the leaders of the European Union and NATO had different reactions. European Commission President von der Leyen , who attended the G7 summit in Germany, recently told the media that she does not advocate that Western leaders boycott the G20 summit on the grounds that Putin may participate. She said that the G20 is crucial to Western countries, developing countries and emerging markets, and it must be seriously considered whether this move will paralyze the entire G20. However, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg said on the 27th that due to Russia's attack on Ukraine, there is nothing to talk about with Russia. U.S. President Biden had earlier stated that Russia would be expelled from the G20. Many European and American countries also called on Indonesia, the host of this summit, not to invite Putin.

China's first batch of earthquake relief materials to aid Afghanistan arrived in Kabul

The first batch of China's government's aid to Afghanistan's earthquake relief materials arrived at Kabul Airport on the 27th. Chinese Ambassador to Afghanistan Wang Yu and Acting Minister of Disaster Management Department of the Afghan Interim Government Giusz attended the material handover ceremony. The first batch of earthquake relief materials includes 120 tents, 320 folding beds, more than 6,000 blankets and other urgently needed items for the victims. The 8,000 tons of food China had previously promised to aid Afghanistan have all arrived and are currently being distributed urgently. Next, there will be 6 more Chinese aircraft to deliver disaster relief supplies. An earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale occurred in southeastern Afghanistan on the 22nd, causing heavy casualties.After the earthquake, the Chinese government immediately decided to provide emergency humanitarian assistance worth 50 million yuan to the disaster-stricken areas of Afghanistan to help Afghanistan cope with the disaster.

Source: Phoenix TV Information Channel

Editor: Mumu